Here Comes Vladamir Putin

All forms of media are propaganda and advertising. That's how it's been since it was chiseled in stone tablets. It's been a biased conveyance of information since day one. I believe this was the purpose when it started. Some news outlets have tried in small ways to report just the facts but there's always some influence to paint things a certain way. AFAIC the word news, the word media and the word propaganda all have the same meaning. Look at media throughout history. It has always been this way. It's the nature of reporting and sharing information with others to try to make others see things the way you do.
Do you feel Walter Cronkite was biased in some way? I never noticed it, but maybe I just didn't see it. To me, it seemed like most newsmen of that era just reported the news, as opposed to the extreme propaganda we are seeing these days.

There will always be exceptions. I think it was mostly his demeanor that made him appear unbiased. I don't mean necessarily that a certain news person or anchor is biased but the organization as a whole. What I mean is that media is and always has been in place to persuade the masses. It is one of the first forms of control and has been used in some form throughout history. Think about when you tell a story about a recent event or something you witnessed. You try to get your audience to see it from your prospective and you might leave out certain details either on purpose or maybe you just missed them to persuade them to think like you. You emphasize certain points and maybe exaggerate certain things. We all do it. It is something that everyone does and can't be prevented. The media just does it on a grand scale and people listen and most are easily persuaded.

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Do you feel Walter Cronkite was biased in some way? I never noticed it, but maybe I just didn't see it. To me, it seemed like most newsmen of that era just reported the news, as opposed to the extreme propaganda we are seeing these days.
You are right. That era did seem more genuine in informing rather than persuading but make no mistake the organization behind them had an agenda that they were pushing and used people that the public trusted to do it.

You are right. That era did seem more genuine in informing rather than persuading but make no mistake the organization behind them had an agenda that they were pushing and used people that the public trusted to do it.
It is easy to seem non biased when the country isn't divided.

You are right. That era did seem more genuine in informing rather than persuading but make no mistake the organization behind them had an agenda that they were pushing and used people that the public trusted to do it.
I think you're right, they were just more subtle and their bias was nationalistic.

I remember as a kid saying things like, "Kill a Commie for mommy!" I don't think the media was outright saying that on the 6 o'clock news, but I did feel like we were a nation against a common enemy - communism, the USSR.

I think the current media has driven a huge divide between major groups, both racially and politically. They were certainly helped along by Russian cyber activities like fake posts on FB, etc that rapidly accelerated the process of pitting us against each other instead of an external enemy. 

It is easy to seem non biased when the country isn't divided.
Remembering back when Cronkite roamed the earth, if he said anything biased, it was pro-America and vaguely anti-communist. I think the media like CNN, MSNBC and Huffpost are way off to the left and they don't even pretend to try and hide it. I blame outlets like them for starting and widening the divide between right and left. I don't think this country divided itself, I think we were led down this path by media outlets twisting the story, telling half truths, accentuating negative aspects.


We were more united back then and couldn't even see the evil at work even though it was right in front of us slowly manipulating us. That's when there was one America. Now there's atleast 2. A lot of the country would put their patriotism before their wallet back then. Greed has replaced pride in this country. And now we have citizens (I say "citizens" because that's the extent of their patriotism) who's only purpose in life is to criticize and destroy what it means to be an American. 

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Watching this unfold....Evil Greed comes to mind. Putin invaded for Greed? Peace

If some of the reports are correct it would appear that Putin is getting hit back by the Ukrainians.  Putin might of just got himself another Afghanistan (The Russian Version).   

Ukranes aren't EFFN around. Kind of like the Japanese saying....we don't want to invade America because TEXAS has more guns than we do. Don't EFF with TEXAS. Or Ukraine. Peace

This should read "by tying itself to the BIden Administration" . Karma and all the years of corruption catching up with them? I feel bad for the citizens of the Ukraine, but their government is just as corrupt as ours. All the people of the world best watch closely, this is just the kickoff. There's still 4 quarters to play and my bet is it's gonna hit hard here before the game's over.

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WOW! What a read. Total corrupt world. Peace
