Here Comes Vladamir Putin

Just like the Obama admin we are leading from behind. Biden has been following Europe's lead on this entire issue. Europe imposed more severe sanctions including restricting SWIFT forcing Bidens hand. They have cut off Russia from their air space (civilian air) and Biden hasn't taken that step although socialist Canada has. They are sending weapons to Ukraine and Biden finally followed suit with a pledge of $350 million after Europe upped their support. 

Biden sanctions are spineless. He excluded oil, gas, corn and wheat, etc, which accounts for the majority of Russian exports. I know sanctioning oil and gas will hurt us all in the short term, but a prolonged conflict in that region will keep prices higher in the long run.

Biden and his cronies are extremely weak. He is an embarrassment! 


Kevin informed me of a thread on RiverDave's on this topic.

So the "woke" people of the US have maybe this about Putin must be a white supremacist and if Putin was black, the world would have attacked him but since he's white, they are letting it go.  What the actual F*ck???  

I seriously hate our people more and more everyday.  

Just like the Obama admin we are leading from behind. Biden has been following Europe's lead on this entire issue. Europe imposed more severe sanctions including restricting SWIFT forcing Bidens hand. They have cut off Russia from their air space (civilian air) and Biden hasn't taken that step although socialist Canada has. They are sending weapons to Ukraine and Biden finally followed suit with a pledge of $350 million after Europe upped their support. 

Biden sanctions are spineless. He excluded oil, gas, corn and wheat, etc, which accounts for the majority of Russian exports. I know sanctioning oil and gas will hurt us all in the short term, but a prolonged conflict in that region will keep prices higher in the long run.

Biden and his cronies are extremely weak. He is an embarrassment! 

Am I wrong but don’t WE have way more oil and gas then they do??.. just pump our own and cut/kill them off… simple .. Trump would have done it.

Am I wrong but don’t WE have way more oil and gas then they do??.. just pump our own and cut/kill them off… simple .. Trump would have done it.
Yes....but biden shut it down because apparently it's only "US Warming" so if the US shuts down production...even if under more strict environmental rules and regulations...and source it from other countries with less regulations...then we have done our part protecting the environment and "Global warming"....

Biggest load of bullsh*t.

We can announce we are restarting production, but the reality is it's not like flipping a switch. It takes a while to ramp up production. We should be doing it anyway, and should not have stopped in the first place, but I think it would be mostly symbolic with the crisis at hand.

We can announce we are restarting production, but the reality is it's not like flipping a switch. It takes a while to ramp up production. We should be doing it anyway, and should not have stopped in the first place, but I think it would be mostly symbolic with the crisis at hand.
I agree with you as well, we have lots of oil that we aren't tapping into.  Normally when prices get this high, the US producers start expanding and producing more oil, fracking becomes more profitable as well, this is what is getting halted by Biden.

Just one thing people don't realize as well, the Keystone pipeline is still running, it is the Keystone XL pipeline that was being built that is no longer in existence (Biden pulled it's permit (it was never up and running).  Lots of what Biden has done is stopped future permits at this point as I am not defending Biden at all, just clarifying some things I keep hearing from peeps.

But either way we need to be independent from Countries that aren't aligned with us............

We can announce we are restarting production, but the reality is it's not like flipping a switch. It takes a while to ramp up production. We should be doing it anyway, and should not have stopped in the first place, but I think it would be mostly symbolic with the crisis at hand.
This administration could have every industry shut down not one train plane or automobile moving in the entire USofA and they would not pump one more gallon of oil because that is how they will force feed us alternate energy sources.

It doesn't matter that Russia now sells us oil and gas it doesn't matter that the country's we buy gas from don't do it as cleanly or efficiently as we do all that matters is we don't.

If the truth of the Ukraine, foreign aid ever got out, it would bring down our whole system...They are ALL dirty, it's their little joke on us... Look into the foundations.....and the aid it is sickening.   Traitors one and all. 

If the truth of the Ukraine, foreign aid ever got out, it would bring down our whole system...They are ALL dirty, it's their little joke on us... Look into the foundations.....and the aid it is sickening.   Traitors one and all. 
I've been getting laughed at and told off because I've brought this point up so many times... Ukraine has their hands dirty in this whole debacle. All the years of corruption, money laundering and the hundreds of millions paid to the Clintons, Obamas and BIdens. Even wit hthe DIRECT CONNETION to the BIdens people still have their heads in the sand. It's sickening really. I feel sorry for the citizens there, but that gov needs to burn just like ours. Eff them.

I've been getting laughed at and told off because I've brought this point up so many times... Ukraine has their hands dirty in this whole debacle. All the years of corruption, money laundering and the hundreds of millions paid to the Clintons, Obamas and BIdens. Even wit hthe DIRECT CONNETION to the BIdens people still have their heads in the sand. It's sickening really. I feel sorry for the citizens there, but that gov needs to burn just like ours. Eff them.
I get what you're saying but...the Ukrainian people aren't all involved in the corruption, the government and businesses are.

With every conflict, there are 2 sides.  We eat up what our media says and wave the flag screaming MURICA!, but just like us, other countries are fighting for what they feel is right and for what the believe in.  Again, it comes down to bad leaders.  

I had hoped that the Ukraine would have posted up biden's dirty dealings or even Russia if they obtain the information.  Still America is stupid and will say it's ok.  The media here won't report on it, because RESIST TRUMP!   

I get what you're saying but...the Ukrainian people aren't all involved in the corruption, the government and businesses are.

With every conflict, there are 2 sides.  We eat up what our media says and wave the flag screaming MURICA!, but just like us, other countries are fighting for what they feel is right and for what the believe in.  Again, it comes down to bad leaders.  

I had hoped that the Ukraine would have posted up biden's dirty dealings or even Russia if they obtain the information.  Still America is stupid and will say it's ok.  The media here won't report on it, because RESIST TRUMP!   
this is my point exactly, I know the general population isn't to blame, and I'm not going ape chit saying lets go. I

'm saying mind our effing business for once and STOP LETTING THE LEFT DISTRACT US WITH ALL THIS chit. We have business to attend to at home, like saving our own asses. "something wicked this way comes"

I heard the Russian army don't want to be in this Army! You believe that? Peace

I heard the Russian army don't want to be in this Army! You believe that? Peace
It would be like if the US told Texas they could be there own country, then 20 years later the US invaded to take it back. Lots of "Russians" have at least distant family in the Ukraine.

Worst thing that will happen here is after NATO, The US and the rest of the EU all get done rattling their swords and Putin laugh's in our faces.  China gets him (Putin) to leave the Ukraine.
