Stoddard Wells Hit and Run

@Kraut_n_Rice Ha. The kid is good but not that good. This happens only in the day. Parents won’t let him ride in the dark. On second thought maybe he is that good. Will have to test his skills out this season on a night run. 😁

My wife just told me that one time he either rolled or got buried in his quad over by that buried truck and couldn’t get it unstuck or turned back over and some good guys in a rail went to help him out and brought him back to camp. Good thing they were “good guys”. And the kid always knows what wash we are in!

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This is so sad, RIP little ones. Life can change in the blink of an eye. Hug and watch your little ones. 

based on what we know the only thing this guy can get charged for is hit and run.  at this point unless someone in their group is willing to testify its damn near impossible to prove who was driving and if that person had been drinking.  

please no one think im defending the rzr driver. he should of stopped and tried to help not ran. that was a really messed up thing to do.  but based on what we know it was an accident. and accident i think should of never happened if the parents were being parents. 
Hit and run in CA is a crime, consider the fact that he caused the death of 2 children and that makes it a felony and him a 3 time loser. I hope he gets caught/locked up and the inmates find out why he's there. Again I say, FFUUCCKK that guy!

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Night riding is notoriously a bad idea.   Little kids on a little quad, even worse.

There's so many awful aspects to this story.
I agree with this and wouldn't let me kids do it, however beating on the parents after a horrific loss like this is also inexcusable in my book. The thing these people don't realize is it could have been them or their kids just cruising around. I almost got hit in a wash in Ocotillo in the middle of the day by a guy in a prerunner doing well over 100mph with no regard for anyone but himself. There's no reason for riding/driving like an asshat in a crowded area. EVER

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It may have not been dark when the accident occurred. 
First report from Law Enforcement was at 8:59, let’s say it took them 1/2 hour to get there. How long before that did someone know there was an accident and call them?
Dusk can be just as or more dangerous than dark. 
Either way it is a bad deal. RIP to the little ones and I do hope they catch the guy. 

That quad was run over, not just hit.  The thing is mangled.  The quad had lights as well.  Either way no excuse for leaving the scene.

Hit and run in CA is a crime, consider the fact that he caused the death of 2 children and that makes it a felony and him a 3 time loser. I hope he gets caught/locked up and the inmates find out why he's there. Again I say, FFUUCCKK that guy!
did he cause the death? off road areas are no fault area. we dont know what caused the accident. yes Eff that guy for not doing the right thing and stopping. again i say the parents play a big roll in responsibility 

I agree with this and wouldn't let me kids do it, however beating on the parents after a horrific loss like this is also inexcusable in my book. The thing these people don't realize is it could have been them or their kids just cruising around. I almost got hit in a wash in Ocotillo in the middle of the day by a guy in a prerunner doing well over 100mph with no regard for anyone but himself. There's no reason for riding/driving like an asshat in a crowded area. EVER
so because they are grieving they are excused of any wrong doing and any responsibility, and that gives them the right to pass all blame on someone else? sorry but that is BS. not one thing the kids did should of been allowed and some of it is actually illegal. 

trust me i feel for the parents if it was my daughter i would be looking for someone to blame too, but im not emotionally involved and can look at it from a facts perspective and they hold responsibility for the accident as well

so because they are grieving they are excused of any wrong doing and any responsibility, and that gives them the right to pass all blame on someone else? sorry but that is BS. not one thing the kids did should of been allowed and some of it is actually illegal. 

trust me i feel for the parents if it was my daughter i would be looking for someone to blame too, but im not emotionally involved and can look at it from a facts perspective and they hold responsibility for the accident as well
I agree they "should not" have been away from camp, HOWEVER, what was illegal about kids having a good time on their quads? Were you there to witness illegal activity? Kids are kids and do silly chit, that doesn't give some fuktard the right to punch their ticket.

did he cause the death? off road areas are no fault area. we dont know what caused the accident. yes Eff that guy for not doing the right thing and stopping. again i say the parents play a big roll in responsibility 
Yes, he ABSOLUTELY caused their death by running them the Eff over. Had he not hit them they would be alive now. Just because it's a recreational area doesn't give people the right to be reckless. 

I'm with @Crusty: learn from the situation. 

Either way, I feel bad for the parents, the siblings, and especially the kids.  I also feel bad for the idiot who hit them, as I doubt that's what they set out to do.  I also hope they find the coward(s) and throw every ounce of The Book at him.

If the people posting are in fact trolls, that's even worse.  An accident followed by a bad panicked decision is at least barely understandable.  Fawking with grieving family by spending the time to type stupid chit in a non-panicked state of mind?  Someone needs to pick them up, drop them off at the Plane Crash without water, and see if they're lucky.

I agree they "should not" have been away from camp, HOWEVER, what was illegal about kids having a good time on their quads? Were you there to witness illegal activity? Kids are kids and do silly chit, that doesn't give some fuktard the right to punch their ticket.
for one riding doubles is illegal in ca. also pretty sure there is a age requirement. and there is a law about supervision of minors while riding, there is even a class that is suppose to be taken and have a certificate. all of those were not followed. someone from another camp found the kids not the parents. if you read my first post i went into more detail. i highly doubt one parent on this board would allow their kids to do what they did, the parents were not even watching them. those kids should of NEVER been in that situation. 

you were not there you have no idea what caused the collision or the circumstance around it. you could take everything  you are saying about him and apply it to the parents. if they had been more responsible and watching their kids they probably would not have been hit, just because its the desert does not mean you can just let them do what ever they want.

one of the main reasons im so stuck on my point is when i was a teenager i was in an accident where the other driver died and the kid in the car was seriously inquired. the accident was 100% not my fault, but because of people like you and most other people being quick to place blame, people that were not even there gave false witness accounts that led to me being arrested and charged with manslaughter. having to go to court to plea my case against false testimonies that when shown in court were not even physically possible. i cant even begin to tell you how much that messed with my life. 25 years later i still deal with some things as a result of those false witness claims.

the guy ran and that is inexcusable, had he stopped he would not have been charged with anything. now he is facing hit and run. but based on the limited facts we know to put 100% of the blame on the rzr drive is not right. now if other facts come to light i will gladly change my tone. 

edited for some bad spelling errors.

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for one riding doubles is illegal in ca. also pretty sure there is a age requirement. and there is a law about supervision of minors while riding, there is even a class that is suppose to be taken and have a certificate. all of those were not followed. someone from another camp found the kids not the parents. if you read my first post i went into more detail. i highly doubt one parent on this board would allow their kids to do what they did, the parents were not even watching them. those kids should of NEVER been in that situation. 

you were not there you have no idea what caused the collision or the circumstance around it. you could take everything  you are saying about him and apply it to the parents. if they had been more responsible and watching their kids they probably would not have been hit, just because its the desert does not mean you can just let them do what ever they want.

one of the main reasons im so stuck on my point is when i was a teenager i was in an accident where the other driver died and the kid in the car was seriously inquired. the accident was 100% not my fault, but because of people like you and most other people being quick to place blame, people that were not even there gave false witness accounts that led to me being arrested and charged with manslaughter. having to go to court to plea my case against false testimonies that when shown in court were not even physically possible. i cant even begin to tell you how much that messed with my life. 25 years later i still deal with some things as a result of those false witness claims.

the guy ran and that is inexcusable, had he stopped he would not have been charged with anything. now he is facing hit and run. but based on the limited facts we know to put 100% of the blame on the rzr drive is not right. now if other facts come to light i will gladly change my tone. 

edited for some bad spelling errors.
Since you were not there you can't say that they did break those laws, except maybe supervision. Because of people like me? :effu:  These were not teenagers, they were little kids that were fukking run over. What happened to you sucks, but that sure doesn't make every case like that. I can guarantee if they find him it will be a whole lot more than a hit and run charge. The tone you put forth is that because they were alone it was their fault. I'm done here... this a like beating a dead horse. :peace:

I'm with @Crusty: learn from the situation. 

Either way, I feel bad for the parents, the siblings, and especially the kids.  I also feel bad for the idiot who hit them, as I doubt that's what they set out to do.  I also hope they find the coward(s) and throw every ounce of The Book at him.

If the people posting are in fact trolls, that's even worse.  An accident followed by a bad panicked decision is at least barely understandable.  Fawking with grieving family by spending the time to type stupid chit in a non-panicked state of mind?  Someone needs to pick them up, drop them off at the Plane Crash without water, and see if they're lucky.
I'd feel bad for the guy IF, he had stopped... 

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This is going to be hard to prove who's at fault or even find out who the driver was unless you get a confession or independent witness who feels guilty/remorseful. While tragic, just cause the dirtbag bailed, does not mean he's automatically at fault. Without proving fault to RZR, you got misdemeanor hit and run? Surely not the punishment he deserves for bailing. Hopefully they break him down and he admits something. If he was smart, he'd shut his mouth immediately. Not a word comes out of his mouth without a lawyer. Hell, a good enough lawyer may get him off for the hit and run if he can convince them he left out of fear for his life from the parents or other camping group when they found out their children were severely injured. I've seen weirder things.


From the article and posted elsewhere here:

The weekend of the accident exploded on social media as internet sleuths made the victims' family member's post go viral, searching for the suspect. @InTheHighDesert also took to social media to spread the word about the family. Then, on Wednesday afternoon, a possible lead came through. An Instagram account with the username @kn1fe664 responded to the post by saying "That's Eric I was driving wit him." Later on in the thread, responding to another IG user, the account, whose user identifies as "Dylan" responded with "...he's long gone." The IG user named "Dylan" also stated in the thread that "The kids cut us off..."

fvcker who identifies as Dylan is stupid as chit . . .

@wapawekka according to his Instagram post Dylan already ratted out Eric as the driver. These are dumb kids no doubt. They’ve probably also incriminated themselves through texts and other social media. 
