My triple vaccinated wife and twice vaxxed 15 year old have Covid..I'm POSITIVE too.. took my first test 20 minutes ago.. ;-\

I used the first article as reference of what every single news media org, gov official and gov org claimed for months on end.

The second article is an opinion, so what?

It shows the sentiment and attitude of the main stream media during early 2021.

I dont understand your point? 

I am not using these references as evidence of data, I am using them as evidence of what was being published on main stream media and pedaled through the internet and social media for months on end.

My bad. I thought you were referencing those articles as if they were evidence of some sort. I don't think anyone has questioned the medias bias and lies. 

For all the guys talking about getting through the Vid, glad you guys and your families are on the mend.

As stated earlier, it seems there is no rhyme or reason to it.

The coming years developments and how history reflects on this time is going be interesting.

I'm already seeing news articles slamming the shutdowns in the beginning to show data they actually caused more deaths in other areas or people's personal lives. For example delayed health checkups, depression, hypertension leading the heart disease caused by stress etc.

I think the saddest part of the whole thing and the largest segment affected will the research showing how terrible children years 5-18 and college aged adults in school.

This population will be stunted in many ways in my opinion. 

I'm going to have to deal with this soon as my kids are 2 and 4.

Simply by saying Ivermectin helped you , you can be banned from social media....IT was friggen America last time I checked... let people take the treatments that THEY want to take... then it's on them....

I'm glad  you are doing better..... just curious did you wait from the time you had the first symptoms to start treating or did it just kick your arse from the start? 
my wife got the monoclonal antibodies in about 3 days. I did the telemed appointment after about 4 days it seemed like a waste of time. I figured we would walk right through it. We waited another 4 days until I realized we were in trouble. A friend in the medical field called and started me on some antibiotics and ivermectin. My wife went into the hospital. She needed to be there she was really sick. My son was on it and pushed hard to get the right care for his mom. I should’ve probably went to the hospital but to pig headed. Luckily I started getting better. In hindsight we waited too long to seek the care we needed.  Never again I will make my decision now before I get sick.

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Fact is, Minorities in this country don't trust our medicine or doctors.  They are last ones to get vaccinated or go to the hospital............maybe they are onto something 🤪
Normally - I actually didn't see this at my work at all

UPDATE: 15 year old and wife got it 4-6 days ago.. I just took my first test (ever) 20 minutes ago.. I thought I had hay fever... only have a runny nose and mild headache in the a.m. which goes away after a little Advil and coffee.. Frankly I feel 'fine.'

abc test.jpg

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My youngest has to take ANOTHER week off school because some kid in her class tested positive.  Not sick.  Just TESTED positive.

If people would stop taking these god damn tests, it'd all be over. 

My youngest has to take ANOTHER week off school because some kid in her class tested positive.  Not sick.  Just TESTED positive.

If people would stop taking these god damn tests, it'd all be over. 
That’s what I’ve been saying this entire time…. I’ve never tested for the flu before to know that’s what I had. Treat the symptoms as they come, control the fever, control cough with expectorant, get outside and get copious fresh air and sunlight…. That’s the treatment for the vast majority of people. Only way I found out that’s what I had was I waited a couple of months after I was sick and gave blood…. Red Cross was testing for cv19 antibodies… came out positive, got me some rocking antibodies and ended up getting it a second time a year later… mild cold symptoms with no taste or smell for a few days. 

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My hangovers .. are worse than this... I feel fine.. 88% 


PS. I actually  am drinking Vodka n' Club Soda.. right...


Not targeting you @Surf and Dune, the articles are "supporting" to your argument but... We have all seen the rise and exposure of fake news and it's hard for people to believe "news" these days...including me.  

How many times have we seen the Director of the CDC or some "authority" come out and say one thing that doesn't fit the fear narrative and then a day later come back and say the exact opposite?  It's been a lot through all this.

Also, with the "evidence" you mention, we still aren't getting the whole comorbidities and other health facts in these death numbers.  Shoot, NY got slammed for reporting over 50% of their numbers as death by covid when was death from something else "with covid". 

Yes, covid is real.  Yes, covid is a very nasty bug that we should take serious.  These facts still do not warrant the fear and control game that is being played and I believe we are all worse for it.

I'd like to see the numbers of the rise in domestic violence, crimes against children, the offset of automobile deaths, suicide...that's one that's out of control since this all started.

To say we've lost 900,000 to covid is a bit much.  How many of those are simply..."death with covid"?
listen to dan ball on OAN NEWS HE ONLY TELL S THE FACTS


F*$K THAT VAX!!! Nothing but lies and controversy.  It lessens symptoms, pfft. PROVE IT MOFOS! 

The greatest Lie in the existence our species.  What is funny , yeah Funny AF is how many actually believe this false information.  

I hope nobody you know dies because false information and lies. 

ABC, hope you guys are gonna be alright.

F*$K THAT VAX!!! Nothing but lies and controversy.  It lessens symptoms, pfft. PROVE IT MOFOS! 

The greatest Lie in the existence our species.  What is funny , yeah Funny AF is how many actually believe this false information.  

I hope nobody you know dies because false information and lies. 

ABC, hope you guys are gonna be alright.
Greatest lie, my pops always said Santa takes the cake or not if you believe 

I think since I thought it was hay fever instead of Covid, that I've probably had it for 3-5 days. Just a slight headache in the a.m., coffee and Advil kill that and a runny nose. Other than that, feel fine, no cough or sore throat (like my wife and daughter have).

Supposed to go to Glamis for Presidents and my buddies who all had Covid already (one caused us to kill our New Years trip) are pressing me to go.. guess I'll see how I feel, maybe take another pregnancy test. 

I think there's things about Covid no one understands (yet).. maybe certain blood types or other genetic traits make one more vulnerable/protected than others.

Definitely time for the world to move on.


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