Here Comes Vladamir Putin

Your watching the news after waking up with a biased opinion.  

have a glass of juice and dig into the reason the deep state (Obama, Biden, soros, gates, Clinton’s) is so involved in Ukraine.  

im not saying Russia doesn’t have other motives but we all need to be as open as possible.  It how real truth and real change will happen.  
Instead of cryptic posts, please enlighten us as to what Putin is doing. I'm interested in learning more.

Instead of cryptic posts, please enlighten us as to what Putin is doing. I'm interested in learning more.
The blamed/corrupt going after the more corrupt isn't anything new, it's been going on since the beginning of time lol

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I still don't see any names. Who are we talking about here?
As long as I've known you and as much as we may have or have not gotten along, I know you're not dense and am not going to entertain you acting like you are. I also know you're not blind to the bullshite that would be corrupt politics surrounding our current "leadership" and their involvement in the current conflict. You can keep pushing but I will not entertain any further.

As long as I've known you and as much as we may have or have not gotten along, I know you're not dense and am not going to entertain you acting like you are. I also know you're not blind to the bullshite that would be corrupt politics surrounding our current "leadership" and their involvement in the current conflict. You can keep pushing but I will not entertain any further.

Joe Biden? Hunter Biden?

Hang on, somebody's at the front door...

I'd like to know what GOOD is going to come out of this war? For anyone. Peace

I'd like to know what GOOD is going to come out of this war? For anyone. Peace
That depends, I'm honestly surprised the citizens didn't take over before Putin decided to try... corruption corruption corruption

No matter what happens, this is the last year Putin will be in power.  He has delivered his own death warrant, or at least exile.  There is no way when the dust settles that the world community and probably even the Russian people will continue to listen to him.  He has sent his country back financially 30 years or more.  The Ukrainian people will also be impowered after this, expect big things for this country (with Nato financial backing it).

No matter what happens, this is the last year Putin will be in power.  He has delivered his own death warrant, or at least exile.  There is no way when the dust settles that the world community and probably even the Russian people will continue to listen to him.  He has sent his country back financially 30 years or more.  The Ukrainian people will also be impowered after this, expect big things for this country (with Nato financial backing it).
IMO nato is chit, the UN is also chit... coming soon to a country near you, the people of the world are getting sick and tired of the military industrial complex and they are the embodiment of both. They do not support peace on any level, if they did they would negotiate instead of making threats. It's all about the money they make off these wars and how much they can soak America for. Unfortunately for us Trump was the 1st to stand against their pressure and start to reduce the support coming from us. That all ended as soon as he was ousted. I'm interested to see what happens over there, but I'd honestly be surprised if Putin was put out to pasture, and as far as Ukraine goes they're gov is as much if not more corrupt than ours. Hell,they paid the Boden's for craps sake.

IMO nato is chit, the UN is also chit... coming soon to a country near you, the people of the world are getting sick and tired of the military industrial complex and they are the embodiment of both. They do not support peace on any level, if they did they would negotiate instead of making threats. It's all about the money they make off these wars and how much they can soak America for. Unfortunately for us Trump was the 1st to stand against their pressure and start to reduce the support coming from us. That all ended as soon as he was ousted. I'm interested to see what happens over there, but I'd honestly be surprised if Putin was put out to pasture, and as far as Ukraine goes they're gov is as much if not more corrupt than ours. Hell,they paid the Boden's for craps sake.
If the Bidens are so corrupt (I agree they are) and the Ukrainian gov't and gas company owners are so corrupt (they probably are, but that's considered normal in that part of the world) why hasn't Biden jumped in to save them?

If NATO and the UN are such warmongers for the sake of profit, why haven't they jumped at the chance to get into another war? It doesn't make sense.

What I do know are the facts. Putin invaded another country and is now killing civilians with missiles and rockets. He's also using 2 types of banned munitions, which makes 3 different types of war crimes. Innocent children are getting killed while the "good guys" are making supportive noises and gestures, but not actually doing much while a peaceful nation gets turned into rubble.

If the Bidens are so corrupt (I agree they are) and the Ukrainian gov't and gas company owners are so corrupt (they probably are, but that's considered normal in that part of the world) why hasn't Biden jumped in to save them?

If NATO and the UN are such warmongers for the sake of profit, why haven't they jumped at the chance to get into another war? It doesn't make sense.

What I do know are the facts. Putin invaded another country and is now killing civilians with missiles and rockets. He's also using 2 types of banned munitions, which makes 3 different types of war crimes. Innocent children are getting killed while the "good guys" are making supportive noises and gestures, but not actually doing much while a peaceful nation gets turned into rubble.
Biden won't jump because he can't. Everything being destroyed right now includes all the evidence of his dealings with in Ukraine. They're eating this chit up.  Nato and the UN, don't want to initiate WW3. They're all about the money and if they're dead they can't collect. As far as war crimes, we've already gone down that road. You see what the media wants you to see regardless of which side you're on... . Are you there now? Have you been there? Do you plan on going? For someone who's been so critical of most of the media, you sure are eating it up. And as stated previously, war sucks, conflicts suck, and innocent people dying as a result sucks worse. Our country has been doing this crap for years and not once has anyone above a low level non-rate been charged with war crimes, especially someone in office.

Instead of cryptic posts, please enlighten us as to what Putin is doing. I'm interested in learning more.
I’ve had an extremely busy week and a half.  I will not entertain your patronizing.  Do your research and don’t be a damm moron.  

Real information is out there.  You just have to make it important to you to learn truth.  I know it’s hard when you don’t actually want to, but when you do, it’s amazingly rewarding.   

I’ve had an extremely busy week and a half.  I will not entertain your patronizing.  Do your research and don’t be a damm moron.  

Real information is out there.  You just have to make it important to you to learn truth.  I know it’s hard when you don’t actually want to, but when you do, it’s amazingly rewarding.   
Once again, lots of words, no information.

Who's the Doucsh  Bag? Peace
