Stoddard Wells Hit and Run

Ive said it for years now.  folks now days have no respect for anything.  Its all about me, me, me, me, me and me.  no respect for anyone or anything.  especially the country that provides them the right to be a.z.z.Holes. 

This is the new and upcoming desert crowd......and that goes for both sides on this incident. We have a new "demographic" that has very little use for rules, respect, order or even common sense. I call it our "lawless society".

Effing ridiculous.

Horrible tragedy that certainly should have been avoided.
One of the few reasons I’m looking forward to a recession. It’ll help weed out these type of individuals. Too many inexperienced look at me kids and adults  who are getting into the sport with e z financing and not a care for learning about off road etiquette. Social media has greatly contributed to the growth of this sport. Unfortunately the ding dongs come with it. 

If you look at the "everyone gets a trophy" topic you have to ask who is to blame?

Because the 6 year old kid who wants to play soccer isnt setting up the teams. He or she is not designing the format. Its the parents. 

Ive seen both sides. I had to watch the everyone gets a trophy style of sports. It was hard to accept as a reality. The other side of the story is still out there. I know a guy with twin little girls. They are playing softball. They take it serious!!! Like big time serious. You are there to win. You want to win. You try your absolute best all the time. Works into your normal life years later. 

This will be the first Halloween we do not go to Dumont,  It was about the kids, now it is just a bunch of Lawless Adults getting drunk, and acting like fools,  No care for there surroundings, 

Last year someone drove through camp, and our camp was closed off pretty tight, If i keep going out for Halloween, then i might end up in prison.  

It was so nice to go to a place like Idaho, everyone was so respectful.  

Everywhere you go the no money down sign and drive people are going to destroy off highway for everyone, from the Rubicon to the Desert and the Dunes, 

If you look at the "everyone gets a trophy" topic you have to ask who is to blame?

Because the 6 year old kid who wants to play soccer isnt setting up the teams. He or she is not designing the format. Its the parents. 

Ive seen both sides. I had to watch the everyone gets a trophy style of sports. It was hard to accept as a reality. The other side of the story is still out there. I know a guy with twin little girls. They are playing softball. They take it serious!!! Like big time serious. You are there to win. You want to win. You try your absolute best all the time. Works into your normal life years later. 
My son plays club soccer…no trophies at the end of season even when we do win the tournament/or season…state cup…etc. doesn’t matter to him,he just likes to play hard and if they win that’s a bonus! Life lessons! 

This will be the first Halloween we do not go to Dumont,  It was about the kids, now it is just a bunch of Lawless Adults getting drunk, and acting like fools,  No care for there surroundings, 

Last year someone drove through camp, and our camp was closed off pretty tight, If i keep going out for Halloween, then i might end up in prison.  

It was so nice to go to a place like Idaho, everyone was so respectful.  

Everywhere you go the no money down sign and drive people are going to destroy off highway for everyone, from the Rubicon to the Desert and the Dunes, 
Sold all my stuff a couple years ago......kind of a rash decision at the time but no regrets now for sure. Like said, hopefully once some of these SXS kooks start getting their stuff repo'd maybe things will clean up some.

Internet and social media is the winner for the most blame.

Sold all my stuff a couple years ago......kind of a rash decision at the time but no regrets now for sure. Like said, hopefully once some of these SXS kooks start getting their stuff repo'd maybe things will clean up some.

Internet and social media is the winner for the most blame.
I've been on this fence for a couple of years. I hate to give up what I enjoy because of the behavior of some of the wing nuts out there. What I have given up is certain places at certain times. Try to go when less populated, mid-week, summer, and never on a holiday weekend. Yet there is still plenty to shake your head and ask why.

Internet and social media is the winner for the most blame.
This is huge and I wouldn't be surprised if a video arises of the wreck.  

"Trophy Culture" ain't it.  We got end of the year trophies in Little League when I was a kid in the 80s.  We didn't give 2 shits and realized they were lame.

The "famous" online clips are what aszholes want nowadays.  Young and old. 

We see it non stop on "groups"

I've been on this fence for a couple of years. I hate to give up what I enjoy because of the behavior of some of the wing nuts out there. What I have given up is certain places at certain times. Try to go when less populated, mid-week, summer, and never on a holiday weekend. Yet there is still plenty to shake your head and ask why.
I’m almost with you on this one. Except l’m not not going to give up what I love because of a few bad apples. Besides, if I gave it up, then they won and I don’t like losing. 

I’m almost with you on this one. Except l’m not not going to give up what I love because of a few bad apples. Besides, if I gave it up, then they won and I don’t like losing. 
Not even for a participation trophy? 😂 Just playing. I agree!!

did you not read the very first post with the screen shot from the family? its says they were riding doubles. and there was one quad and two kids.  everything i have said is based off what the family posted.  

and yes people like you that jump on mob mentality, you use your emotion to justify your action of convicting a person of murder with no evidence. shoot you even tried to deny the simple evidence they were riding doubles when that was stated by the family. it was an accident and you act like they saw the kids and changed course to intentionally hit them.  you didnt even read what the family posted that they were riding double and try to say i was not there so i would not know that.  so maybe put the middle finger away, for one i never called anyone names all i have done is talk about what fact we know. 

basically it comes down to we dont know what happen what caused  the crash, you put all the blame on the rzr driver and make all the assumptions about him but none from the other side. both sides should of been acting better and this probably would not have happened. mob rule has taken over and already convicted the guy of murder with no facts, and that is my issue. we dont know what happen. we only have a small amount of facts that the family posted. 

like i said before if evidence comes out that makes the the rzr driver overwhelming at fault i will be the first one to change my tone. but as of now we dont know any of those facts. except he didnt stop. depending on the evidence they can get a murder charge will be hard to prove in a no fault area like the open desert. 
He left, he hid the car and is basically in the wind... what else do "people like me" need to know? Innocent people don't run and hide so ya, FUK THAT GUY!

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They should have stopped to give aid or call for help, but that is truly all that is known.  I had an effing kid on a bike come up from behind me to beside me on the flats behind the washes, get distracted and then hook a turn right in front of my rail.  I almost wadded up and missed him by less than a few feet.  He apparently got distracted by a buddy and forgot I was there.  People do stupid chit all the time, and more so when playing off road.
the difference is, you would have stopped. I was coming up tree line back from Olds many years ago and had a kid on a bike run straight in to the front of my car, he landed in my wife's lap and the bike on the x-bracing on the front of the car... we didn't just keep going :dunno:  

Those parents lives are ruined for life.  There will never be a time where they don't blame themselves for what has happened, I also see a divorce coming their way as well.  If they are smart they will seek professional help  to get thru the grief.

This was just a sad incident where the blame was equally shared right up to the point where the driver of the RzR decided to drive away, At that point it became a crime plain and simple.

@jareddustin had at the time of your unfortunate accident where you were zero at fault left the scene of the accident.  You would of gone to jail and rightfully so.   

Leaving the scene of a accident is a crime and that crime overtakes any other crime that might of been being committed at the time of the accident.

Those parents lives are ruined for life.  There will never be a time where they don't blame themselves for what has happened, I also see a divorce coming their way as well.  If they are smart they will seek professional help  to get thru the grief.

This was just a sad incident where the blame was equally shared right up to the point where the driver of the RzR decided to drive away, At that point it became a crime plain and simple.

@jareddustin had at the time of your unfortunate accident where you were zero at fault left the scene of the accident.  You would of gone to jail and rightfully so.   

Leaving the scene of a accident is a crime and that crime overtakes any other crime that might of been being committed at the time of the accident.
like i said in almost every post i made they guy should not have ran, but as of now the only crime he is guilty of is leaving the scene of a accident. yes he should be held accountable for that. but again leaving the scene is the only crime that has been committed. 

A few years ago a lady run over a kid in buttercup and left . What ever happen to her?

He left, he hid the car and is basically in the wind... what else do "people like me" need to know? Innocent people don't run and hide so ya, FUK THAT GUY!
i dont care if im the only one with this position, ill stand alone. the mob mentality of already convicting this guy of murder is wrong. he is scum for running and should be charged as much as possible for that. but murder is a a whole other thing and a very serious offence. with out knowing the facts surrounding the accident and what really happened i would not be saying he murdered those kids. that is too serious of a thing to just throw around with out evidence. just because he ran does not constitute guilt, its sad but its not uncommon. ill wait till more evidence comes out before passing any judgement on murder and i wish more people would do the same. but for now looks like its only me not saying he is guilty of murder and im ok with that. 

This will be the first Halloween we do not go to Dumont,  It was about the kids, now it is just a bunch of Lawless Adults getting drunk, and acting like fools,  No care for there surroundings, 

Last year someone drove through camp, and our camp was closed off pretty tight, If i keep going out for Halloween, then i might end up in prison.  

It was so nice to go to a place like Idaho, everyone was so respectful.  

Everywhere you go the no money down sign and drive people are going to destroy off highway for everyone, from the Rubicon to the Desert and the Dunes, 
This exactly  why i dont take my 4,8,9 year olds to glamis. I have a very quiet spot at plaster city with a big kiddie track i’ve been going to last 8 years or so. Unfortunately some of the terra crew idiots recently started camping there (my last two trips), driving their shitbox prerunners (some are very nice) through the kiddie track at high speed with kids on the track and around camps at dangerous speeds. 

i dont care if im the only one with this position, ill stand alone. the mob mentality of already convicting this guy of murder is wrong. he is scum for running and should be charged as much as possible for that. but murder is a a whole other thing and a very serious offence. with out knowing the facts surrounding the accident and what really happened i would not be saying he murdered those kids. that is too serious of a thing to just throw around with out evidence. just because he ran does not constitute guilt, its sad but its not uncommon. ill wait till more evidence comes out before passing any judgement on murder and i wish more people would do the same. but for now looks like its only me not saying he is guilty of murder and im ok with that.

I get what your saying 100% @jareddustin

When kids get killed, emotions run high and logic goes out the window. Don't expect to change minds of others who see this differently, not a winnable argument. It's like the abortion topic, laws vs moral beliefs, etc.

It would be very hard to prove guilt unless other folks were there or somehow the incident was caught on video. Until some other facts get out, its negligence on the part of the parents 100% - because that's all we know at this time.

Your not the only one in that situation you shared. We've had a member(s) here who hit another rider and they died in Glamis.  Sadly, its not uncommon in this sport, people get hit and they die.

What can prevent it is what I'm interested in discussing.

A Few things that could have potentially helped avoid this situation:

* Parents riding with kids

* Kids not riding doubles

* Well lit OHV that could be seen by other OHV, Lighted Whips was a great recommendation
