My triple vaccinated wife and twice vaxxed 15 year old have Covid..I'm POSITIVE too.. took my first test 20 minutes ago.. ;-\

People are going to believe what they want to believe.  You can hit them facts and data and it will not matter.  
Facts and data from which side? This scamdemic is being made up as we go along. Of course people are going to believe what they want to believe, that’s just human nature. Doesn’t make you right and everybody else wrong. You cannot sit there and watch Fauci or the CDC director change the rules and information on an almost weekly basis and claim to believe anything out of their mouths.

Who remembers being able to go to the Johns Hopkins website as soon as a year ago and getting the true data, not the MSM crap being forced upon us??? It was amazing the real numbers vs what the evening news was telling us. Not exact but it was something like Fauci/ABC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC/NBC/etc we’re telling us that 300,000 had died from Covid when the true number was more along the lines of 48,000. Then it came out that hospitals were  getting tens of thousands of dollars per Covid death and the light was shown. Get plowed by a tractor trailer while riding your motorcycle and being asymptomatic having never even known the virus lived within you, well you died from Covid. 
Curious as to how and why the truth was taken down? You used to be able to find it. Now you just have to go by what you heard in the View.

Facts and data from which side? This scamdemic is being made up as we go along. Of course people are going to believe what they want to believe, that’s just human nature. Doesn’t make you right and everybody else wrong. You cannot sit there and watch Fauci or the CDC director change the rules and information on an almost weekly basis and claim to believe anything out of their mouths.

Who remembers being able to go to the Johns Hopkins website as soon as a year ago and getting the true data, not the MSM crap being forced upon us??? It was amazing the real numbers vs what the evening news was telling us. Not exact but it was something like Fauci/ABC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC/NBC/etc we’re telling us that 300,000 had died from Covid when the true number was more along the lines of 48,000. Then it came out that hospitals were  getting tens of thousands of dollars per Covid death and the light was shown. Get plowed by a tractor trailer while riding your motorcycle and being asymptomatic having never even known the virus lived within you, well you died from Covid. 
Curious as to how and why the truth was taken down? You used to be able to find it. Now you just have to go by what you heard in the View.
Like I said people are going to believe what they want to believe no matter where they are getting their facts or data.  The entire thing has been a mess from the beginning and poorly managed from the get go.  Between social media "experts",  youtube doctors, the news (pick your source), politicians, alleged experts,  and everything in between the water is so muddy who knows what the heck is accurate.   

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I’ve personally known 2 people who died within a day of starting remdesivir…. Both of kidney failure
My brother died 3 weeks ago. He died less than 24 hrs after they gave him remdesivir. In the words of my sister in law, he immediately "crashed" when they gave him the first dose of it and never recovered.

My brother died 3 weeks ago. He died less than 24 hrs after they gave him remdesivir. In the words of my sister in law, he immediately "crashed" when they gave him the first dose of it and never recovered.
And then it’s counted as another COVID death…. If the treatment is doing more harm than good, let’s re-evaluate and redirect. One of our friends was improving every day and they were talking about discharging then threw remdesivir into the mix and he was dead within 24 hours. His kidneys were already I healthy due to diabetes and the remdesivir pushed them over the edge. DISTINCT turn for the worst within hours of remdesivir. 

 I don't know. Nothings clear anymore. 
I'm a little confused by this statement, you were quoted a few posts up saying there is volumes of evidence supporting the claim that the vax helps. Please don't take this as an attack, as I'm as confused as the next guy about all the false claims and a little happy about the possibility of a change in stance? :cheers:  

Edited to say I :doh:  missed a later post regarding the same thing I asked... back to our regularly scheduled programming 

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Been away from for a minute…..

thread went sideways it seems 🤐

I’m swamped.. I own a semiconductor business and made $40k….. TODAY!

Now my 15 year old is ill but not a positive test… probably tonight we’ll test her again… I bought like 20 tests…

I’m fine but expect to get Covid by the weekend… wife and child are isolating and we have all the windows and fans blowing… I still ain’t gonna wear a mask… I stay 20 feet from them,.,,

it’s f ucking OVER.. we’re ALL gonna get this thing.

Be well.






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The Remdesivir thing is interesting to me. 

First everyone gets put on a vent, then they die.

Now Remdesivir is killing people.

The new "Covid Pill" will be pushed next and the future of that is unclear.

I have an employee, hispanic. She got super sick. Doctors wanted to admit her, but something interesting has happened.

The entire hispanic community has spread the word within their circles. 

They are all saying if you get sick with Covid, do not go to the hospital. Either get better at home, or die at home. 

They are convinced the doctors are killing people. Their words not mine.

She battled through 3 months of chit at home, lost 40 lbs, same with her husband. But 6 months later she is back to work and glad she didnt go to the hospital and is convinced she would be dead. She was also double vaxxed.
I ain’t Hispanic but I sure do agree with their stance on this. Oh, and on birria too! 

Facts and data. Interesting concept. The only science that we were being told about was political science. If something didn't fit the agenda then it was censored or flagged.

I remember in the beginning reading articles then trying to come back and they would be gone. When this new science about mask usage came about my BS meter pegged. Now we've come full circle to only acknowledging n95 like we should have in the first place. I think somebody on this website called me a kook when I called it out. 

The only kind of data out now is the confirmation bias type.

Might have something to do with this.

 companies and social media platforms have removed, suppressed or flagged the accounts of over 800 prominent individuals and organizations, including medical doctors, for COVID-19 misinformation, according to a new study from the Media Research Center (MRC).

MRC’s Free Speech America CensorTrack, an initiative that monitors acts of censorship across online platforms, identified over 41 instances between March 2020 and February 2022 in which doctors, scientists and medical organizations were censored, according to the results of a study shared with Daily Caller News Foundation.

The study focused on acts of censorship on major social media platforms and online services, including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Ads and TikTok. 

Instances of censorship included Facebook’s decision to flag the British Medical Journal with a “fact check” and “missing context” label, reducing the visibility of a post, for a study delving into data integrity issues with a Pfizer vaccine clinical trial. Facebook also deleted the page of The Great Barrington Declaration, an open letter led by dozens of medical professionals, including Dr. Jay Battacharya, a Stanford epidemiologist, and Dr. Martin Kulldorff, a former employee of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which advocated for less restrictive measures to address the dangers of COVID-19.

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Yep - like Breanna Dressen being kicked off the Astra Zeneca study as soon as she got sick so they didn't have to include her in the "data"!

I am looking at COVID as bad bug. It definitely kills people, but so does the flu. Its particularly persistent in killing people with certain co-morbidities , and older people - thats hard to argue. 

But everything else about it seems to be "less clear" 

Thinking like an engineer, facts matter, feelings less so ...

To me most people give "science" too much credit with respect to knowing how things work almost instantly ... It is a naive idea.  Let's face it - simple stuff science does not understand...

How general anesthesia works...

How Gravity works...

And some much more 

Not to mention we do know people's body chemistries vary greatly - Physiology and genetics we do know they vary greatly.

COVID has made a lot of people into "flat earthers"  essentially people that cannot believe the earth is a sphere because they can't see it, touch it, feel it.  they are frustrated and say "Logic be dammed - I don't believe anything anymore ..."

It does not help that some people that should Die based on the "science" get a mild cold, and others that should be fine are dead in a week ... so that means we (science) are "missing something" 

Being safe never is bad, but I hate the control with no good logic behind it ... "trust us" only goes so far.

I could say so much more ... (like 50 pages), but in the end its all just frustrating

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The Remdesivir thing is interesting to me. 

First everyone gets put on a vent, then they die.

Now Remdesivir is killing people.

The new "Covid Pill" will be pushed next and the future of that is unclear.

I have an employee, hispanic. She got super sick. Doctors wanted to admit her, but something interesting has happened.

The entire hispanic community has spread the word within their circles. 

They are all saying if you get sick with Covid, do not go to the hospital. Either get better at home, or die at home. 

They are convinced the doctors are killing people. Their words not mine.

She battled through 3 months of chit at home, lost 40 lbs, same with her husband. But 6 months later she is back to work and glad she didnt go to the hospital and is convinced she would be dead. She was also double vaxxed.
I believe this as well. I think the hospital is the last place to go. They follow strict protocols, nothing's tailored to individuals. I think people were put on ventilators too early some of the drugs were misused or overprescribed. The animosity and thought processes for people that are far left scare me. We've had murdering nurses and doctors in the news. I'm not saying it's common and I'm not saying it's happening, but I wouldn't put it past some of these nut ball health workers to sabotage patient. What got me thinking about that was a registered nurse got called out and doxed for wishing death on non-vaxxed covid patients. It's an evil world out there if you're looking for it

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Fact is, Minorities in this country don't trust our medicine or doctors.  They are last ones to get vaccinated or go to the hospital............maybe they are onto something 🤪

Fact is, Minorities in this country don't trust our medicine or doctors.  They are last ones to get vaccinated or go to the hospital............maybe they are onto something 🤪
Minorities hell. I don’t trust them. They are nothing but drug pushers. Very few will try to fix you, and even those that do attempt repairs will still prescribe maintenance drugs to ensure their cash flow never runs out.

Fact is, Minorities in this country don't trust our medicine or doctors.  They are last ones to get vaccinated or go to the hospital............maybe they are onto something 🤪
Well...the US government can blame themselves.  The US has history of state sanctioned, unannounced sterilization programs.  Plus...there is talk that the vaccine can sterilize a woman or cause birth defects.  Several of these people come here to have anchor babies and boom...permanent residence.

Most of the people that I know that have the rona now also have had the jab. I hate to derail or sidetrack, but I'm wondering how many people that got the jab and then got the rona honestly believed, at least in the beginning, that it would protect them... I'm sure that opinions changed after the fact and you'd be insane to claim immunity at this point, even the liberal media can't bias that hard... but deep down, and I'm sure most will not admit it, how many were duped into believing that the jab was the savior and would provide immunity like that of measles or chicken pox?
I never thought the jab would make it so I wouldn't get sick. I always knew it would just keep me from having to carry around an oxygen tank after getting the Vid.

I had it 3 day hang over with a sore throat

GF had it who if she gets a common cold ends up in the Hospital for 3-4 days with Bronchitis had it and it never got past the sniffles for her.

I'm a little confused by this statement, you were quoted a few posts up saying there is volumes of evidence supporting the claim that the vax helps. Please don't take this as an attack, as I'm as confused as the next guy about all the false claims and a little happy about the possibility of a change in stance? :cheers:  

Edited to say I :doh:  missed a later post regarding the same thing I asked... back to our regularly scheduled programming 
 Haha. Bro, I've said over and over and over again that I don't claim to have the answers. Someone made a statement that there was NO evidence of of the vaccine helping under any circumstance, and I know that's not true. The evidence/stats might be false, trumped up, and complete BS, but to claim that would require "evidence" contradicting what I posted. Not the typical emotional, baseless claims with zero evidence to back it up. When i engage in these discussions, I want to learn something. I'm not looking to shove my opinion down anyone's throat. I'm not sure why so many people get so butthurt when people disagree with them. 
