My triple vaccinated wife and twice vaxxed 15 year old have Covid..I'm POSITIVE too.. took my first test 20 minutes ago.. ;-\

sound like the same covid i had 2 day felt shitty but 2 weeks just tired. i felt great when i was awake slept alot for two weeks 

sound like the same covid i had 2 day felt shitty but 2 weeks just tired. i felt great when i was awake slept alot for two weeks 
Nah.. for me it's just like hay fever.. I feel 88%. .. I think since I've probably had it for 4 days that if I was gonna turn down for the worse, it would have already happened. 

Did I just get 'lucky' or do all we see on the news are the 'horror' stories of folks who got rocked/died from it? 


I think since I thought it was hay fever instead of Covid, that I've probably had it for 3-5 days. Just a slight headache in the a.m., coffee and Advil kill that and a runny nose. Other than that, feel fine, no cough or sore throat (like my wife and daughter have).

Supposed to go to Glamis for Presidents and my buddies who all had Covid already (one caused us to kill our New Years trip) are pressing me to go.. guess I'll see how I feel, maybe take another pregnancy test. 

I think there's things about Covid no one understands (yet).. maybe certain blood types or other genetic traits make one more vulnerable/protected than others.

Definitely time for the world to move on.


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You only shed the virus (are contagious) for the first 5 days of symptoms….. even if you are still symptomatic longer , you are no longer able to spread. You can test positive for up to 12 weeks after having the virus since it is only testing for the biological presence of the virus (dead or love virus) it will pick up dead virus in your nose as well. Testing does not indicate your ability to spread the virus. Just to put you at ease of follow up tests show positive. You’re already past being contiguous at the point. Take care buddy!

I am looking at COVID as bad bug. It definitely kills people, but so does the flu. Its particularly persistent in killing people with certain co-morbidities , and older people - thats hard to argue. 

But everything else about it seems to be "less clear" 

Thinking like an engineer, facts matter, feelings less so ...

To me most people give "science" too much credit with respect to knowing how things work almost instantly ... It is a naive idea.  Let's face it - simple stuff science does not understand...

How general anesthesia works...

How Gravity works...

And some much more 

Not to mention we do know people's body chemistries vary greatly - Physiology and genetics we do know they vary greatly.

COVID has made a lot of people into "flat earthers"  essentially people that cannot believe the earth is a sphere because they can't see it, touch it, feel it.  they are frustrated and say "Logic be dammed - I don't believe anything anymore ..."

It does not help that some people that should Die based on the "science" get a mild cold, and others that should be fine are dead in a week ... so that means we (science) are "missing something" 

Being safe never is bad, but I hate the control with no good logic behind it ... "trust us" only goes so far.

I could say so much more ... (like 50 pages), but in the end its all just frustrating
In looking at the progression of the symptoms, I think it helps to think of it in terms as an attack on the immune system rather than the patient's relative health. While the comorbidity factors are pretty strong, it looks to me like how the person's immune system responds to the virus is what determines what happens in the person's lungs. If the immune system reacts strongly, or over reacts, the patient's lungs fill with fluid, goes on a ventilator and may not survive. In other cases, the patient might get a "lesser dose" of the virus and exhibit much milder symptoms, or the immune system manages to fight the virus without filling the lungs with fluid and thus their survival rate is much higher. This would explain why some in poor physical condition survive, yet others in "great shape" still end up dying.

As many others have said, it's practically impossible to make heads or tails of "the science" with so many tainted "sources" and deaths from other factors getting counted as covid deaths, etc. If you start with bad data, it's impossible to come to correct conclusions. That's why so much of it doesn't make any sense, I'm not sure any of the gov't agencies know what the real numbers are. As soon as money gets involved in reporting deaths, suddenly the numbers will get skewed towards whatever gets the hospital the most money.

Nobody in my household has gotten Covid yet, we can't figure it out.  Are we being left out????  We haven't stopped doing anything during this entire time.
Us neither, not even a sniffle - zero changed in our lives - been to the river during summer a lot, spring break trips every year in multiple states, glamis in the winter a lot, never worn a mask, never ever will get the death shot, still been drinking beer & wine & eating steak. Oh and I work in healthcare & husband is in construction here in SoCal, kid is senior in college. Thank God the scamdemic is over - mask bs goes away tomorrow officially I think. This is the biggest hoax ever pulled on the world - all for $.  Beyond Evil.  Props to the Canadian Truckers for what they have done for the entire planet.  Bravo Northern Neighbors!

Us neither, not even a sniffle - zero changed in our lives - been to the river during summer a lot, spring break trips every year in multiple states, glamis in the winter a lot, never worn a mask, never ever will get the death shot, still been drinking beer & wine & eating steak. Oh and I work in healthcare & husband is in construction here in SoCal, kid is senior in college. Thank God the scamdemic is over - mask bs goes away tomorrow officially I think. This is the biggest hoax ever pulled on the world - all for $.  Beyond Evil.  Props to the Canadian Truckers for what they have done for the entire planet.  Bravo Northern Neighbors!
Mask's only go away for the vaccinated. Still trying to figure out how they're going to enforce that. The vaccinated people say the people not wearing masks are the unvaccinated so...🤣

F*$K THAT VAX!!! Nothing but lies and controversy.  It lessens symptoms, pfft. PROVE IT MOFOS! 

The greatest Lie in the existence our species.  What is funny , yeah Funny AF is how many actually believe this false information.  

I hope nobody you know dies because false information and lies. 

ABC, hope you guys are gonna be alright.
What is even funnier than that,  is when a trailer salesman becomes an expert in western medicine!  LMAO! 

Mask's only go away for the vaccinated. Still trying to figure out how they're going to enforce that. The vaccinated people say the people not wearing masks are the unvaccinated so...🤣
our school kids are still effed, the parental units out by us are fed up and have been picketing the schools since last Friday(2-4)

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