Stoddard Wells Hit and Run

you have been saying none stop he killed them he killed them. as of right now all we know is they kids died in an accident. not the driver killing them. those are two different things. yes no intent required vehicular or involuntary but you must show fault for the accident. and that is something you or i or anyone else knows about. we do not know the details we do not know who is at fault. as of now they died in an accident they were not killed. you have been wanting to be judge and jury already saying he is guilty of killing them yet as of now there is not one piece of evidence to show that. 
Just stop talking 

Does the fact that it's a felony make these maybe somewhat normal people that normally would do the right thing panic and now they know that coming forward could mean a big sentence where as if there was no penalty they could come forward without fear of being locked away for what was in all likely hood a terrible collision...? (accidents can be prevented) I think the case for lessening the charge for this offense could help more than hurt.

But I could also be wrong, guess it depends on what SOCIETY thinks.
I think panic is a natural reaction. Someone else mentioned Morals and I'd add compassion. I don't know where that has gone. There are too many people in this day and age that just don't give a damn.

As to your question, best I can answer is maybe. Its speculation but 20 years as an LEO, time of day (night), situation, being in an accident and leaving, I'd feel pretty good about betting $$$ that alcohol was involved. Will that be proven? Most likely not. But we all know alcohol also impairs critical thinking. 

If they had stayed, called 911, weren't under the influence of anything, rendered aid they may not have faced any criminal charges. Civil suits? Sure, most likely. 

The fact that 'they' left the scene is the criminal part they face at this point. 

hope you tell everyone else the same thing. or is it just me because you dont agree with me. 
No it's just you.  Just go ahead and keep it up, you are starting to sound like a certain person who once had the balls to take the side of a child molester  by saying it wasn't all his(child molestor) fault it was the victim's fault equally. 

No it's just you.  Just go ahead and keep it up, you are starting to sound like a certain person who once had the balls to take the side of a child molester  by saying it wasn't all his(child molestor) fault it was the victim's fault equally. 
that is a pretty far off comparison. but you can have your opinion. 

News has been pretty quiet on this since they took that SXS. Any updates as to the passenger and driver of the SXS?

you have been saying none stop he killed them he killed them. as of right now all we know is they kids died in an accident. not the driver killing them. those are two different things. yes no intent required vehicular or involuntary but you must show fault for the accident. and that is something you or i or anyone else knows about. we do not know the details we do not know who is at fault. as of now they died in an accident they were not killed. you have been wanting to be judge and jury already saying he is guilty of killing them yet as of now there is not one piece of evidence to show that. 
he effing hit them, killing them PERIOD. You cannot deny that FACT

If you have done nothing wrong you don’t run and hide, that is admitting guilt in my book. 

Question for the cops or lawyers on the site.

What's worse?

Felony hit and run or staying on the scene and he was drunk?

Question for the cops or lawyers on the site.

What's worse?

Felony hit and run or staying on the scene and he was drunk?
The drink driving and killing someone is worse. Especially with activist groups like MADD. DUIs have held their punishment during this everyone get out of jail with their hand slapped world we live in now. Seen some pretty harsh sentences handed down to felony DUIs over the years. 

looks like they charged this guy with felony hit and run for now. 

The drink driving and killing someone is worse. Especially with activist groups like MADD. DUIs have held their punishment during this everyone get out of jail with their hand slapped world we live in now. Seen some pretty harsh sentences handed down to felony DUIs over the years. 

looks like they charged this guy with felony hit and run for now. 
That's what I figured and I would bet that's why he left the scene. 

Please don't think I'm making light of this, but I'll bet he was a 'sign n' drive' type owner... 

I don't drink and drive anything anymore, .. used to be shitfaced.. too many close calls.. main reason I sold the rail. I didn't want to kill anyone.. didn't want to go to prison for being stupid/selfish.


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 Looks like he had kids of his own..


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Question for the cops or lawyers on the site.

What's worse?

Felony hit and run or staying on the scene and he was drunk?
They are both really bad, however, if he had a prior DUI on his record he would be looking at a 187pc Watson murder count which can get him 25 to life.  He would be looking at less time for the hit and run if he was under the influence. If he stayed at the scene and was not DUI, he would most likely get nothing, other than civilly sued by the victim’s family, due to it being off-road.  

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edgar ivan galindo diaz a local apple valley resident and owner of the rzr involved in the fatal crash has surrendered to victorville chp 
