My triple vaccinated wife and twice vaxxed 15 year old have Covid..I'm POSITIVE too.. took my first test 20 minutes ago.. ;-\

Nobody in my household has gotten Covid yet, we can't figure it out.  Are we being left out????  We haven't stopped doing anything during this entire time.
You’ve all had it, you were just asymptomatic, like 98% of everyone else. Live healthy and you’ll never know it lived within you. Pretty sure if you all go down and get the antibody tests you will find that you’ve had it. If you have COPD and are obese like myself you will find that it affects you a little worse.

Congrats on not having the ill effects.

You’ve all had it, you were just asymptomatic, like 98% of everyone else. Live healthy and you’ll never know it lived within you. Pretty sure if you all go down and get the antibody tests you will find that you’ve had it. If you have COPD and are obese like myself you will find that it affects you a little worse.

Congrats on not having the ill effects.
Two of us have been tested for Antibodies, all negative.  I am not that healthy, I drink too much on the weekends, about 20lbs overweight, on blood pressure medicine.............and I guess I am pre-diabetic (I think everyone is)......kind of normal for a 54 year old 😀.  I will keep living my life and not worry about it, it has worked so far.

What is in your saline solution? After my doctor Joe Rogan and his assistant recommended using hydrogen peroxide as a gargling agent and in nose swabs I have started doing that?
Be careful using straight hydrogen peroxide in your mouth, it will kill healthy tissue and you could end up with recessed gums.  

With that said, I use it in my Lysterine.  Have for about 30 years.

Yep, most peeps in hospital are vaxed as well.  The elites won't admit the vax doesn't work, so they make you feel better by saying it weakens the symptoms.  I've gone through covid twice (unvaxed) and am convinced it's not much more than the other 4 types of corona viruses.  It's not going anywhere, we have to live with it.

  Ever wonder why there was never a vax for previous Corona viruses?  It's because there is no effective way to make a vaccine that denatures the proteins. (Inactivates it).  

Hope your wife gets better soon ABC

We've had 2 rounds of it... none of us vaxxed, and both rounds very mild symptoms if any at all. 

also never changed the way we live / do things since things first locked down... my wife works inside peoples mouths, and my kids have been in in person school with no masks the whole time, also play soccer 3-4x per week w/ no masks. Some miraculous reason, we are all still here.

hope your wife feels better soon... it is definitely time to move on from this thing. 

Had it twice…. December 20 and November of 21. Unfortunately gave in and got the vaccine early 2021 after recovering from the OG COVID…. Wasn’t bad at all other than being zapped for energy for a few weeks. The vaccine thrashed my lungs and I haven’t felt the same since. During both rounds of COVID I had 0 lung issues(cough, congestion, shortness of breath) absolutely NOTHING from the neck down… 3 weeks after the second shot, agitated lungs right in the middle of my chest and it never went away. Took a shot for no other reason than trying to end all of this BS and I’ve paid for it since. 41 and no co morbidities and Rona was no worse than a cold/flu for me or anyone in my family. My wife who is unvaccinated had exact same symptoms as i did with Rona 2.0. Working in healthcare 90% of our workforce has had it at this point…. The vaccinated vs unvaccinated have had the same symptoms/severity/length of illness. For people to insist that the vaccine helped keep it mild have no traction at this point… the true answer is we have no idea.  I know we have all lost someone we know either dying from or dying with which makes it personal to all. It is definitely time to close this chapter and never look back. Kids are at en EXTREMELY low risk of severe illness. Far less than the common flu. Neither time my wife and I had it did we isolate from the 4 kids ranging from 14 down to 5 since by the time you feel sick, family is already exposed. Also we wanted the kids to be exposed so they could build up their own antibodies. 5 year old had a fever for a day and the others had nothing either round. I’ve worked face to face with this virus since it was released and never saw anything g that worried me for me or my family members as we are all healthy. I was a little concerned for my parents who are over 65 , overweight, and mom has diabetes. You couldn’t pay them to take the vaccine and they both had it over Christmas and felt no worse than a common cold/flu. So they are partying with fresh antibodies and good to go. Wait for murder hornets and aliens to hit the news again soon. 

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Be careful using straight hydrogen peroxide in your mouth, it will kill healthy tissue and you could end up with recessed gums.  

With that said, I use it in my Lysterine.  Have for about 30 years.
Interesting. Thanks for the info.  

zero jabs/vaccinations for me (i refuse). I got covid January 17th, in bed for two solid days, exhausted and weak ever since but getting healthier every day. My 70 year old mother got covid from me 2 days after, similar scenario of sickness and recovery. No jab for her either. Live your lives folks, its gonna get you sooner or later 

Wow popular thread. Wife is already getting better after 1 day with symptoms. 

Vaccinations are a personal choice, but out of the 50+ folks I know who’ve had it, from 0-3 jabs, the vaccinated have done better.. 2-4 sickness vs. 7-14, and less severe.

Again, make your own decision on vaccination.. it has no effect on me and I DO NOT support mandates.

Just my $.02 on what I know from talking to my family and friends who’ve had it.

Be well… STAY FREE!


PS. Photos from KOH.. 







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I've never taken a flu shot. Don't get harassed about that. I've taken Shingles Shots. After getting Shingles I never want that pain again. Got vaccinated ONLY because we were going to Hawaii. I'm confident I got COVID (pre-Media) Similar to a Flu. no energy / no appetite / Just plain Ol Sick. It Sucked for three days. Woke up the 4th day felt great and went back to work. 59 years on Earth and my personal medical report was never discussed front and center. And I don't remember The President of the US was so damn important. Never saw the guy on TV. Maybe I didn't give a rats aiss. Still Don't. Media has blown everything WAY OUT of proportion. Thankful to have focus on my relationship w/ GOD. And of course my Glamis Family! Peace

Family managed to dodge the rona for almost two years.  Over the Christmas/New Years Glamis trip we had camp rona.   LOL!   Ended up going home early.  Wife tested positive and the Rona went from a strong cold to her lungs and an uncontrollable asthma cough.  She ended up in the hospital for 2 days getting heavy doses of steroid breathing treatments to calm the asthma cough down.   Cough is gone but her energy level is still way down.  My son and I both tested negative when we got home.  Then a few days later started to fell like I had a cold with a slight fever and headache.  Eventually lost my taste and smell and that is when I knew I had the rona.  Taste and smell was gone for about two weeks and slowly started coming back.  Very weird to eat food knowing what it should taste like and having nothing.   My kid never had any symptoms and never tested positive. 

Everyone in our camp that got the rona had the jab and one couple the booster shot.  Total of 8 out of 20 or so of us ended up with it.  

I feel at some point we are all going to get it.  Time to just move on with our lives and stop all this mandate nonsenses.  
i have both vax shots and got very sick with covid in september right before the sand show. the energy level is a tough one, months after i still get these times where im extremely fatigued i just feel like a zombie, and it will last a few days. was in glamis for new years and i ended up leaving early because i was so fatigued i just wanted to be at home. the stuff lingers for while. even a couple months after i need to leave the gym half way through because i was struggling with breathing. 4 months after and i think the lingering affects are finally going away. i have a friend that is a year out and she is having issues. we were just in glamis last weekend and my friends wife had just gotten over it and she was so wore out she stayed in the trailer most the weekend, didnt even want to sit passenger in one of the cars. 

i was excited to get the vax and got it right when i could, my business deals mainly in medical billing so i used that as a way to get in with the first round of people getting it. after getting covid i am still on the fence about the booster, since i now have both the vax and natural anti bodies. not anti vax obviously just not sure i need the booster and dont want to get sick again as a side affect like i did with the second vax shot. 

Vaxed ...unvaxed   your choice as it should be 

We all got it ..whole family 

Vaxed got through it a little easier ..Unvaxed all ok 

Burying a close friend next week...unvaxed 

I'm vaxed no booster ,don't regret getting it 

ABC ,hope your family feels better 

ABC....hope the wife gets well. Thats the most important thing about this TOPic. Peace
Thanks ChEFF, ...she's a couple hundred feet from me (I work from home).. improving.. just an occasional cough. We have like 20 tests (hoarder).. so we'll check her in a few days.

I'm SWAMPED.. between returning my 2 trailers (still hitched from KOH in front of my house), .... work.. SLAMMED .. but good $$.. and driving around the baby (15) to all her stuff.

Spent.,, .. but life is but a dream...


Prayers for a speedy recovery.

My whole family just had it.  My wife and kids were all down for about 2 days and they were good.  I also had it with no symptoms. LOL

I lost my Insurance Agent to Covid. He was a good dude. Be thankful we're allowed to Live today! Love to All. Peace

15 year old, girl  - hasn't got it,.. .all of her HS close friends have, she's double vaxxed, about to get the 3rd.

22 year old, girl  - Works at Hoag Hospital, got it in 2020, then got triple vaxxed, even before the elderly, .. got COVID again about a month ago, both times, sick for 3/4 days.

24 year old, boy - will NEVER get the jab, hasn't gotten COVID as far as he knows, but he's a work-out dude, thin and healthy.. could have got it and been asymtomatic.

29 year old, girl - has at least 2 jabs.. had COVID once .. maybe... with her the truth is variable.

50 year old, ME - triple jabbed, haven't gotten it to my knowledge.

52 year old, WIFE - triple jabbed, has it, not very sick at all.

I personally trust/believe in the jab, but again, personal health decision.


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