Stoddard Wells Hit and Run

That is why we see so much Hit run today, no penalties....No excuse for it at all... Make it so if you hit run its just like  DUI,  then guess what people would stop... but that will never happen society is F'd... people think it's ok to hit kids and let them die in the dirt........what's next??????

I wonder if the family lawyer finds a dr that would testify if the kids would have had aid rendered to them sooner the chances of survival would have increased would change the charges over to manslaughter or involuntary manslaughter. 

Alper,  I'm very sorry to read that about your father. 
Thank you 

Same, that's a tough one, sorry to hear that occurred to you and your family.
Thank you 

you have been saying none stop he killed them he killed them. as of right now all we know is they kids died in an accident. not the driver killing them. those are two different things. yes no intent required vehicular or involuntary but you must show fault for the accident. and that is something you or i or anyone else knows about. we do not know the details we do not know who is at fault. as of now they died in an accident they were not killed. you have been wanting to be judge and jury already saying he is guilty of killing them yet as of now there is not one piece of evidence to show that. 
Yes this is correct for Lawyers, But at the end of the day, basically how they handled it, they have no humanity.  whoever is at fault is besides the point, They are two people that could have changed the outcome,  and the decision they made left two children dead, 

How would anyone feel if you kids where laying there hurt, and people drove by or felt it was not there responsibility, 

I hate SXS's but if i see someone hurt or needs help in the dunes, i dont turn my head away from situation.  

If you look past the fault and pointing fingers, They left, and the way they left, pretty sure the driver and the passenger was fully aware of what happened, 

They are both really bad, however, if he had a prior DUI on his record he would be looking at a 187pc Watson murder count which can get him 25 to life.  He would be looking at less time for the hit and run if he was under the influence. If he stayed at the scene and was not DUI, he would most likely get nothing, other than civilly sued by the victim’s family, due to it being off-road.  
And that's why you have dirtbags that will leave the scene if drunk. The law is easy on them and it's a no-brainer if you have no remorse for anyone.


I saw last night on the Boob tube that they interviewed the first person on the scene, I missed it and can't find it.  Anyone see it?

I saw last night on the Boob tube that they interviewed the first person on the scene, I missed it and can't find it.  Anyone see it?

I can't imagine the good folks that found those poor kids, it was another group of campers right?


I can't imagine the good folks that found those poor kids, it was another group of campers right?
I believe another camp found the kids and someone even had to go looking for the parents. 


I can't imagine the good folks that found those poor kids, it was another group of campers right?
I was flipping thru the channels getting to the Dodgers game and Channel 4 had "Coming Up" next promo, i missed it.  Thought I could find online and can't.  Bummer really wanted to hear what they wanted to say.

This accident hits real close to home. Literally. 

I live in Apple Valley and we take our kids riding at Stodard almost every other weekend during winter. 

I showed all 3 of my kids this news story and explained to them why they only get to ride in front of camp and we never ride at night or go on holiday weekends. To many people like this bhole exist in this world. 

At the end of the day. The guy that hit him is going to pay the consequences and the parents that let their kids ride off at night will have to live with that decision the rest of their lives. 

This accident hits real close to home. Literally. 

I live in Apple Valley and we take our kids riding at Stodard almost every other weekend during winter. 

I showed all 3 of my kids this news story and explained to them why they only get to ride in front of camp and we never ride at night or go on holiday weekends. To many people like this bhole exist in this world. 

At the end of the day. The guy that hit him is going to pay the consequences and the parents that let their kids ride off at night will have to live with that decision the rest of their lives. 
The unfortunate part is, the kids were apparently told no and they went anyways because, we kids do dumb chit sometimes... 

The unfortunate part is, the kids were apparently told no and they went anyways because, we kids do dumb chit sometimes... 
I guess I’m the only one that locks bikes up at night. I’m sure the parents couldn’t hear them leave on an ATV either. 
Obviously the parents couldn’t have predicted some douche bag running them over and leaving them for dead. 


kids do dumb chit and so do parents. 

Nobody is perfect and these parents have to live with that I can’t imagine the guilt they have, I feel for them. 

I hope us parents learn from this and keep a close eye on our little ones. 
