How many Members actually still go to Glamis?

So yesterday I got really close to Glamis, well as far as where the SR 86 starts off the 10 fwy.

Driving thru White Water...seeing the desert...yeah, I still got the bug. It felt so good driving towards G.

Time to just get myself out there, with whomever joins me or doesn't :dunno:  ...just driving there alone was good for me, i needed that solace from everything and everyone.
Vets weekend would be a good one to head out.  Just saying :dunno:

Was introduced to the south dunes as a teenager and went steadily for about 5-6 years rocking the trusty 400ex. Took a couple seasons off to wrap up school & picked it up again after getting a "real job".  Been steady for the last ten years or so having migrated to the Washes after the redraw of the closures at Gordon's.  Now that the kids are getting into it, we are splitting time between our steady family group that still frequents Gordon's and guys trips in the Washes (can't miss Vet's weekend). 

I'm out........for now. Once the recession crashes I'll be more inclined to head back out.

Might try to sneak out for a couple days sometime this year and be someone's passenger.

Still Going.  52 yo on a CRF450R.  Got a new nick name last year in the dunes, "Speed Bump".  Yep, I hit a small witches eye and went over my bars.  I was laying on my back and say my buddy, in the air in his X3 Max with 4 people in it.  Well I tried to roll but only made it to my face so I didn't have to see the hit.  He hit my lower back with both wheels, up and over my head.  Broke my Leatt neck brace.  Thank god it wasn't my neck.  Well ride safe everyone this season everyone.  

Still Going.  52 yo on a CRF450R.  Got a new nick name last year in the dunes, "Speed Bump".  Yep, I hit a small witches eye and went over my bars.  I was laying on my back and say my buddy, in the air in his X3 Max with 4 people in it.  Well I tried to roll but only made it to my face so I didn't have to see the hit.  He hit my lower back with both wheels, up and over my head.  Broke my Leatt neck brace.  Thank god it wasn't my neck.  Well ride safe everyone this season everyone.  
Glad you're ok!

First trip was to Ogilby in 1976.   Started on a yz80 then cr250 then 400ex then banshee then sand limo and finally a funco.   Don't plan to stop until I can't do it anymore and then like others I know and loved I want some of my ashes spread in the dunes.

Still Going.  52 yo on a CRF450R.  Got a new nick name last year in the dunes, "Speed Bump".  Yep, I hit a small witches eye and went over my bars.  I was laying on my back and say my buddy, in the air in his X3 Max with 4 people in it.  Well I tried to roll but only made it to my face so I didn't have to see the hit.  He hit my lower back with both wheels, up and over my head.  Broke my Leatt neck brace.  Thank god it wasn't my neck.  Well ride safe everyone this season everyone.  
I would have a new nickname for the idiot that ran me over and it wouldn't be something I could type on here.

Been going long enough to tell you, it has changed since the sxs sign and drive craze. I can make out a duner to a temp real quick. Last season was definitely by far my best one there though with the mandatory vacations 😁

Still Going.  52 yo on a CRF450R.  Got a new nick name last year in the dunes, "Speed Bump".  Yep, I hit a small witches eye and went over my bars.  I was laying on my back and say my buddy, in the air in his X3 Max with 4 people in it.  Well I tried to roll but only made it to my face so I didn't have to see the hit.  He hit my lower back with both wheels, up and over my head.  Broke my Leatt neck brace.  Thank god it wasn't my neck.  Well ride safe everyone this season everyone.  
Need to find some new friends that actually know how to drive!!!! Scary stuff right there.  I HATE when people are on your ass. No room for error. Especially when my kids are on quads and a rail is close behind. 🤬

Need to find some new friends that actually know how to drive!!!! Scary stuff right there.  I HATE when people are on your ass. No room for error. Especially when my kids are on quads and a rail is close behind. 🤬
If I'm not leading, I don't follow on anyone's tail. Leave room for error. Been rear ended once and for no good reason. Also while I do love the dunes, not enough to eat roost all day.

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I started going in the late 80's with some buddies. We rode CR500's back then. We would go 5-6 times a year. I moved out of California in late 90's (thankfully) and hadn't been back to G. We started duning here in Oregon awhile back and thought it would be fun to take the trek own to G and so we did this past March. It was a great time but a looooong azz drive. Not sure we will be back in the near future given the long drive. However, I hopefully plan to retire in 3-5 years and we will likely end up in Vegas or AZ and will start regular trips to G then. Until then we will keep doing the Oregon dunes and maybe a St Anthony's trip next year since it is quite a bit closer. 

First trip was in 88 or 89, I was 6 or 7, rode a big bouncy 110 3 wheeler around and was hooked. Went only a few times as a kid tho. Fast forward to 1999, got my 400ex and went like crazy, pretty much every other weekend. A few years later everyone started falling off, sold the quad, got into boats and street bike for a few years..... got my first buggy in 06 or so, and have been pretty consistent ever since, up until last season, only made 3 trips due to work complications. Now on my 3rd rail and plan to go back at it hard this season, but we will see what work will allow........
