Here Comes Vladamir Putin

I could write a book on this.  

Biden caused this.  Ukraine asked him to stop pushing Putin's buttons on this, he did not and basically pushed Putin to a breaking point where Putin had to or accept cowering  to the weakest US president ever.  Now China will follow suit, maybe even Iran and N.Korea.

But Biden is pushing sanctions....Putin will raise the price of oil and make that back 3 fold.
China...controls our entire supply chain.  Let's see how sanctions work with that.  Not to mention costs, bare shelves, we would be paralyzed.
The US has weaker it's military where it cannot support a 2 front war...let alone a war against 2 formidable adversaries. (I don't say enemies because we are still doing business with them and require their products!)

I actually told my wife this morning when she asked...what should we do???  I said...maybe it's that time again for the US to lose and walk away with our tail between our legs and regroup.  If we do anything now, we're not ready and will get hurt worse.  What's wrong with hurt feelings to live and fight another day?

So much more to say, none of it good.
This may be the dumbest thing I have read and may the lord have mercy on your soul.

If you think our military is weaker, you’re either ignorant or a fool.

We are part of a great collaborative. We don’t make the calls singular. They are made as a collective.

Our boys shouldn’t see that soil. We are doing exactly what we should be.

Ukraine had plenty of time to join NATO and chose otherwise. 
If anyone should be backing them, it’s their neighbors. Keep our kids off that soil.

This may be the dumbest thing I have read and may the lord have mercy on your soul.

If you think our military is weaker, you’re either ignorant or a fool.

We are part of a great collaborative. We don’t make the calls singular. They are made as a collective.

Our boys shouldn’t see that soil. We are doing exactly what we should be.

Ukraine had plenty of time to join NATO and chose otherwise. 
If anyone should be backing them, it’s their neighbors. Keep our kids off that soil.
As a 25 year man and senior staff officer that briefed the Pentagon everyday...Uh...Ok.

I stand by my comments.

I'm about to FINALLY replace all the canned goods I gave away to a member for his church that I bought when COVID went ballistic.. I'm probably gonna dump $10k into the stuff.. Give 90 days supplies to my kids/parents, etc.

.. the GOOD ones.. last a long time.. not a bad idea.. even for a bad earthquake... 

.. time to prep.. 


PS. Putin is crazy .. remember he WAS KGB. I'm not afraid of Russia.. Taiwan and China taking them.. that's the REAL threat... 

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And they're dancing with China. Definitely watching. I have a sister in Lithuania and have had some serious dreams as of late. I think I mentioned here before about the sudden rain of paratroopers landing in all cities and streets, some Russian some Chinese. I gotta find that post.
My wife who has a sith sense type thing  has been having this type of dream recently too. total "Red Dawn " type stuff.

My wife who has a sith sense type thing  has been having this type of dream recently too. total "Red Dawn " type stuff.
I couldn't find my said post and I remember why and when. It was when we felt robbed by an election. I had this weird eerie feeling during the dream realizing that our country was for sale. That post was lost in our old server files that crashed unfortunately. Well, it was pretty much the same dream over again.

Along with another one that repeated but I won't mention that one. It's weirdly pointless. Well, screw it, goes like this... I was at a dear friend's house, and somehow the house topples over into the next house and meshes into it of sort, like some matrix reaction. No rubble or fallen walls, just oddly broken. In order to assess the damage we had to go through two main front living rooms and somehow ended up back to back. Earthquake type, or catastrophic event. I just remember my friend looking at me like "it's all good".

Ok, crazy off. LOL

As a 25 year man and senior staff officer that briefed the Pentagon everyday...Uh...Ok.

I stand by my comments.
Thank you for Service Mac!

What would lead you to believe the most highly funded, most technologically advanced and highest staffed military is weak?

Open up the Keystone pipeline Brandon. sTOP hurting your own people. Eliminate the flow of oil from the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Biden STOP the flow of oil from Russia. Putin is continuing to get Rich while he DRILLS Ukraine. STOP giving the crazy man money. WTF!!! We DON'T need to bring our troops into war. Russia is a gas station acting like a country. Joe Biden is an idiot. John Kerry is an IDIOT too. Peace 

I've gotta admit, been watching this conflict from the beginning. Listening to some very educated people regarding Europe and how it works. Ever heard of S.W.I.F.T banking? You shut off Russia from that and their DONE. Germany can't have that happen. That would hurt Germany's economy. Joe say's SANCTIONS SANCTIONS SANCTIONS. Are they going to hurt Russia more than the missiles bombs guns to Ukraine? Biden says i'll let you know in a month. Do you think Ukraine has a month? Peace

Thank you for Service Mac!

What would lead you to believe the most highly funded, most technologically advanced and highest staffed military is weak?
As already mentioned, the leadership is weak. It all starts from the top. Neither Putin nor Winnie the Pooh in China have any respect for sleepy joe or his entire administration. 

Depending on what side you want to watch makes Putin a tyrant or a savior.  

He claims to be helping the people of Dunbass region from nearly a decade of conflict with Ukraine.  Claiming UN statues.

Or, he's land grabbing and flipping the west (FJB) the bird.


Just wait till Putin sees the purple haired rainbow boys come charging over the hill....he'll run like hell. That's what this POS is doing to our military....believe in God and County? The Biden military doesn't want you.... This woke chit has gone too far....Time to step up and start slappin these idiots down....they had their 5 minutes...time to go back the basement.

I have a question for the military people  there was a Russian military strategist that said that Putin knows how tied our fighting is to electronics and he knows how to defeat our electronic systems, is that true? Went on to say that Putin thinks he can take us in a conventional war.

In other news, anybody hear about the Russian ship and the soldiers on the small Ukrainian Island?

"Russian ship... GO EFF YOURSELF"🤣


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3 hours ago, AlpineFunco said: Neither Putin nor Winnie the Pooh in China have any respect for sleepy joe or his entire administration. 
Nor does our country. 

I have a question for the military people  there was a Russian military strategist that said that Putin knows how tied our fighting is to electronics and he knows how to defeat our electronic systems, is that true? Went on to say that Putin thinks he can take us in a conventional war.

In other news, anybody hear about the Russian ship and the soldiers on the small Ukrainian Island?

"Russian ship... GO EFF YOURSELF"🤣

Nope. Not gonna happen. We take our real war platforms very seriously. 

We use our electronic advantage, but our soldiers and sailors and airmen are perfectly capable of punching you in the teefs without them. 

In other news, anybody hear about the Russian ship and the soldiers on the small Ukrainian Island?

"Russian ship... GO EFF YOURSELF"🤣


Heard about that. GREATNESS!! Go EFF yourself!! RIP MEN. Peace

To most of the Russian people Putin is a savior, he is their Reagan. He is standing up to the west, making us look bad and making himself look powerful. Russians are proud to be Russians again thanks to him.

Putin knew the sanctions were coming, he knew how the west was going to respond. He knew that our Clown in the White House would not be sending troop but would not sit on his hands. I am sure they have a contingency plan for exactly what Brandon did. 
