Here Comes Vladamir Putin

No Fly Zone... if that happens.. then the 'West' meaning anyone but China, Iran and Russia the 'East' .. will be BOMBING the heck out of that 40 mile convoy.

I think 'Europe' isn't going to stand for this.. bomb the convoy .. stop the surge of troops, etc. Only thing he (Putin) can do is push 'the button.'

Shoot.. I think I'll spend an hour today ordering a pallet of MREs and stuff, ... I gave all my canned goods away and didn't replace them. I'm gonna budget $10k... I have to find that website my buddy sent me that has the high end 10 year+ shelf life.. they sell water purifier stuff, etc. too ... 




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No Fly Zone... if that happens.. then the 'West' meaning anyone but China, Iran and Russia the 'East' .. will be BOMBING the heck out of that 40 mile convoy.

I think 'Europe' isn't going to stand for this.. bomb the convoy .. stop the surge of troops, etc. Only thing he (Putin) can do is push 'the button.'

Shoot.. I think I'll spend an hour today ordering a pallet of MREs and stuff, ... I gave all my canned goods away and didn't replace them. I'm gonna budget $10k... I have to find that website my buddy sent me that has the high end 10 year+ shelf life.. they sell water purifier stuff, etc. too ... 


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Just before it gets bad.  China will make a deal with Putin and the war will be over. The EU will start looking towards China from then on out as the big brother to keep the bully in line.

That is not a good thing BTW

Just before it gets bad.  China will make a deal with Putin and the war will be over. The EU will start looking towards China from then on out as the big brother to keep the bully in line.

That is not a good thing BTW
Yeah.. it's hard to figure.. FYI, I'm on right now.. fixin' to point and click .. 1 year supply is $2,987.00 .. I think I'll buy 4 of those ... 😬... wife is used to my 'crazy' sh__ after being with me for 20 years.. 

at 30 years she will just roll her eyes & ignore it.  LOL

No buttons pushed. Not in our lifetime. Peace

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So much for the Nuclear Arms Peace treaty Ukraine signed in Budapest on Dec 5th 1994 and US, UK, and Russia agreed to defend Ukraine from invasions if they gave up 1900 nuclear warheads.

Never give up your arms. PERIOD!!!

So much for the Nuclear Arms Peace treaty Ukraine signed in Budapest on Dec 5th 1994 and US, UK, and Russia agreed to defend Ukraine from invasions if they gave up 1900 nuclear warheads.

Never give up your arms. PERIOD!!!
Never give up arms, but give up warheads? What's the point you are trying to make?

They should have never given up their Nuclear Warheads.   
Yeah, they were complete suckers for believing the assurances of Russia, U.K. and U.S.A.  Everyone knows you can't trust big government.  Treaties are meant to be broken!  Am I right??  🤡

he's not actually taking "back" anything... we all wanted the deep state bs to come to an end and now that it begins everyone loses their minds about it. 
Thank you. Good god people do you Fing research on why he’s doing what he’s doing. Not saying I agree with it or that he doesn’t have more then one motive but come on people.  

Watching this unfold....Evil Greed comes to mind. Putin invaded for Greed? Peace
Your watching the news after waking up with a biased opinion.  

have a glass of juice and dig into the reason the deep state (Obama, Biden, soros, gates, Clinton’s) is so involved in Ukraine.  

im not saying Russia doesn’t have other motives but we all need to be as open as possible.  It how real truth and real change will happen.  

All forms of media are propaganda and advertising. That's how it's been since it was chiseled in stone tablets. It's been a biased conveyance of information since day one. I believe this was the purpose when it started. Some news outlets have tried in small ways to report just the facts but there's always some influence to paint things a certain way. AFAIC the word news, the word media and the word propaganda all have the same meaning. Look at media throughout history. It has always been this way. It's the nature of reporting and sharing information with others to try to make others see things the way you do.
What a bunch of BS.

EDIT - see you've already been there w/LOTD


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Putin is a Thug. Fox News has been covering this War 24hrs a day. LIVE TV. I can't imagine what they're going thru in Ukraine. Peace

Putin is a Thug. Fox News has been covering this War 24hrs a day. LIVE TV. I can't imagine what they're going thru in Ukraine. Peace
There is this Youtube guy I watch from time to time.  Young kid with thick Russian accent (Think we have plan to get moose and squirrel). Loves Metallica and does all kinds of videos on the band and there songs.  I had no idea where he was actually from but could tell be his background it was probably from someplace like Russia.  Well he is in Ukraine.  I found this out after he posted a video  telling his followers that he would not be making any more videos for a while on that channel and to watch a few other of his channels in case that one got blocked or taken down by the Russians. You could tell by his demeanor it was not going well.

Everybody's effing around and going to find out here soon.

Between the whole Republican Putin apologist thing, the world begging for a no-fly zone, the misinformation about Ukraine Russian and American relationships and pacts, and the emotional worldwide protests that are driving  hysteria are causing leaders to make some critical mistakes and choices 

Everyone wants to mettle not understanding their choices are acts of war.

I hear a lot of stories about rogue ex-military people from all parts of the world going over there to play Navy SEAL. I just hope they aren't misidentified as American or NATO nation soldiers.. 

I hope that "secure line" that America and Russia supposedly have to avoid a disastrous mistake is rock solid.. 

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