My triple vaccinated wife and twice vaxxed 15 year old have Covid..I'm POSITIVE too.. took my first test 20 minutes ago.. ;-\

i have both vax shots and got very sick with covid in september right before the sand show. the energy level is a tough one, months after i still get these times where im extremely fatigued i just feel like a zombie, and it will last a few days. was in glamis for new years and i ended up leaving early because i was so fatigued i just wanted to be at home. the stuff lingers for while. even a couple months after i need to leave the gym half way through because i was struggling with breathing. 4 months after and i think the lingering affects are finally going away. i have a friend that is a year out and she is having issues. we were just in glamis last weekend and my friends wife had just gotten over it and she was so wore out she stayed in the trailer most the weekend, didnt even want to sit passenger in one of the cars. 

i was excited to get the vax and got it right when i could, my business deals mainly in medical billing so i used that as a way to get in with the first round of people getting it. after getting covid i am still on the fence about the booster, since i now have both the vax and natural anti bodies. not anti vax obviously just not sure i need the booster and dont want to get sick again as a side affect like i did with the second vax shot. 
The fatigue part sucks.  My wife has not been able to use her Peleton. I tell her just get on there and pedal for a little bit.  I have not gone back to the gym yet so I am not sure how I will do.  I plan on attempting a comeback this week.  I had few weeks after I got covid where I would get tired in the afternoon. 

I have a co-worker  got covid over a year ago and still suffers from fatigue.   

I doubt I will do the booster shot.  I am like you a figure I have some natural immunity along with the initial jabs.

Wife and I got it on New years... 3 wks of Zero energy,  Vit D and Zing and Emergen C drinks... nothing major but still have the dry cough and fatigue  a month later. 

Hope the wife does well... lots of friends got it and the fatigue thing sucks. 

EVERYONE has had the virus by now, and some multiple times, just like the flu and cold. Most just never know because they don’t have underlying conditions that get aggravated by SARS Covid.

Time to end this madness and get on with life. Hope your wife feels better soon.
Nope, no COVID here - unless I had it and completely didn't know at all.

Yea, the fatigue sucks. Took a couple weeks to get back into softball. Finally started back in the gym last week. Gonna kick your ass. Better to start sooner than later. Good luck.

We got it on New Years, too. My mother in law had an interesting theory as to how. She suspects that many got it in ol' mother G due to the wind that was kicking around and just spread that ishh like a wild fire! 🤣 at least 8 people in our camp went home with it. 

The fatigue part sucks.  My wife has not been able to use her Peleton. I tell her just get on there and pedal for a little bit.  I have not gone back to the gym yet so I am not sure how I will do.  I plan on attempting a comeback this week.  I had few weeks after I got covid where I would get tired in the afternoon. 

I have a co-worker  got covid over a year ago and still suffers from fatigue.   

I doubt I will do the booster shot.  I am like you a figure I have some natural immunity along with the initial jabs.
i have a nice cable machine and elliptical at home, my last week in quarantine i tried to work out and even at light weight i struggled. im a gym rat im there 6 days a week normally. i think i was out of the gym for about a month and a half, and even when i came back i struggled for awhile. i lost 25lbs when i was sick. and i am still not back to my pre covid weight. take it easy and dont push it. for the first time i actually listen to my body and took days off when i was to tired and even left the gym early a few times. its a struggle to get back. 

Very healthy, extremely handsome, willing to perform on video, with some limitation, will do parties, all genders accepted. Stamina is strong, can handle multiple partners, Willing to experiment with toys, fee very reasonable. Photo attached.


…wait, um, what site is this again?????????

Very healthy, extremely handsome, willing to perform on video, with some limitation, will do parties, all genders accepted. Stamina is strong, can handle multiple partners, Willing to experiment with toys, fee very reasonable. Photo attached.

View attachment 25603

…wait, um, what site is this again?????????
Slap...You're looking for Glamis POONS....not Glamis DOONS....

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Nobody in my household has gotten Covid yet, we can't figure it out.  Are we being left out????  We haven't stopped doing anything during this entire time.
Be happy you've been left out, I'm not one that normally gets sick so it kicked my butt when I got it. Then again, when I got it, it was still new and nobody knew wth it was yet

i have a nice cable machine and elliptical at home, my last week in quarantine i tried to work out and even at light weight i struggled. im a gym rat im there 6 days a week normally. i think i was out of the gym for about a month and a half, and even when i came back i struggled for awhile. i lost 25lbs when i was sick. and i am still not back to my pre covid weight. take it easy and dont push it. for the first time i actually listen to my body and took days off when i was to tired and even left the gym early a few times. its a struggle to get back. 
I was at the gym 3-5 times a week before all this covid stuff started.  When everything shut down I went into lazy mode. I returned when the gym opened up again for a few months, then had a foot injury that kept me out.  Then got lazy again.  LOL!     For me it is getting over that first week or so and getting back into a routine.   I will for sure be taking it easy for the first few weeks to see how it goes. 

i have both vax shots and got very sick with covid in september right before the sand show. the energy level is a tough one, months after i still get these times where im extremely fatigued i just feel like a zombie, and it will last a few days. was in glamis for new years and i ended up leaving early because i was so fatigued i just wanted to be at home. the stuff lingers for while. even a couple months after i need to leave the gym half way through because i was struggling with breathing. 4 months after and i think the lingering affects are finally going away. i have a friend that is a year out and she is having issues. we were just in glamis last weekend and my friends wife had just gotten over it and she was so wore out she stayed in the trailer most the weekend, didnt even want to sit passenger in one of the cars. 

i was excited to get the vax and got it right when i could, my business deals mainly in medical billing so i used that as a way to get in with the first round of people getting it. after getting covid i am still on the fence about the booster, since i now have both the vax and natural anti bodies. not anti vax obviously just not sure i need the booster and dont want to get sick again as a side affect like i did with the second vax shot. 
I have lingering symptoms and this week it 2 years. Some things still don't smell or taste right, I still deal with fatigue issues as well. Being tired I can cope with but the taste/smell thing just sucks!

I have lingering symptoms and this week it 2 years. Some things still don't smell or taste right, I still deal with fatigue issues as well. Being tired I can cope with but the taste/smell thing just sucks!
That does suck, my wife had a Traumatic Brain Injury a year ago, a week in ICU, headaches, memory issues, it effected her frontal lobe. If you ask her, the worse part is that she will not be able to taste or smell again.

To add to the vaccine dilemma…. Only person under 18 we know that has been vaccinated and ended up spending 2 weeks in ICU and a total of 3 weeks in the hospital…. 4 months later he is unrecognizable pumped with so many steroids. Known the kid since he was born and hes been very healthy runner most of his 15 years on this earth.  He has an auto immune disorder that will follow him the rest of his life. Almost every kid I know has had COVID at least once at this point and not one was sick for more than a day or two. A friend of mine had a student of hers 14 years old get the vaccine and collapsed a week later on the basketball court…. Dead. Sad to start hearing these stories as we go further…. Again, I regretfully took the shot last year After recovering from the Vid…. 

To add to the vaccine dilemma…. Only person under 18 we know that has been vaccinated and ended up spending 2 weeks in ICU and a total of 3 weeks in the hospital…. 4 months later he is unrecognizable pumped with so many steroids. Known the kid since he was born and hes been very healthy runner most of his 15 years on this earth.  He has an auto immune disorder that will follow him the rest of his life. Almost every kid I know has had COVID at least once at this point and not one was sick for more than a day or two. A friend of mine had a student of hers 14 years old get the vaccine and collapsed a week later on the basketball court…. Dead. Sad to start hearing these stories as we go further…. Again, I regretfully took the shot last year After recovering from the Vid…. 
This is why we're currently in the process of leaving CA. Grewsome is trying to mandate all kids get vaxxed before the 2023 school year. I can't stomach having to do that to my 10yr old.

Nope, no COVID here - unless I had it and completely didn't know at all.
Exactly, and that was my point. 98% of everyone who has had it never even knew. Lot of people don’t understand this.

We have a 23 year old that’s in the Air Force. He was forced into the vax. He has always been a super healthy kid, I can remember twice in his school career that he missed school for being sick.  
since talking it last year he has been absolutely miserable, is sick evert other day, constant headaches and is constantly tired and miserable.  He says he wished he would have just let them discharge him if that’s what they were gonna do. He feels like it has ruined his life. He actually didn’t come out for Christmas and New Years for glamis because he said he just didn’t feel good.  

I can’t tell y’all how mad it makes me. I tried to talk him out of doing it but he had just gone airborne and didn’t want to loose that. 

From some of the replies here,seems COVID Brain / Long COVID is for real.

I'm double jabbed and got the big Omicron a few days after Xmas, with only very mild symptoms for a few days (basically gave myself an extra few days of Xmas vacation). Tested negative the Thursday before Xmas and spent it with my family which includes my 86 year old mom with a sh1t tone of health issues.  She's boosted and fortunately didn't come down with it so I'm thinking I probably got it by while watching football at a pub on the 26th. 

The staff at the pub was completely overcome with people getting sick to the point they were closed down for the 3 days before and including Xmas and the 3 days prior to New Years. Several other local bars / restaurants had the same issue . . .

What we are seeing in the field is some of the long term affects from COVID are a lot of the same lasting effects of the vaccine…. Damned if you do damned if you don’t…. For the kids it’s far more dangerous to get the vaccine than to get COVID. 
