More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

I have heard really good things about the antibidy treatment. My has been donating plasma for over year becasue he has the antibodies. He found out he had them at a blood drive in April 2020 never knew he had covid. May 2021 he was still strong and a great doner so it does show that the natural infection is real peice to helping calm this thing down. I wish our counrty would recognize that but they dont't benefit from a free medicine : ( 
The monoclonal antibody treatment is legit and works if implemented quickly.  This treatment was used under the same emergency use as the vaccine.  It was approved by the FDA in May.  

That was not my question.  My question was if Trump issued the mandate, not whether he would.

I guess all those union workers will soon find out if the union has their best interest.  I really do not see that many people walking off their jobs or if they do for very long.  They have to eat, support themselves and their families.   Pretty easy to walk away from a $15-$30/hr job and find another.  Not so easy to walk way from a job that pays 6 figures and go find another that is not going to have the same mandates.  The ones that I can see leaving are the workers that are ready to retire.      

By the way there are many hospitals and healthcare networks that have mandated their employees get the shot.   I do not think many walked away from their jobs.  

Where Biden has overstepped is that normally it is left to the individual states to issue mandates, not the Federal government.   The Supreme Court has ruled that states can impose mandatory vaccination, this occurred with the Small Pox.  I think there is very strong chance these mandates will be shot down.  The unknow is if OSHA issues a rule.  
Just on our news last night that one of the hospitals was looking for 150 people to work and they can't find anyone.   The health care mandate doesn't go into effect till Dec 1 here.  I have talked to many nurses and they will walk if forced to take it.  Why are so many nurses so against it? makes you think. My best friend is fighting for his life and I talk to all his nurses and none of them are Vaxed and don't want to be.  

Just on our news last night that one of the hospitals was looking for 150 people to work and they can't find anyone.   The health care mandate doesn't go into effect till Dec 1 here.  I have talked to many nurses and they will walk if forced to take it.  Why are so many nurses so against it? makes you think. My best friend is fighting for his life and I talk to all his nurses and none of them are Vaxed and don't want to be.  
Banner Health issued a requirement back in July

Nursing shortage has been an issue everywhere.   My niece is a nurse in Michigan.  She just started during covid and was thrown into the covid ward.  She complains of being overworked when the surges hit the area.  

Hopefully your friend pulls through.  

The alternatives are what the latest Youtube expert says.  LOL!

Nobody sees the irony in people, without a second thought, quickly sucking down meds that some person  on Youtube says works (insert the latest elixir).  Yet scream I won't take an unproven vaccine.  

Joe Rogan beat Covid with horse paste, antibody treatment (probably the real reason he beat it so quickly), python chit, and unicorn piss they run out and order up the horse paste.   LOL!  
The inventors of Ivermectin won the Noble Peace prize because of it use in HUMANS...

Per Reuters.

Ivermectin has been given to humans 3.7 billion times in the past 30 years. It’s totally safe and has been called a “miracle drug.” Its creators won a Nobel Prize in Medicine for inventing it, and the WHO puts it on a list of ‘must have drugs’ for any country.

that's why i didn't get it. i was told i had to so i automatically said eff that. i'll stand my ground

aug 27th i was positive for covid. did i die, no well not yet. did it suck, hell yes. freezing cold my teeth chattered to next minute i'm pouring sweat like im in a hot box.

body aches, severe headaches (i guess i've never realy had a bad headache until now). severe fatigue, slept for up to 36 hours at a time. 

in 10 days I had 3 glasses of water, 4 apples, tried to each a chick fil a sandwich and it was like eating a block of salt. the vanilla shake was ok, but i couldn't stomach the sandwich or even a fry.

i had a service come in and give my wife and i IV bags to help. 

I had 0 shots, wife has had both since summer, she got it aug 28th, but basically she had a sinus type infection symptoms and some fatigue.

I now carry albuterol inhaler until i get thru some of these breathing issues i'm experiencing. lungs and chest clear as per dr. and oxy level at 96%

The nurse that came and did the IV bags said no shots for her. she was 30, has literally worked 7 days a week for 3 years straight to pay off her student debt. she hates masks and gets in trouble at the ER she's out of for not wearing it. but she said I've been knee deep in it since day one and haven't got it. and she just paid her debt off, took 3 years but she did it!

anyways, would i get the shot now, I probably would, because I have been down 15 days this saturday, missed 2 of my sons college football games, and my daughters birthday...aug 27th the day i was positive. she's been at grandmas since then, haven't seen her for a while. i'll be back 100% before long, dr said it will just take a little while, so i have to ease back into my old life. 

I know I could have been alot worse off and i'm gratefull it was wasn't bad as it could have been.
You're alive. That's what is important.  I know people who have died from the vaccine. Take at your own risk. Because NOBODY will accept liability, especially if your body doesn't accept the side effects. 

This is going to last another 2 or 3 years (or more)...unless 90% of the population gets vaccinated, period - end of story.  If you don't believe that by now you're not paying attention.  Pick your battle - argue for a variety of reasons to not get the vaccine and live with our current situation for another few years, or get the vaccine and feel like chit for 2 or 3 days.
You or anyone on this planet cannot guaranty to only feel like chit for 2-3 days? My reasoning for not getting it is, other than it's my own decision. My father died in my arms on March 7th 2021. 5 days after his 2nd dose. Massive cardiac arrest. So if you think I'm not paying attention, you're off a little. I will die fighting for my freedom before I submit to them. 


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You or anyone on this planet cannot guaranty to only feel like chit for 2-3 days? My reasoning for not getting it is, other than it's my own decision. My father died in my arms on March 7th 2021. 5 days after his 2nd dose. Massive cardiac arrest. So if you think I'm not paying attention, you're off a little. I will die fighting for my freedom before I submit to them. 

 Sorry for your loss Shawn. I'm watching my mother go thru hell right now. She beat Covid like a mild cold in December. She took the JJ shot in May and within one day had brutal nausea. It has been non stop ever since. 4 months of feeling like you are sea sick. Can't eat, losing weight, It's killing her. 

She has been in the ER 6 times and admitted twice. 

She had gastro issues but they went off like a wildfire as soon as she took the shot and have not stopped. 

This thing is NOT a one size fits all shot. 

Not sure if people are aware BUT all the Illegals coming into the USA are not required to get the vaccine ,,,,,,, Peter Ducey asked Jen Saki point blank and she would NOT answer........

Good thing we are following the science!  :poule:


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Not sure if people are aware BUT all the Illegals coming into the USA are not required to get the vaccine ,,,,,,, Peter Ducey asked Jen Saki point blank and she would NOT answer........

Good thing we are following the science!  :poule:
She did answer she said "that's correct" and would not answer why. The totalitarianism and attitude from this administration is frightening. 


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She did answer she said "that's correct" and would not answer why. The totalitarianism and attitude from this administration is frightening. 
No she did not / the question was WHY are the people being released into the US that are illegal not required to get the vaccine like the mandated 100plus employee companies.......

SHE DID NOT ANSWER HIS QUESTION....she just said correct to the statement...the question was WHY ???..... He should have interupted her and demanded an answer.

No she did not / the question was WHY are the people being released into the US that are illegal not required to get the vaccine like the mandated 100plus employee companies.......

SHE DID NOT ANSWER HIS QUESTION....she just said correct to the statement...the question was WHY ???..... He should have interupted her and demanded an answer.
Yes the reporter asked is it true that business with a hundred employees or more must be vaccinated but the migrants at the southern boarder do not if so why? See said "that's correct". Then moved one with a major tud and said next question.  So yes she refused to answer why the double standard.

I posted earlier about the immigrants having the option to take the vax, and only 30% have taken it. 

My wife got vaxed when I did, which surprised me because she indicated she wouldn't take it. She has Lupus and it has been in remission since she was in her late 20's. Now, 25 yrs later, after getting vaxed, her Lupus symptoms are coming back. I read up on it after she noticed the symptoms and there appears to be some evidence of people with auto-immune diseases showing a flare up in their symptoms after getting vaxed. Of course there is no info on the long term affects with people with auto-immune diseases. 

I am dead set against the mandate especially since ALL the long term impacts of the vaccine are not known yet.

And the crap about horse medicine is ignorance. There are many drugs that vets use that are also used to treat humans. A vet can prescribe medication to his own family, at least in our state. And my wife was on high doses of hydroxychloroquine for her Lupus and despite what the leftist media want you to believe, it is a PROVEN drug that is SAFE to take and is available OTC in a lot of places in the world. There is too much dis-information out there for strictly political reasons and it's bullchit!!

No she did not / the question was WHY are the people being released into the US that are illegal not required to get the vaccine like the mandated 100plus employee companies.......

SHE DID NOT ANSWER HIS QUESTION....she just said correct to the statement...the question was WHY ???..... He should have interupted her and demanded an answer.
Here's the clip of the exchange. I had only seen the last part where she says. Correct and doesn't answer why. She is letting her inner see you next week come to the surface.

get vaccinated k cool and since it is possible…..what if MORE mandates come down and MORE govt control comes down but with no change in what/how we are living. Meaning 60k people die each year from the flu that has a vaccine (flu shot 🙄) yes it slows the rise and symptoms but it has never gone away. so then what. U keep asking for an alternative. Well that’s an alternative. There has been no promise of what will happen after EVERYONE or 90% whatever get vaccinated. No rainbows no free duning no “back to normal”. You are “assuming” it will get better but there is a large possibility it doesn’t. Just more govt control and division of the beautiful U. S. A. 🇺🇸
OVER THIS TOPIC time to dune. 

I respect your opinion but really prefer to talk about Glamis, Dumont, rippin a bowl, singing a tune, stuff like that. 👍🏼
+1 on dune talk being preferred...this is the only forum I really take part in and don't mind mixing it up. 

I'm just sick of the non-unified country we are leaving in over this thing...and sick of everyone pushing that it's a political agenda.  You need to look at this from the entire world's perspective, not a US political perspective.  

also +1 on respecting your - and everyone's else opinion on the topic.

The alternatives are what the latest Youtube expert says.  LOL!

Nobody sees the irony in people, without a second thought, quickly sucking down meds that some person  on Youtube says works (insert the latest elixir).  Yet scream I won't take an unproven vaccine.  

Joe Rogan beat Covid with horse paste, antibody treatment (probably the real reason he beat it so quickly), python chit, and unicorn piss they run out and order up the horse paste.   LOL!  
The fact that you’re referring to it as “horse paste” really shows how much you know. Do some actual research... not just CNN. 

Well, Looks like this FAIR MANDATE will be for everyone..............Kinda............

Certain Teachers Unions and of course all Postal Workers are exempt !!!!

Yeah........That seems logical.............and you wonder why people don't trust the Governments decisions!


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Well, Looks like this FAIR MANDATE will be for everyone..............Kinda............

Certain Teachers Unions and of course all Postal Workers are exempt !!!!

Yeah........That seems logical.............and you wonder why people don't trust the Governments decisions!

Congress and staff are also exempt. 

Get the juice and if it doesn't kill or harm you, it will give you a .027% better chance of not dieing form the vid. But you can still catch it spread it and die from it. 

Fun fact, you're more likely to die driving to work then you are from the vid. 

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Good thing we are following the science!  :poule:
Yea, if this is all about science.  Anyone that applies for a green card, visa, citizenship, and/or any of the like MUST prove or receive the shot for a certified doctor.  That would be better than any wall.

Just found out last night Walgreens has in-home rapid covid test $24 for two test in case someone wanted to keep them on hand
