Stoddard Wells Hit and Run

i dont care if im the only one with this position, ill stand alone. the mob mentality of already convicting this guy of murder is wrong. he is scum for running and should be charged as much as possible for that. but murder is a a whole other thing and a very serious offence. with out knowing the facts surrounding the accident and what really happened i would not be saying he murdered those kids. that is too serious of a thing to just throw around with out evidence. just because he ran does not constitute guilt, its sad but its not uncommon. ill wait till more evidence comes out before passing any judgement on murder and i wish more people would do the same. but for now looks like its only me not saying he is guilty of murder and im ok with that. 
Murder requires intent.

Don't know the guy or guys but I think I'd be safe to say 'they' did not get into the RzR and say 'let's go run over and kill those kids'

What he is guilty of and I don't need any more evidence, is FELONY hit & run. 


I get what your saying 100% @jareddustin

When kids get killed, emotions run high and logic goes out the window. Don't expect to change minds of others who see this differently, not a winnable argument. It's like the abortion topic, laws vs moral beliefs, etc.

It would be very hard to prove guilt unless other folks were there or somehow the incident was caught on video. Until some other facts get out, its negligence on the part of the parents 100% - because that's all we know at this time.

Your not the only one in that situation you shared. We've had a member(s) here who hit another rider and they died in Glamis.  Sadly, its not uncommon in this sport, people get hit and they die.

What can prevent it is what I'm interested in discussing.

A Few things that could have potentially helped avoid this situation:

* Parents riding with kids

* Kids not riding doubles

* Well lit OHV that could be seen by other OHV, Lighted Whips was a great recommendation
thank you crusty

my situation was on the road not glamis but still very similar. because i have been in that situation had my life changed due to false allegations and witness statements is the reason im willing to stand alone on this  when it comes to placing blame and fault with no evidence. i knew when i started my first comment that i would most likely be alone in my position. i actually expected alot more black lash towards me, but i knew that was a possibility when i made my comments.  

Murder requires intent.

Don't know the guy or guys but I think I'd be safe to say 'they' did not get into the RzR and say 'let's go run over and kill those kids'

What he is guilty of and I don't need any more evidence, is FELONY hit & run. 

pretty much what i have been saying the whole time. even manslaughter needs to show at fault. which none of us have evidence for. felony hit and run due to injuries is all the diver can be charged with at this time. and he should be charged and hopefully convicted of that. 

Murder requires intent.

Don't know the guy or guys but I think I'd be safe to say 'they' did not get into the RzR and say 'let's go run over and kill those kids'

What he is guilty of and I don't need any more evidence, is FELONY hit & run. 

@matt86mYou were a LEO, would/could this translate to involuntary manslaughter? No intent required in "involuntary" since they fled the scene.

again you do not know the what caused the accident. you were not there neither was I. in order to be charged with manslaughter you need to prove the driver was at fault of the accident. right now no one has any evidence of fault. 
fwiw you all are playing lawyer when you arent. Let it play out.

you arent exempt from vehicle codes and laws just because you are off road. Dont mistake insurance laws for state/federal vehicle laws

All mute unless you find the dude. With the media coverage this is getting, I'm gonna bet they got investigators working this one pretty hard.

This exactly  why i dont take my 4,8,9 year olds to glamis. I have a very quiet spot at plaster city with a big kiddie track i’ve been going to last 8 years or so. Unfortunately some of the terra crew idiots recently started camping there (my last two trips), driving their shitbox prerunners (some are very nice) through the kiddie track at high speed with kids on the track and around camps at dangerous speeds. 
This weighs on me a lot when we are out. We've got 8 kids in our group 17 and under.  It's our (the parents) responsibility and obligation to keep them safe while we are duning. They are kids. Kids do dumb stuff sometimes and it's our job to teach them the consequences of doing dumb stuff. I cannot control stupid people out in the dunes but I can control what I allow the kids to do. For instance, there is absolutely zero night riding in our camp by the kids. They are not allowed to leave the perimeter of the circled rigs on foot to play hide and seek or such. When we are out riding, there's usually an adult leader, followed by all of the kids and then another adult rear. Along with that, the other adults will act as a rover of sort making sure all the kids are seen by potential other riders/drivers and mitigating risk. All bikes have a flag and the kids are all wearing appropriate safety gear.

Our kids know if they get lost or can't make a hill, an adult will be there in seconds to guide them up the right path and back in line with the group. I feel in this instance, there was no education to the kids or even the parents. Either they didn't know the risk of allowing their kids to ride at night or didn't care about that risk. But that risk is real. 

The parents can be as pissed off all they want at the RZR driver. Wanting to publicly hang him for all to see because he was involved in a collision with their babies. But bringing justice to Timmy the RZR driver does not bring their children back from an action that could have been avoided. In my opinion, they are just as much at fault as that RZR driver.

Murder requires intent.

Don't know the guy or guys but I think I'd be safe to say 'they' did not get into the RzR and say 'let's go run over and kill those kids'

What he is guilty of and I don't need any more evidence, is FELONY hit & run. 

Does the fact that it's a felony make these maybe somewhat normal people that normally would do the right thing panic and now they know that coming forward could mean a big sentence where as if there was no penalty they could come forward without fear of being locked away for what was in all likely hood a terrible collision...? (accidents can be prevented) I think the case for lessening the charge for this offense could help more than hurt.

But I could also be wrong, guess it depends on what SOCIETY thinks.

This weighs on me a lot when we are out. We've got 8 kids in our group 17 and under.  It's our (the parents) responsibility and obligation to keep them safe while we are duning. They are kids. Kids do dumb stuff sometimes and it's our job to teach them the consequences of doing dumb stuff. I cannot control stupid people out in the dunes but I can control what I allow the kids to do. For instance, there is absolutely zero night riding in our camp by the kids. They are not allowed to leave the perimeter of the circled rigs on foot to play hide and seek or such. When we are out riding, there's usually an adult leader, followed by all of the kids and then another adult rear. Along with that, the other adults will act as a rover of sort making sure all the kids are seen by potential other riders/drivers and mitigating risk. All bikes have a flag and the kids are all wearing appropriate safety gear.

Our kids know if they get lost or can't make a hill, an adult will be there in seconds to guide them up the right path and back in line with the group. I feel in this instance, there was no education to the kids or even the parents. Either they didn't know the risk of allowing their kids to ride at night or didn't care about that risk. But that risk is real. 

The parents can be as pissed off all they want at the RZR driver. Wanting to publicly hang him for all to see because he was involved in a collision with their babies. But bringing justice to Timmy the RZR driver does not bring their children back from an action that could have been avoided. In my opinion, they are just as much at fault as that RZR driver.
It's not the fact that he hit them, it's ALL about the fact that he left them there afterwards... Yes accidents happen, but as I said before innocent people don't run, hide, stash and vanish.

fwiw you all are playing lawyer when you arent. Let it play out.

you arent exempt from vehicle codes and laws just because you are off road. Dont mistake insurance laws for state/federal vehicle laws
same can be said for all the people calling for the driver to be arrested for murder. they are playing judge and jury when they are not. let it play out is basically what i have been saying, we dont have facts to make judgements. only thing we know its hit and run, but that does not mean murder or manslaughter or what ever you want to try and call it. 

This whole ordeal still blows me away. Where’s the humanity? Morals? Dudes should have just stopped called for help and remain at the scene till emergency personnel got there and make a statement. Obviously they didn’t call 911 someone else did. The whole insurance comment deal is just repulsive. If they were scared about a mob coming after them, they still could have called for help and returned at the scene once authorities got there. At least that. That’s why I assume they were under the influence of something. 

I also wonder how far from other campers these bozos were when they went ripping through? 50 feet of other campers =15 mph. 

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same can be said for all the people calling for the driver to be arrested for murder. they are playing judge and jury when they are not. let it play out is basically what i have been saying, we dont have facts to make judgements. only thing we know its hit and run, but that does not mean murder or manslaughter or what ever you want to try and call it. 
If you read carefully i said “you all” didnt mean for it to seem like i was singling you out, sorry if i gave you that impression. Your post happened to be the last post in the thread when i went to quote the activity. 

Carry on

To me they are murderers, and i say that because they left two children to Die,  I was hit by a drunk driver at 10 years old, my Father did not make it,  If they would stayed and got help he would have lived, They ran he passed away.  I have spent my whole life in and out of surgeries just to walk, 

Things would have been different if they would have stayed, 

They went to prison  because they left, 

If They stayed, one or both of the children might have lived,  Eff em.  They should have been a Man about the situation. 

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If they stayed and got help,  the outlook would have been different, Stoddard Wells Rd is a Road,  so the ATV of that size should have not been there,  and the parents had no where to be found, SXS was on Stoddard Wells rd, East of Central,  that way past the camp site the kids should have, not have been there.  

If the SXS did not run, i feel this would have been on the parents shoulders, If the parents had been more responsible,  non of this would have happened.

At the end of the day, I have the keys for my daughter quad, she asked ever trip, can i ride my quad at night, " just in camp "  Nope, to many rails leaving and entering camp, dont want to put that on someone.

same can be said for all the people calling for the driver to be arrested for murder. they are playing judge and jury when they are not. let it play out is basically what i have been saying, we dont have facts to make judgements. only thing we know its hit and run, but that does not mean murder or manslaughter or what ever you want to try and call it. 
Murder and involuntary manslaughter have different definitions, so no it's not whatever we want to call it. He killed them, maybe someone else said murder but I don't recall doing that myself. He killed them and left, that in itself warrants the arrest, FELONY hit and run and involuntary or vehicular manslaughter charges. No intent required. If, and  that's the key word,  they find him I'd wager those will be the charges levied. 

Does the fact that it's a felony make these maybe somewhat normal people that normally would do the right thing panic and now they know that coming forward could mean a big sentence where as if there was no penalty they could come forward without fear of being locked away for what was in all likely hood a terrible collision...? (accidents can be prevented) I think the case for lessening the charge for this offense could help more than hurt.

But I could also be wrong, guess it depends on what SOCIETY thinks.
The suck part is the only thing that would have constituted a felony if he had stopped, would have been drinking. Nobody wants to talk about it or mention it but lets face it, we've all done it out there at one time or another... look how many arrests are made in G on any given weekend during the duning season.

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Murder and involuntary manslaughter have different definitions, so no it's not whatever we want to call it. He killed them, maybe someone else said murder but I don't recall doing that myself. He killed them and left, that in itself warrants the arrest, FELONY hit and run and involuntary or vehicular manslaughter charges. No intent required. If, and  that's the key word,  they find him I'd wager those will be the charges levied. 
you have been saying none stop he killed them he killed them. as of right now all we know is they kids died in an accident. not the driver killing them. those are two different things. yes no intent required vehicular or involuntary but you must show fault for the accident. and that is something you or i or anyone else knows about. we do not know the details we do not know who is at fault. as of now they died in an accident they were not killed. you have been wanting to be judge and jury already saying he is guilty of killing them yet as of now there is not one piece of evidence to show that. 
