How many Members actually still go to Glamis?

My 1st trip was winter 2001 at the age of 34. Spent my whole life on MX tracks and dirt bike trails. Never hit the sand before till then.
When we first started going we went with bigger groups. Now I am the only one left taking my last of 4 kids who is only 13. We have a great stinkin time.
Ghost Camps are discouraging. Don't like sweating if we'll find a spot or not.
Rig way too heavy to chance the washes.

But we still love Glamis. Took my wife there on our 3rd date and it's always been a special place to us.
Cali has passed laws allowing LEOS to remove RVs parked beyond their time limit. Dunno if the BLM will follow thru and remove some or all.
I've got the same problem. Momentum and know where to go is the key. I've thought of retiring from Mother G. That thought went sailing out the window quickly! Peace
If you get stuck @ChEFF ……. I’ll pull you out.


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