Here Comes Vladamir Putin

And they're dancing with China. Definitely watching. I have a sister in Lithuania and have had some serious dreams as of late. I think I mentioned here before about the sudden rain of paratroopers landing in all cities and streets, some Russian some Chinese. I gotta find that post.

Overall, I thought he was a good President...

But chit like this is why he lost the reelection.  Dumb.

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Russian stock market dropped 40% today.  Probably not a good thing for them. . .

I try not to give too much credit or blame on who the President is at anytime, in most cases they only move the needle a little bit in the big picture................BUT, I do believe this would not be happening if the Orange guy was still President.  It might have be pushed out a few more years, maybe.

Facts are, Putin doesn't want a Western Like European Country next to his border, and especially a Nato member.  Ukraine was starting to look more like Germany in terms of social/political standpoint.  Now put in the equation all the natural resources Ukraine has and he also sees a piece of land that would make Russia a bigger player in their GDP.  Currently Russia is nothing more than a large gas station, in the big picture this is the biggest thing they export.

Now take Biden and our country (and Nato), I don't think we have the balls to go in and fight this with the military.  Biden as already said he would not send troops into Ukraine.

I think in the big picture, we have to hope the Russian people continue to protest Putin and these actions in his own country.  Putin cares a lot about what his image is within his country.

Lets hope this plays out quickly, we really haven't seen anything like this since WW2.

IT amazes me that people can't see sarcasm  when it's in front of them...Trump was bashing Biden and his poop in his pants authority and letting everyone know that Putin was never really faced with any real Threat from the US in regards to Ukraine.....and MSN spins it as he is praising him and people eat it up... THAT is why the republicans lose elections......... 

I try not to give too much credit or blame on who the President is at anytime, in most cases they only move the needle a little bit in the big picture................BUT, I do believe this would not be happening if the Orange guy was still President.  It might have be pushed out a few more years, maybe.

Facts are, Putin doesn't want a Western Like European Country next to his border, and especially a Nato member.  Ukraine was starting to look more like Germany in terms of social/political standpoint.  Now put in the equation all the natural resources Ukraine has and he also sees a piece of land that would make Russia a bigger player in their GDP.  Currently Russia is nothing more than a large gas station, in the big picture this is the biggest thing they export.

Now take Biden and our country (and Nato), I don't think we have the balls to go in and fight this with the military.  Biden as already said he would not send troops into Ukraine.

I think in the big picture, we have to hope the Russian people continue to protest Putin and these actions in his own country.  Putin cares a lot about what his image is within his country.

Lets hope this plays out quickly, we really haven't seen anything like this since WW2.
He hasn't, but he just sent troops to Poland and surrounding countries.

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IT amazes me that people can't see sarcasm  when it's in front of them...Trump was bashing Biden and his poop in his pants authority and letting everyone know that Putin was never really faced with any real Threat from the US in regards to Ukraine.....and MSN spins it as he is praising him and people eat it up... THAT is why the republicans lose elections......... 
Sarcasm is only ok when it's being presented by the hypocrites... I thought you'd have figured that out by now :lol:  

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Russia relies mostly on two aging pipeline networks, one of which runs through Belarus and the other through Ukraine. For this, Russia pays Ukraine around $2 billion a year in transit fees.

Putin is TIRED of writing a check? 


So, did anyone see the Sam Adams commercial during the Superbowl? I look at it as a "victory dance" and a flex of what's to come if you eff with us! Now, have a beer! Unfair advantage and will definitely lead to consequences. Everyone else in the room laughed and didn't bat an eye. Now they're programmed. Wow.

Edited to add: just re-watched it and noticed the last expression towards the end (the we're gonna live forever!) of it. Wow! 

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After all this, you really think he "lost" ? :dunno:  

Sarcasm or not, a country is facing the end of their existence. Read the F-ing room. That was always his problem and still is. Subtract even a third of his toilet tweets and his accomplishments would’ve been hard to argue against, MSNBC wouldn’t have daily direct quotes to make up headlines like this, and he’d still be president because it would’ve been a landslide. 

I could write a book on this.  

Biden caused this.  Ukraine asked him to stop pushing Putin's buttons on this, he did not and basically pushed Putin to a breaking point where Putin had to or accept cowering  to the weakest US president ever.  Now China will follow suit, maybe even Iran and N.Korea.

But Biden is pushing sanctions....Putin will raise the price of oil and make that back 3 fold.
China...controls our entire supply chain.  Let's see how sanctions work with that.  Not to mention costs, bare shelves, we would be paralyzed.
The US has weaker it's military where it cannot support a 2 front war...let alone a war against 2 formidable adversaries. (I don't say enemies because we are still doing business with them and require their products!)

I actually told my wife this morning when she asked...what should we do???  I said...maybe it's that time again for the US to lose and walk away with our tail between our legs and regroup.  If we do anything now, we're not ready and will get hurt worse.  What's wrong with hurt feelings to live and fight another day?

So much more to say, none of it good.

My Favorite from Reagan..."My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."

Copy/Paste...and I agree.

What will happen now is anyone’s guess, but here’s how I see it.

  • Putin is all in.  Attacks are hitting cities hundreds of miles from the Donbass and eastern Ukraine, signifying Putin’s intent to take over the entire country.
  • The western countries – Europe and North America, as well as some Asian nations will rally around severe penalties for Russia – blocking access to the SWIFT system, banning trade in Russian debt and equities, and instituting a broad ban on exports to Russia.
  • This isn’t going to end anytime soon.
  • Ukraine will be very hard-pressed to hold off Russian forces; the Ukrainian military is much smaller, has fewer armored vehicles and airplanes, and isn’t positioned well to fend off attacks from the north and southwest.
  • China is a bit of a wild card; it

    consumes a lot of Russian foodstuffs, gas and oil,
  • sees Russian aggression as a not-very-big-deal,
  • likes the strategic problems the invasion creates for the West (China could move aggressively on Taiwan), but
  • knows Russia’s financial situation is going to deteriorate quickly,
  • has tens of billions invested in Russia, and
  • understands that Putin is playing with a fairly weak hand.

So, I’d expect:

On the scarier side, expect Russia to launch cyber attacks in retaliation for Western sanctions, attacks that will very likely target financial institutions, infrastructure and commercial entities.

We have been warned of cyber attacks.   The new "nuke".
