More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

They use local pharmacies, I used them last December to stock up and be ready. At that time it was just HQ and a Zpack (with D, zinc and C) in the overpriced packet. My buddy did it at the same time and turned the receipt into Kaiser and he was reimbursed. 

It's very hard to trust any of this when you read that any death within 2 weeks of receiving the vaccine will not be attributed to the vaccine, period. To bad for Hammering Hank and DMX they don't count. Then you hear stories of leaked stats of as many as 50K to over a 100K have been killed by the juice. 

Then companies with over a hundred employees are mandated to get the juice or be tested weekly, many at the employees cost. Many place its get juices or fired. Meanwhile the companies that make the F'ing vaccine are exempt. I can only believe that is because they would have mass layoffs and whistle blowers. 

And now the tyrant Biden is withholding monoclonal antibody supply to Florida and Texas aka states that said they refuse to follow his unconstitutional vaccine mandate. So he is now willing to kill Americans here as well as the ones he's left for dead in Afghanistan. UFB what they are doing and in the open.

Unless someone is willing to accept liability for the vaccine (whether it be Pfizer or the private employer requiring it) It is pretty wild to mandate it on people.  So if an employer (private or public) is going to mandate it...... hopefully they have done their research, to believe in it so much, that they will accept liability for adverse reactions to the vaccine.

at this time, there is still ZERO liability....... so any sort of "mandate" is very irresponsible. 
 But if you are an employee at a private business that doesn't feel comfortable with the owners rules, then you could always quit and look for a job elsewhere no? Or using your argument, would an employee be responsible if they gave someone at work Covid ? (playing devils advocate here,) My point is that nobody has a "right" to a job, housing, access to a private business etc. Don't like the rules, quit, unless you think like the AOCs and Pelosis of the world and feel everyone is owed something.

 But if you are an employee at a private business that doesn't feel comfortable with the owners rules, then you could always quit and look for a job elsewhere no? Or using your argument, would an employee be responsible if they gave someone at work Covid ?
What if an employer denied a job to someone based on FBI statistics that they may be 5x more likely to commit a violent crime?

It's very hard to trust any of this when you read that any death within 2 weeks of receiving the vaccine will not be attributed to the vaccine, period. To bad for Hammering Hank and DMX they don't count. Then you hear stories of leaked stats of as many as 50K to over a 100K have been killed by the juice. 

Then companies with over a hundred employees are mandated to get the juice or be tested weekly, many at the employees cost. Many place its get juices or fired. Meanwhile the companies that make the F'ing vaccine are exempt. I can only believe that is because they would have mass layoffs and whistle blowers. 

And now the tyrant Biden is withholding monoclonal antibody supply to Florida and Texas aka states that said they refuse to follow his unconstitutional vaccine mandate. So he is now willing to kill Americans here as well as the ones he's left for dead in Afghanistan. UFB what they are doing and in the open.
Ben Shapiro, owner of The Daily Wire (highly recommend) will be filing a federal lawsuit as I'm sure many other companies will. We took the shot, but that was my personal choice. .. and it took some time for me to arrive at that. No government should be able to mandate this vaccine. .. especially when the maker cannot be sued if you have side effects or die from it.

My Brother-In-Law had severe vertigo for a week or 2 after one of his shots. Couldn't work, etc.


 But if you are an employee at a private business that doesn't feel comfortable with the owners rules, then you could always quit and look for a job elsewhere no? Or using your argument, would an employee be responsible if they gave someone at work Covid ? (playing devils advocate here,) My point is that nobody has a "right" to a job, housing, access to a private business etc. Don't like the rules, quit, unless you think like the AOCs and Pelosis of the world and feel everyone is owed something.
Employers are on the hook if an employee gets injured at work.... if an employee is required to drive for their job, the employer carries commercial auto coverage etc. 

so if an employer is gonna mandate that a person inject themselves with an experimental vaccine that has zero liability, then the employer should be on the hook as well. 

One theory that I think might be behind this mandate is that large corporations (Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.) pushed Biden to put out this mandate to cover their a$$es in the event that their employees have a serious reaction to the vaccine and try to hold their employer liable for mandating it themselves. Now that the feds mandate it, companies are just following the requirements and are not liable. Not sure if this was mentioned yet?

I still can't understand where the arbitrary 100 or more employees came from, maybe this is the reason?

Apparently the feds don't "care" for those that work for smaller employers?  :sarcasm:

 What really gets me is people like a few of my friends that never had a problem putting stuff in their bodies to get high, get buff, or puff on those dumbass vapes, that they had no idea where it came from or what's really in it, yet are the loudest anti vaxers. Crazy world we live in.
What an absolutely ignorant statement. I'm not a drug user, nor do I vape, but people who do did it by CHOICE, not by mandate. 

Well, technically if you don't do drugs or vape, then you are the ignorant one. That is, if words have meaning...

Employers are on the hook if an employee gets injured at work.... if an employee is required to drive for their job, the employer carries commercial auto coverage etc. 

so if an employer is gonna mandate that a person inject themselves with an experimental vaccine that has zero liability, then the employer should be on the hook as well. 
Then are they liable if they knowingly allow employees  that don't get vaxed and spread Covid to other employees? Is it not a 2 way street? 

Guys, I'm playing devils advocate here. I personally don't give a eff if people get vaxed or not. My wife is a nurse who comes in contact with Covid patients almost every shift ,and  I am a general contractor that never missed a day of work through this whole chit show. For us, after waiting 6 months or so to see what did or didn't happen to vaxed people, it made sense for us. I don't think that the government should mandate any meds, but just as importantly, I think that anyone that puts their balls on the line and starts a business should be able to set rules that they see fit for their business. The idea that so many supposed conservatives around here feel differently is mind blowing to me. A bunch of you are way more liberal that you want to admit. If you don't respect a private business persons right to run their business the way they want, then you are saying that you want the government to force them they way they see fit. How is it so few of you understand that?

Well now, if the vaccine actually prevented people from Catching or spreading Covid, then that argument might hold weight. 
  Not arguing that. Start your own company and hire who you want. This is a free country right?

Just returned from Hawaii. The NEW RULE as of Sept 15th you must show VAX CARD if you're going into any establishment to eat. Politically driven? Personal business choice? Peace   

Guys, I'm playing devils advocate here. I personally don't give a eff if people get vaxed or not. My wife is a nurse who comes in contact with Covid patients almost every shift ,and  I am a general contractor that never missed a day of work through this whole chit show. For us, after waiting 6 months or so to see what did or didn't happen to vaxed people, it made sense for us. I don't think that the government should mandate any meds, but just as importantly, I think that anyone that puts their balls on the line and starts a business should be able to set rules that they see fit for their business. The idea that so many supposed conservatives around here feel differently is mind blowing to me. A bunch of you are way more liberal that you want to admit. If you don't respect a private business persons right to run their business the way they want, then you are saying that you want the government to force them they way they see fit. How is it so few of you understand that?
My wife is a dental hygienist... works in peoples mouths all day... probably at the most risk due to the nature of the job. Worked through the whole pandemic, caught Covid from her office end of December 2020 (everyone got it). But now due to the state order of healthcare workers being mandate to get vaccinated, it’s putting pressure on her “private employer” to also force the vaccination. She’s naturally immune.... but hey, just shut up and jab it up.... or just quit your job / office of 10 years... which also gave you Covid, because the boss begged them to all work and said they’d be safe during the pandemic. Sure that sounds reasonable. 

I am a business owner with employees and will not be requiring any of my employees to be vaccinated. It would be very irresponsible to of to require that of anyone at this given time. The vaccine is readily available for anyone who personally chooses that they need it, and I’m not against anyone making that personal choice. I have a few friend with businesses with well over hundreds of employees and they will not be requiring anyone to vaccinate. IMO, that is an example of a “conservative ideology”. 


My wife is a dental hygienist... works in peoples mouths all day... probably at the most risk due to the nature of the job. Worked through the whole pandemic, caught Covid from her office end of December 2020 (everyone got it). But now due to the state order of healthcare workers being mandate to get vaccinated, it’s putting pressure on her “private employer” to also force the vaccination. She’s naturally immune.... but hey, just shut up and jab it up.... or just quit your job / office of 10 years... which also gave you Covid, because the boss begged them to all work and said they’d be safe during the pandemic. Sure that sounds reasonable. 

I am a business owner with employees and will not be requiring any of my employees to be vaccinated. It would be very irresponsible to of to require that of anyone at this given time. The vaccine is readily available for anyone who personally chooses that they need it, and I’m not against anyone making that personal choice. I have a few friend with businesses with well over hundreds of employees and they will not be requiring anyone to vaccinate. IMO, that is an example of a “conservative ideology”. 

 Where do we disagree? I stated multiple times that I'm against the government mandating vaccines, which is the reason you said that her employer is being pressured to have his employees get it. And your few friends that will not be requiring anyone to vaccinate is also cool by me. Either you're not reading what I said or you just want to argue.

Just returned from Hawaii. The NEW RULE as of Sept 15th you must show VAX CARD if you're going into any establishment to eat. Politically driven? Personal business choice? Peace   
Obviously a political move by a Liberal State. My best friend has a restaurant on the North Shore of Oahu and I can assure you that he could give a damn whether his customers are vaxxed or not. The State shouldn't be interfering. 
