Stoddard Wells Hit and Run

We don’t know if there are witnesses or not? Extra charges were filled, so maybe  the DA found witnesses that came forward, and told them what they saw? Or maybe the passenger is talking to save his own ass. 

Not that I have any experience in this, but I do have a friend who was the assistant Chief to the DA, and he has said if additional charges get filed in a case like this, it typically means more evidence has been found or someone starts talking. 
I assume they put the screws to the passenger unless he testified against the driver, or he said something stupid to the cops “trying to clear things up.”

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I assume they put the screws to the passenger unless he testified against the driver, or he said something stupid to the cops “trying to clear things up.”
I would guess the bold part after his dumb ass post on social media that someone posted earlier in this thread.
