More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

From what I’ve been able to gather is that Ivermectin is owned by Merck . Merck says that its drug Ivermectin isn’t safe or effective for use to treat Covid-19. 🤔 That’s weird. Why would they say that? Well Merck also has a new drug coming down the pike to treat Covid-19 and they’ve already applied for a EUA. Problem is that I guess you can’t have 2 drugs made from the same company to treat a particular disease sickness virus etc. So with no money to be made on Ivermectin as a repurposed drug, they now can patent this new EUA drug and make $$$$ and call it it’s only drug to treat Covid. Smells really fishy. 

Ivermectin works when administered early and is known to have antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. And has been used to treat other RNA type viruses. It’s Not just a Horse dewormer. 

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The hate for Ivermectin is simple.  If it was to be a proven therapeutic, it would make all the experimental vaccines emergency use illegal. 

it why they attack hydroxychloroquine. It threatened the vaccine they had in the wings when they released the VID.

Fauci wrote a paper on the usefulness of hydroxycloroquine in treating COVID years prior to 2020. Also researchers in Australia found that Ivermectin was effective at treating COVID, also years before 2020. 

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The fact that you’re referring to it as “horse paste” really shows how much you know. Do some actual research... not just CNN. 
I know what it is and what it is used for in humans.  I am well aware of what the intended use is in humans (parasitic worms), Covid was not it. 

It seems the main study on the drug and use for Covid had to be withdrawn due to flaws in the data.  There are studies ongoing and whether the drug actually works is still unknown.   

The irony of people  willing to  run out and take a medication that has not been proven to due anything for Covid without a second thought because it was all over the internet.  

Yes Joe Rogan took it, but he also did the antibody treatment which has been shown to be effective when done early.    

The inventors of Ivermectin won the Noble Peace prize because of it use in HUMANS...

Per Reuters.
It won because of it's treatment for parasitic worms in humans.  The problem is people are running out and getting it without doctor guidance on the dosage.   

The main study relied on for treatment for Covid was withdrawn due to flaws in the data.   There are ongoing studies, but nothing is conclusive yet. 

From what I’ve been able to gather is that Ivermectin is owned by Merck . Merck says that its drug Ivermectin isn’t safe or effective for use to treat Covid-19. 🤔 That’s weird. Why would they say that? Well Merck also has a new drug coming down the pike to treat Covid-19 and they’ve already applied for a EUA. Problem is that I guess you can’t have 2 drugs made from the same company to treat a particular disease sickness virus etc. So with no money to be made on Ivermectin as a repurposed drug, they now can patent this new EUA drug and make $$$$ and call it it’s only drug to treat Covid. Smells really fishy. 

Ivermectin works when administered early and is known to have antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. And has been used to treat other RNA type viruses. It’s Not just a Horse dewormer. 
Here is an article on the drug Merck is working on

I pay through the butt for a PPO... my wife and family are on HMO.. that being said, my Dr. is a 'Sports Medicine' Doctor, who was raised anti-vax and ONLY takes CASH...

.. but I can get all the dope I want  :rofl:

Can I get his number?

If Trump had issued this mandate how many would abide?    

We shall see how far the administration wants to push this and what legal suits ensue.   With the current supreme court maybe they go a different direction than the Supreme Court that held  mandatory small pox vaccines were allowed.  
The USA would be on fire right now (well, at least every big sh**hole city)

Small pox vaccines at least actually worked. Stopped the transmission of the disease. This shot doesn't even do that.

Not to mention all the immigrants crossing the southern border that are given the option of taking the vaccine, which only 30% take the shot, yet they are trying to force the vax on our own citizens.
Two weeks ago, as the Afghan refugees started coming, a General (don't remember which ) was asked during a press conference if they were required to get the shot.

The answer was a resounding NO - not required but it was being "offered" to them.

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We must protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers.  

This statement was written by a professional speech writer, reviewed by presidential staff and focus group tested….. and still it made it onto TV, read with a straight face    


The hate for Ivermectin is simple.  If it was to be a proven therapeutic, it would make all the experimental vaccines emergency use illegal. 
You know, you bring up a that Pfizer is FDA approved, why are they still allowed to give Moderna and J&J at all under an EUA?

My understanding was an EUA could only be done IF there was no approved alternative? Now there is, so I would think that would mean the others need to stop being given.

I know what it is and what it is used for in humans.  I am well aware of what the intended use is in humans (parasitic worms), Covid was not it. 

It seems the main study on the drug and use for Covid had to be withdrawn due to flaws in the data.  There are studies ongoing and whether the drug actually works is still unknown.   

The irony of people  willing to  run out and take a medication that has not been proven to due anything for Covid without a second thought because it was all over the internet.  

Yes Joe Rogan took it, but he also did the antibody treatment which has been shown to be effective when done early.    
It's also an effective anti-viral:

Since it was invented before COVID was discovered, it would make sense that it's intended use was not COVID.  Doesn't mean it won't work, and studies are promising.

Either way, it's legit FDA approved, so if your doctor prescribes it, I see zero problems with it.  You probably shouldn't go to the Tractor Supply and just smear a bottle on your lips though.  LOL

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It's called off label use. And hundreds and hundreds of medications are used this way. Doctors prescribe antipsychotic medication for sleeping. Blood pressure medicine for anxiety, the list is long. Why don't you look up what ivermectin did for South America.

Since March 2020, when IVM was first used against a new global scourge, COVID-19, more than 20 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) have tracked such inpatient and outpatient treatments.

Six of seven meta-analyses of IVM treatment RCTs reporting in 2021 found notable reductions in COVID-19 fatalities, with a mean 31% relative risk of mortality vs. controls. During mass IVM treatments in Peru, excess deaths fell by a mean of 74% over 30 days in its ten states with the most extensive treatments. Reductions in deaths correlated with the extent of IVM distributions in all 25 states

Open SmartNews and read "Study: Ivermectin ‘Exhibits Efficacy’ as Therapeutic for COVID" here:

To read it on the web, tap here:

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I know what it is and what it is used for in humans.  I am well aware of what the intended use is in humans (parasitic worms), Covid was not it. 

It seems the main study on the drug and use for Covid had to be withdrawn due to flaws in the data.  There are studies ongoing and whether the drug actually works is still unknown.   

The irony of people  willing to  run out and take a medication that has not been proven to due anything for Covid without a second thought because it was all over the internet.  

Yes Joe Rogan took it, but he also did the antibody treatment which has been shown to be effective when done early.    
But you would encourage people to go out and take the vaccine, which never went through complete phase 3 clinical trials and is still very experimental? also, it's effectiveness is very questionable (look at data from Isreal)

sorry... I'd rather try the "horse paste", that has been around for 40 years, with billions of doses given, and highly proven to be very safe....

Merck is working on a new drug, because Ivermectin is out of patent, and not beneficial for profits....... follow the money.  The new drug will most likely be Ivermectin, with one extra molecule or ingredient changed for patent and $ reasons.  

also... Ivermectin had been available throughout this whole fiasco.... yet before the vaccine was available, the treatment plan provided by most doctors and hospitals was to go home and hopefully don't die.... come back when you can't breath. 

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I am on round two of the wuflu, got it back in Jan 2020 and just recently. I traced down to customer/friend that came in my office to visit. He didn't sound right and I asked him if he was sick, he said no. He told be he's fully vaxed. He wasn't wearing a mask neither was I. Vaxed people should have to wear a mask full time, because they have no idea that they are contagious. I believe this is why it,s spreading so bad. I had a sit down with my Dr a month ago and he told me don't worry about getting the shot just call him and he'll get me the meds that I need. So when I started feeling sick I called him and I got everything that I need. The lungs feel much better this time, last time it took over 6 months for my lungs to feel right again. If I could just get rid of the headaches and fever. Vaxed people suck. 

But you would encourage people to go out and take the vaccine, which never went through complete phase 3 clinical trials and is still very experimental? also, it's effectiveness is very questionable (look at data from Isreal)

sorry... I'd rather try the "horse paste", that has been around for 40 years, with billions of doses given, and highly proven to be very safe....

Merck is working on a new drug, because Ivermectin is out of patent, and not beneficial for profits....... follow the money.  The new drug will most likely be Ivermectin, with one extra molecule or ingredient changed for patent and $ reasons.  

also... Ivermectin had been available throughout this whole fiasco.... yet before the vaccine was available, the treatment plan provided by most doctors and hospitals was to go home and hopefully don't die.... come back when you can't breath. 

But you would encourage people to go out and take the vaccine, which never went through complete phase 3 clinical trials and is still very experimental? also, it's effectiveness is very questionable (look at data from Isreal)

sorry... I'd rather try the "horse paste", that has been around for 40 years, with billions of doses given, and highly proven to be very safe....

Merck is working on a new drug, because Ivermectin is out of patent, and not beneficial for profits....... follow the money.  The new drug will most likely be Ivermectin, with one extra molecule or ingredient changed for patent and $ reasons.  

also... Ivermectin had been available throughout this whole fiasco.... yet before the vaccine was available, the treatment plan provided by most doctors and hospitals was to go home and hopefully don't die.... come back when you can't breath. 
It appears the new drug Merck is working on is completely different than Ivermectin.  It appears to be more akin to Remdesivir.  

Studies are being done on Ivermectin and whether it does anything for Covid.  

I have heard that Remdesivir is causing blood clots and is having major issues of its own. anyone confirm yeh or neh?

It's called off label use. And hundreds and hundreds of medications are used this way. Doctors prescribe antipsychotic medication for sleeping. Blood pressure medicine for anxiety, the list is long. Why don't you look up what ivermectin did for South America.

Since March 2020, when IVM was first used against a new global scourge, COVID-19, more than 20 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) have tracked such inpatient and outpatient treatments.

Six of seven meta-analyses of IVM treatment RCTs reporting in 2021 found notable reductions in COVID-19 fatalities, with a mean 31% relative risk of mortality vs. controls. During mass IVM treatments in Peru, excess deaths fell by a mean of 74% over 30 days in its ten states with the most extensive treatments. Reductions in deaths correlated with the extent of IVM distributions in all 25 states

Open SmartNews and read "Study: Ivermectin ‘Exhibits Efficacy’ as Therapeutic for COVID" here:

To read it on the web, tap here:
If you read that article it points out the main study by Dr. Elgazzar, which many have relied on, has been pulled due to errors.   Seems studies are still ongoing.  
