Stoddard Wells Hit and Run

In Az. Not sure how it worked out but we did or tried to reduce hit and run to a misdemeanor or nothing at all if you came back in a certain amount of time because they felt that after something like that to happen that right after you may not be thinking clearly and human nature is to flight…

@wapawekka according to his Instagram post Dylan already ratted out Eric as the driver. These are dumb kids no doubt. They’ve probably also incriminated themselves through texts and other social media. 
Good. I'm glad they're not smart. I wonder how old they are. Have to be real dumb to kill 2 kids and then try to plead your case on social media.

In Az. Not sure how it worked out but we did or tried to reduce hit and run to a misdemeanor or nothing at all if you came back in a certain amount of time because they felt that after something like that to happen that right after you may not be thinking clearly and human nature is to flight…
2 died, if they prove that quicker response could’ve saved them, criminal negligence or manslaughter seems plausible, no?

Since you were not there you can't say that they did break those laws, except maybe supervision. Because of people like me? :effu:  These were not teenagers, they were little kids that were fukking run over. What happened to you sucks, but that sure doesn't make every case like that. I can guarantee if they find him it will be a whole lot more than a hit and run charge. The tone you put forth is that because they were alone it was their fault. I'm done here... this a like beating a dead horse. :peace:
did you not read the very first post with the screen shot from the family? its says they were riding doubles. and there was one quad and two kids.  everything i have said is based off what the family posted.  

and yes people like you that jump on mob mentality, you use your emotion to justify your action of convicting a person of murder with no evidence. shoot you even tried to deny the simple evidence they were riding doubles when that was stated by the family. it was an accident and you act like they saw the kids and changed course to intentionally hit them.  you didnt even read what the family posted that they were riding double and try to say i was not there so i would not know that.  so maybe put the middle finger away, for one i never called anyone names all i have done is talk about what fact we know. 

basically it comes down to we dont know what happen what caused  the crash, you put all the blame on the rzr driver and make all the assumptions about him but none from the other side. both sides should of been acting better and this probably would not have happened. mob rule has taken over and already convicted the guy of murder with no facts, and that is my issue. we dont know what happen. we only have a small amount of facts that the family posted. 

like i said before if evidence comes out that makes the the rzr driver overwhelming at fault i will be the first one to change my tone. but as of now we dont know any of those facts. except he didnt stop. depending on the evidence they can get a murder charge will be hard to prove in a no fault area like the open desert. 

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If those were my kids, I'd feel 1000% at fault.

Idiots exist in this world, it's MY job to keep my family safe from them.

I'm glad there are reports that the driver of the rzr is close to being found. Nobody should leave a scene like that, does there need to be laws stating that? 

No amount of "Justice" will bring back those kids.

Hopefully their lives will help prevent some other family from the same situation. This sport is going through a huge surge in popularity right now...

If those were my kids, I'd feel 1000% at fault.
I can relate. In 2017, my then 14 son (turned 15 the next day), rode his quad from Roadrunner to Sweet Marie's for a burrito. He crashed near Pad 5 and broke his back. He was riding by himself. He should not have been alone, regardless of his riding abilities. I was the worst Dad in the world that day. Took me a long time to move on from that life lesson. 

I truly hope the parents can find closure. 

They HIT two kids and KILLED them.. .ON stoddard wells road....NOT open Desert... On the road.... IDGAF if the kids cut him off or whatever... HE was the Adult... with the Bigger vehicle....HE didn't stop, The kids are DEAD.  I don't  think it makes a difference if you are at fault or not if you are involved in a collision and hit/run. 

Just my two cents... sticking up for people that KILLED two little kids and ran like a Bitch is just complete bullshit.

They HIT two kids and KILLED them.. .ON stoddard wells road....NOT open Desert... On the road.... IDGAF if the kids cut him off or whatever... HE was the Adult... with the Bigger vehicle....HE didn't stop, The kids are DEAD.  I don't  think it makes a difference if you are at fault or not if you are involved in a collision and hit/run. 

Just my two cents... sticking up for people that KILLED two little kids and ran like a Bitch is just complete bullshit.
100 %

This is very tragic,  I dont know what i would do if this happened to Vivien,  We only let her out of camp with us by her side with me in my dually in the area at Dumont where a lot of kids ride on the trails,  She also has a Tayo, it has very pour lighting,  We never let her ride at night, not even in camp, due to her being ran over in camp.   I am guilty of driving way to fast in the camp areas,  really makes you think this can happen to a lot of people.  

Hope this is a learning experience for everyone, 

One aspect to keep in mind of these types of situations. While there may not be a lot of exposure to the law or laws, there is a huge potential for loss in civil court. The driver of SxS could be facing decades, if not a lifetime of financial ruin.

They HIT two kids and KILLED them.. .ON stoddard wells road....NOT open Desert... On the road.... IDGAF if the kids cut him off or whatever... HE was the Adult... with the Bigger vehicle....HE didn't stop, The kids are DEAD.  I don't  think it makes a difference if you are at fault or not if you are involved in a collision and hit/run. 

Just my two cents... sticking up for people that KILLED two little kids and ran like a Bitch is just complete bullshit.
They should have stopped to give aid or call for help, but that is truly all that is known.  I had an effing kid on a bike come up from behind me to beside me on the flats behind the washes, get distracted and then hook a turn right in front of my rail.  I almost wadded up and missed him by less than a few feet.  He apparently got distracted by a buddy and forgot I was there.  People do stupid chit all the time, and more so when playing off road.

They should have stopped to give aid or call for help, but that is truly all that is known.
No, that is incorrect....It is KNOWN that they smashed into 2 children at high speed given the damage to the quad....and LEFT 2 CHILDREN to die alone in the dirt at night.  Doesn't matter who was at fault at this point.... what they did after the impact is what matters.....They are Effing SCUM........what would you do to them if it were your kids?  

We have all either had or been there when chit goes wrong.....WE didn't cut and run....that is what was called a coward in the day. No excuses ZERO for what they did. 

Such a sad story. The way these boys have been talking on social media my guess is they will get the truth. Both my girls rode lt80s and then blasters and then up to 400EX. Neither one of them ever rode without me being with them. Unless it was inside a camp of circled motorhomes. I always watched them like a hawk because I was so scared they would get hurt. Even if they got out of line when we were out duning I would get up in their face about it. Once my youngest daughter got older she would jump her blaster higher than the boys. I would always cringe watching her. But you also have to let them have fun and can't put them in a box.

kn1fe664 Is an idiot, says they didn’t have insurance so by law they don’t have to stop?? WTF is he thinking? You worried about insurance, do the right thing and render aid. Leaving the scene and time makes me believe alcohol was involved.  

You we’re in a vehicle and obviously caused serious damage and sadly loss of life.
No moral compass, compassion and could care less, sad that people can think like this. 
RIP to the kids an so sorry for the families!

We can only hope everyone in the Razor is caught and brought to justice.  

You can't fix stupid....this is the generation that has been raised in the honor, no code, no caring. They are going to learn a very painful and costly lesson.  
This is the new and upcoming desert crowd......and that goes for both sides on this incident. We have a new "demographic" that has very little use for rules, respect, order or even common sense. I call it our "lawless society".

Effing ridiculous.

Horrible tragedy that certainly should have been avoided.

This is the new and upcoming desert crowd......and that goes for both sides on this incident. We have a new "demographic" that has very little use for rules, respect, order or even common sense. I call it our "lawless society".

Effing ridiculous.

Horrible tragedy that certainly should have been avoided.
Well said, no rules, no laws and no moral compass. 
I guess that’s what we get when everyone gets a  participation trophy.  
Sad state of the country. 
