Here Comes Vladamir Putin

Sorry, didn't mean to say Trump divided the country, I agree with you that is was divided before.  I think Trump due to teh division.
We all have our thoughts an opinions on it.  It's still America right?   :lol:

Biden is thinking of enlisting the help of the North Korean Air Force...



As already mentioned, the leadership is weak. It all starts from the top. Neither Putin nor Winnie the Pooh in China have any respect for sleepy joe or his entire administration. 
Thats a good opinion. But one not shared with most current servicemen in the fact they serve their country first. Who was elected president makes no difference if the actual military is weak or strong. I assure you they are as strong as ever and ready when needed.

Thats a good opinion. But one not shared with most current servicemen in the fact they serve their country first. Who was elected president makes no difference if the actual military is weak or strong. I assure you they are as strong as ever and ready when needed.
It absolutely makes a difference.  

Clinton made us a hollow force, so did obama.  Presidents make budgets.  Clinton and obama voted for no to little pay raises, gave no money for new equipment, no parts, etc...

Dude, I'm not sure where you get your info but this is not the case.  You can "MURICA" all you want.  It's not the reality.

Look back at all the countries who gave up their weapons. What happened to them? Peace
I don't necessarily blame countries for giving up nukes or certain weapons.  The cost of maintaining nuclear weapons is astronomical and with some of the post USSR countries that struggled to get started could not afford to.  

Thats a good opinion. But one not shared with most current servicemen in the fact they serve their country first. Who was elected president makes no difference if the actual military is weak or strong. I assure you they are as strong as ever and ready when needed.
Ummmm what the leadership is willing to do absolutely makes a difference. Yes our soldiers and servicemen are the best and could crush an enemy. But if leadership is weak and more concerned about bathrooms and feelings then it doesn’t really matter.

Thats a good opinion. But one not shared with most current servicemen in the fact they serve their country first. Who was elected president makes no difference if the actual military is weak or strong. I assure you they are as strong as ever and ready when needed.
The service men & woman serve their Country first. But I can testify that Military Government contracts that Trump put in place to grow and make are Military stronger. As soon as Biden took office they have been pulling out of many of those contracts. My wife works for a very large Defense Contractor and all branches of the Military have been backing out of long term contracts that still have years left on them as the Biden administration has cut the fundings to those programs. 

When the Government reneges on these contracts it’s stops the Military support. Just a few months ago a contract that had several hundred people employed was shut down. Those Def Cont employees were left to find other teams & contracts to get on or become unemployed. 

Some very sophisticated equipment that was used by several branches of military and was successful in previous wars was mothballed, not because it was outdated, but because this current administration no longer wants to pay for it or give it to our troops.

We all have our thoughts an opinions on it.  It's still America right?   :lol:

Refer to the topic Your opinion and Thoughts don't matter. Peace

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The cost of maintaining nuclear weapons is astronomical  

That is something I had "NO IDEA". I would guess there is a lot of expense to maintaining a nuclear weapon. Under the assumption Ukraine said "We give up our Nukes, you let us be as our own Country" Peace

That is something I had "NO IDEA". I would guess there is a lot of expense to maintaining a nuclear weapon. Under the assumption Ukraine said "We give up our Nukes, you let us be as our own Country" Peace
People gotta eat.  These decisions weren't easy.  It's why a lot of them rushed to join NATO.  Let NATO foot the bills to maintain these.  Plus it gave a look at Russian nukes... :ninja:


Sarcasm or not, a country is facing the end of their existence. Read the F-ing room. That was always his problem and still is. Subtract even a third of his toilet tweets and his accomplishments would’ve been hard to argue against, MSNBC wouldn’t have daily direct quotes to make up headlines like this, and he’d still be president because it would’ve been a landslide. 
I don't think that was his problem. I think the problem lies with the public who put too much emphasis on tweets and didn't pay any attention to what he tried to accomplished or did accomplish.

That's the sad part about the whole thing. People expect those who succeed to be exceedingly humble about their accomplishments. Why? So they can feel less like losers? I don't think people like Trump, Musk or Robbie Gordon need to trot out the fake humility just to make them more likable. 

Their accomplishments speak for themselves, anyone who is jealous of them - that's a personal problem, theirs, not the successful guy's.

Based on who got elected into POTUS, this country has passed a turning point. The vast majority are offended by the truth, are jealous of success and more worried about gender fluidity and pronouns than the fact that the world is locked in a battle of good vs evil. Meanwhile the liberals are embracing socialism, one slippery step after another.

No wonder Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un feel emboldened to do as they please and bully their neighbors, we traded in a real leader for a demented feeble old pedo. 

Folks it all comes down to the MEDIA...they are bad guys in all this....the unholy alliance they  have with the Commie Democrat party is scary....  Just think if Fox news wasn't around................scary huh???

Thats a good opinion. But one not shared with most current servicemen in the fact they serve their country first. Who was elected president makes no difference if the actual military is weak or strong. I assure you they are as strong as ever and ready when needed.
You're right about the servicemen, but the leadership, or lack of, is what causes success or failure. For example - Vietnam. We lost that conflict, not because our soldiers and airmen weren't trying, but because the leadership was lousy, with too many politicians weighing in and ridiculous ROE. The people who make the decisions could screw up everything even with the most elite fighting forces. The military follows orders, but if those orders are BS and poor decisions are made, those poor decisions will determine the outcome. There are hundreds of stories of soldiers in combat zones with no body armor, or poorly armored Humvees, etc., not to mention strategic mistakes that cost lives and battles.

Biden is sending over hundreds of millions in rockets, anti-tank missiles, etc. I'm willing to bet that we have stuff that would be very useful that probably didn't get sent. I don't have a full inventory of what was sent to Ukraine, but the Iron Dome would sure help, as one example. I saw no mention of that, but it's been very effective in protecting Israel from rocket attacks. Just from past examples, I'm pretty sure we probably sent them $50 M worth of bikinis and no suntan lotion.

Folks it all comes down to the MEDIA...they are bad guys in all this....the unholy alliance they  have with the Commie Democrat party is scary....  Just think if Fox news wasn't around................scary huh???
All forms of media are propaganda and advertising. That's how it's been since it was chiseled in stone tablets. It's been a biased conveyance of information since day one. I believe this was the purpose when it started. Some news outlets have tried in small ways to report just the facts but there's always some influence to paint things a certain way. AFAIC the word news, the word media and the word propaganda all have the same meaning. Look at media throughout history. It has always been this way. It's the nature of reporting and sharing information with others to try to make others see things the way you do.

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I fully understand leadership. I get what you are saying.

The original comment I responded to said we should basically tuck tail and run. That’s a cowards way out and not one shared by any servicemen that I know. 
Regardless I understand many of your disdain for the current administration and lack of leadership.

I personally hold our servicemen to a higher level of respect than some perhaps. Living near one of the largest Air Force bases, most of my friends, customers and or family are either active military, retired, customers of mine or work on base. 
I have a customer that flew his f35 last week over to Europe to back NATO forces… I’m certain his family would rather he be home. As would I.

This isn’t a war we should be involved in, in my opinion.
