Here Comes Vladamir Putin

Why is the world allowing this Thug to get away with Murdering of innocent people? Peace

Why is the world allowing this Thug to get away with Murdering of innocent people? Peace
Because he has nukes. 

Saddam did basically had the same thing and he got his ass kicked back home and hung by the neck until dead.  If he had nukes he still would be in Kuwait.

Oh and they are going to let Iran have nukes next.   

If you only knew how full of chit your answer is - just like your original comment :effu:
It appears we may have something in common then. 

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COVID....a disease so deadly only a war could get rid of it....

If only Russia had invaded Ukraine 2 years ago....oh wait, they couldn't cuz Trump was president. So maybe...a year ago?

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Technical Difficulties

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All I know is this.  After two weeks the Russians don't seem to have the Ukrainians on the ropes just yet. They have yet to even defeat the Ukrainian Army, Let alone the actual people of Ukraine.

What would a Russian loss do to Putins standing in the Kremlin ?  Does Putin have a viable way to win without using chemicals or some other mass destruction plan ?  At what point does he just claim victory and pull back the troops to the separatist area's.   

Putin will use nuclear weapons. He can't beat these Ukranians with ground troops. Peace

All I know is this.  After two weeks the Russians don't seem to have the Ukrainians on the ropes just yet. They have yet to even defeat the Ukrainian Army, Let alone the actual people of Ukraine.

What would a Russian loss do to Putins standing in the Kremlin ?  Does Putin have a viable way to win without using chemicals or some other mass destruction plan ?  At what point does he just claim victory and pull back the troops to the separatist area's.   
The problem is everything we know is PURE SPECULATION. We don't know chit... all you know is what MSM wants you to know.

Putin will use nuclear weapons. He can't beat these Ukranians with ground troops. Peace
I will respectively disagree, the man may be may things but he's not dumb.

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The problem is everything we know is PURE SPECULATION. We don't know chit... all you know is what MSM wants you to know.
No, I have been paying attention to a real person who I watched on Youtube before the invasion who actually lives in Ukraine.  He went from talking about music to what he is seeing around him. 

No, I have been paying attention to a real person who I watched on Youtube before the invasion who actually lives in Ukraine.  He went from talking about music to what he is seeing around him. 
Sorry, but a youtuber has little to 0 cred. He know's what's in front of him and nothing else. Is he shot calling for Russia? Does he know what their plan or endgame is? Is he in Ukraine's military or has he been part of any of the negotiations? Like I said, he sees what he sees, I agree what they're going through sucks but he's really not a newsworthy source.

Putin will use nuclear weapons. He can't beat these Ukranians with ground troops. Peace
I don't think Putin will ever use nukes. He has 2 daughters, an ex-wife and a girlfriend. He knows that if he launches nukes, we will respond and nearly the entire globe will be uninhabitable. If he had no children, then he would be more of a wild card. Think about how much you love your daughter and what you would do to ensure her happiness and survival. He probably feels the same about his daughters.

As much as he talks tough, he would never want to ruin his daughters' future like that. He's going to continue to step up his missile attacks and is predicted to start using chemical or biological weapons. He's also started the rumor that the US has been funding bio-labs in Ukraine. He'll release bio weapons and claim it was a leak from a US funded lab.
