How many Members actually still go to Glamis?

I had never been since joining this forum in 07' until 2019. Been a few times a year the last few years though and plan to be there for new years.

Still going.  This season is a little effed.  I sold my TH with plans of upgrading to a moho and box.  I have the box but I'm not going to pay COVID prices on an RV only to end up WAY upside down within a year.  I'll make more solo trips this year and air mattress it.

I am at a crossroads with Glamis though.  I love boating and being here in Havasu, boating season is year round.  I've also thought of selling my buggy and getting a canned ham.  Again, not going to pay stupid prices for one right now.  Still, I could use that a lot more places and around town and all the trails her win Havasu, along with Glamis.

I've also started exploring other hobbies and such.  Who know where all this will take me.  I will say being out of CA and much happier in life, I don't "need" Glamis like I used to for an outlet.  Still, I love the rush.

heading out next Friday for a 24/hr turn and burn, then vets weekend, then outlaw drags and tbird week, then mlk day, presidency day, a couple of trips before its hot if works allows.

Life has kinda gotten in the way for me.  Super busy with work.  Traveling a ton for work, was 2-3 weeks a month, makes it difficult to prep.  Been a few years since I've gone.  Still have the ride if a trip pops up though.

Been doing Glamis and Pismo since the early 80’s. Started taking my wife in 97-04(between 30-50 days a season)then having the kids we tapered off an started hitting the desert more as they wanted to ride dirt bikes. 
Mother G has/is always on the mind and want to make a few trips out this season. 🙏🏻

my cars torn apart and i dont plan on having it back together till next season at best. glamis is also no longer a focus in my life as it once was. the only thing keeping me from leaving it behind completely is a small circle of people that i enjoy spending my time with, and the need to finish the sandrail so i have the feeling of finishing a huge project. 

I still go.  typically from 4 to 6 trips/year.  Might be more total trips this year, because we are talking about a few to OW to do some dirt stuff.  its not Glamis, but fun none the less. 

been going since the 90's.  Sometimes skip a year or two depending on if i have a toy or not.  Last 4-5 years have been at least 3-6 day runs per year.  Don't really camp out anymore,  just run out and meet up with people, dune , go home, in bed before 10 pm. It's a long day,  but satisfies the itch!

Started in early 80's.

Longest period of time between trips was never more then 2 seasons a couple times....If I don't go this season it will be 3.

I'll GO this season, somewhere at sometime i'll get some sand dune time. Either alone or taking the family...I don't really care anymore, I need it.
y0re not going chavalita! :lmao:

Been going since the late 80's  Missed last season - thanks COVID, usually do 3-6 trips a year... 

I will go until I get too old to go or die ...

We've been going since 93 missed a couple of years around 99 and the last 2 year, heading back next month can't wait!

First got introduced to Glamis when I got married. I was about 23 years old.  My brother in law kept talking about this awesome sand dunes place he and his friends go for a good time. We Decided to go and check it out. Had a new ‘98 Chevy and we stood the night in it. Me my wife and our 3 year old son. Froze our butts off but still managed to make it through the night. I was HOOKED!! Seeing those awesome dunes and bowls I now had a new found love for the desert. But I was not coming back out unless we had our own rig. 2004 got an RV trailer and a couple of quads and haven’t missed a season since. My boys and wife still love it!! That’s the best part. 

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First got introduced to Glamis when I got married. I was about 23 years old.  My brother in law kept talking about this awesome sand dunes place he and his friends go for a good time. We Decided to go and check it out. Had a new ‘98 Chevy and we stood the night in it. Me my wife and our 3 year old son. Froze our butts off but still managed to make it through the night. I was HOOKED!! Seeing those awesome dunes and bowls I now had a new found love for the desert. But I was not coming back out unless we had our own rig. 2004 got an RV trailer and a couple of quads and haven’t missed a season since. My boys and wife still love it!! That’s the best part. 

Haven't missed a season in 30+ years and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. The older I get the longer my trips in the sand last and trying to do more of them every year.
If the dunes were anywhere but CA, I would've considered moving elsewhere.  ID, OR, North NV and MI are too cold for this warm blooded latin lover.

I've been duning since the early 80's, but my first Glamis trip was in '13. Did Glamis trips almost every year with last year being my last.

Won't leave this site anytime soon though, far too much free entertainment.

Our group started out as about 8 families in the 90's and grew to about 20+ in the peak around 2004-2006. Most of them quit when things tanked in 08 except the original 8. Health, finances, life, etc reduced our crew to myself and one other hard core dune fan for a few years from about 2015 to 2018. Now my kids have their own toys and rv's and the group is growing again.
