My triple vaccinated wife and twice vaxxed 15 year old have Covid..I'm POSITIVE too.. took my first test 20 minutes ago.. ;-\

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 There's literally  volumes of facts and evidence that supports the fact that being vaxed , more often than not, reduces symptoms. The reality is that there is not a source in the world that you would trust that does anything but confirm your viewpoint.  
This is a very wishy washy grey area. The majority of people that get Covid have or had very minor symptoms. That was before a vaccine was even available.... 

Where is the clear data that the vaccine helps make your symptoms less severe? And is that data coming from the same people that said the vaccine will stop people from catching or spreading Covid? 

How many of those people would have died without Remdesivir? I bet a HUGE number would have survived. Why were the antibody treatments hidden for so long then CUT OFF by the CDC????  Ivermectin and Hydro chloroqin were basically banned by the FDA and CDC????  WHY the F is that ???  they would only hurt the people taking them... nobody else...Their body their choice right???????? 

It's all a Effing crock of chit........LOTS of people should still be alive... How come not many of the "connected" people in DC died???? strange I bet if we got their treatment plans we would gasp at what they were taking.....

😂😂😂😂 not sure if your even trying to be serious with this trash.  CNBC, the conversation, time, the cdc.  


This isn’t even worth the time to respond. 
 Then stop being a coward and post your "facts". This should be interesting... My guess is that you'll come up with some BS as to why its not worth your time or?  Come on big guy, prove me wrong. 

This is a very wishy washy grey area. The majority of people that get Covid have or had very minor symptoms. That was before a vaccine was even available.... 

Where is the clear data that the vaccine helps make your symptoms less severe? And is that data coming from the same people that said the vaccine will stop people from catching or spreading Covid? 
 I don't know. Nothings clear anymore. 

Exactly, and that was my point. 98% of everyone who has had it never even knew. Lot of people don’t understand this.
Um, yeah, I understand

I have also been around it for two years - family members, co-workers, friends - that have had it while in close proximity, tested, and always negative.

In fact, tested just again yesterday - haven't been around anyone except the BF for weeks - but started having "cold" symptoms. Negative again.

The only "possible" time I "maybe" could have had it was Christmas 2019. Visited my parents, Mom was horribly sick and they didn't know what it was. I ended up being sick for a day or two before I came back home. Looking back, I do think it "could have been" COVID - but of course the experts will tell you it wasn't here

Not targeting you @Surf and Dune, the articles are "supporting" to your argument but... We have all seen the rise and exposure of fake news and it's hard for people to believe "news" these days...including me.  

How many times have we seen the Director of the CDC or some "authority" come out and say one thing that doesn't fit the fear narrative and then a day later come back and say the exact opposite?  It's been a lot through all this.

Also, with the "evidence" you mention, we still aren't getting the whole comorbidities and other health facts in these death numbers.  Shoot, NY got slammed for reporting over 50% of their numbers as death by covid when was death from something else "with covid". 

Yes, covid is real.  Yes, covid is a very nasty bug that we should take serious.  These facts still do not warrant the fear and control game that is being played and I believe we are all worse for it.

I'd like to see the numbers of the rise in domestic violence, crimes against children, the offset of automobile deaths, suicide...that's one that's out of control since this all started.

To say we've lost 900,000 to covid is a bit much.  How many of those are simply..."death with covid"?

Not targeting you @Surf and Dune, the articles are "supporting" to your argument but... We have all seen the rise and exposure of fake news and it's hard for people to believe "news" these days...including me.  

How many times have we seen the Director of the CDC or some "authority" come out and say one thing that doesn't fit the fear narrative and then a day later come back and say the exact opposite?  It's been a lot through all this.

Also, with the "evidence" you mention, we still aren't getting the whole comorbidities and other health facts in these death numbers.  Shoot, NY got slammed for reporting over 50% of their numbers as death by covid when was death from something else "with covid". 

Yes, covid is real.  Yes, covid is a very nasty bug that we should take serious.  These facts still do not warrant the fear and control game that is being played and I believe we are all worse for it.

I'd like to see the numbers of the rise in domestic violence, crimes against children, the offset of automobile deaths, suicide...that's one that's out of control since this all started.

To say we've lost 900,000 to covid is a bit much.  How many of those are simply..."death with covid"?
That may include death due to covid as well, hence the ones that dies to to complications from getting jabbed. I'd like to see those REAL numbers not the half assed garbage on the CDC site.

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That may include death due to covid as well, hence the ones that dies to to complications from getting jabbed. I'd like to see those REAL numbers not the half assed garbage on the CDC site.
The CDC stated that once you are vaccinated, you are now "watched" to monitor if you have any new or expanded health issues.  Even Fauci said that if you get vaxxed and die, they have to count that as a death due to the vaccine until "proven" otherwise.  Then he went on to say that there are no reports of the vaccine causing any deaths which is a flat out lie.

The CDC stated that once you are vaccinated, you are now "watched" to monitor if you have any new or expanded health issues.  Even Fauci said that if you get vaxxed and die, they have to count that as a death due to the vaccine until "proven" otherwise.  Then he went on to say that there are no reports of the vaccine causing any deaths which is a flat out lie.
Exactly my point, all effing lies. I've lost 2 friends to this crap, both diabetics(underlying conditions). My 70yr old mom and 89yr old gma have it right now, both are healthy otherwise and both are reporting bad cold type symptoms.(it's been a week). Neither are vaxxed and both refuse to do so. My grandmother equates the vax mandate to her parents being tattooed @ Auschwitz and absolutely refuses to get poked. We've seen the Dr's report on the bad, then we've seen social bias either shut them down or try to kill their careers. I trust the ones putting themselves out there and suffering the repercussions.

You guys are a trip! I get asked for evidence, I state that most of you won't accept it anyway but ok I'll go down that rabbit hole, and you don't disappoint. I openly say that I don't know the truth. I'm just as skeptical as everyone else here, but at some point how about someone on the (if you get vaxed you're a Effing idiot crowd) produce evidence? I get the skepticism, but living through an Alex Jones , everything is a conspiracy world doesn't seem very enlightening either. BTW. Lets not forget that these vaccines were developed under the President that most of us voted for...

Facts is, at this point even if all the numbers, articles and opinions are factual, most you you wouldn't believe it.  So no need to debate, we live in a world now that nothing is trusted.........well except Rogan😁

You guys are a trip! I get asked for evidence, I state that most of you won't accept it anyway but ok I'll go down that rabbit hole, and you don't disappoint. I openly say that I don't know the truth. I'm just as skeptical as everyone else here, but at some point how about someone on the (if you get vaxed you're a Effing idiot crowd) produce evidence? I get the skepticism, but living through an Alex Jones , everything is a conspiracy world doesn't seem very enlightening either. BTW. Lets not forget that these vaccines were developed under the President that most of us voted for...
Like I said, not a jab at you or an attempt to trash your post.  My response was directed at the "data" that gets printed these days.  It's hard to believe the data these days with it being so tailored to give the results they want.

Now...I absolutely am not a conspiracy theorist.  I have never listened to Alex Jones, Joe Rogan or any of those guys.  Shoot, I don't even listen to Fox

And yes, the jab was started under Trump...AND...the freaking Left said they wouldn't take it.  But once Biden did and said take it...OH JESUS F*CKING CHRIST!!!  MAKE EVERYONE TAKE IT!

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You guys are a trip! I get asked for evidence, I state that most of you won't accept it anyway but ok I'll go down that rabbit hole, and you don't disappoint. I openly say that I don't know the truth. I'm just as skeptical as everyone else here, but at some point how about someone on the (if you get vaxed you're a Effing idiot crowd) produce evidence? I get the skepticism, but living through an Alex Jones , everything is a conspiracy world doesn't seem very enlightening either. BTW. Lets not forget that these vaccines were developed under the President that most of us voted for...
People are going to believe what they want to believe.  You can hit them facts and data and it will not matter.  

@Surf and Dune

You make a lot of great points. Here are a few of your inspirational role models giving us all hope for a solid return to normal!! 

After watching these fearless leaders I have no idea how anyone could argue or disagree with any of your posts. I watched this and I feel CONFIDENT about our future!!!  No worries here!!!
