More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

Was just reading that San Diego is a mandating staff and students (over the age of 16) to be vaccinated or they would have to do in home schooling and no sports. What a BS childhood our kids have to live in. 

Was just reading that San Diego is a mandating staff and students (over the age of 16) to be vaccinated or they would have to do in home schooling and no sports. What a BS childhood our kids have to live in. 
if they have to do school from home and no sports then those parents should decline paying taxes that support those structures(ya right) I wish I could get the exit strategy nailed down so I could give this state the big finger

Got my test results back 22 hours later. NEGATIVE. Just proof that healthy living, proper diet and exercise and vitamins will keep you safe from covid. Yet I do none of that.

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Kind of seems like improper discrimination. Especially considering vaccine makers and the cdc agree  that vaccines still dont stop you from getting spreading covid. So everyone should be tested regardless of vaccine status.

lawsuit time 

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My employer, Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, FINALLY came out with two exemption possibilities- Medical or Religious.  I emailed my supervisor and told him I'm refusing the vax, he replied ok, fill out the form of your choice, email it to the link provided and make sure to get tested before Oct 1st.  Because I work graveyard and have a posted position (cannot leave my worksite unless relieved by a licensed steam engineer) he said if I need to get tested outside of my scheduled hours they will pay OT.  

I filled out the form, emailed it and went to test this morning after my shift.  We have several locations set up but none very close to the power plant so a colleague and I went together.  The original email said to download an app and register for the test to cut down on wait time, but neither of us did that.  I'm on OT, eff them.  We also needed our ID badge and our personal insurance card.  The email says testing for employees is free, but they will charge our insurance.  Strange but whatever.

We show up at 6am after our shift right as this testing site is opening.  They asked for my ID number, gave it to them, they looked it up in the computer, and verified who I was by just asking me my name (never looked at my badge).  The chick grabbed a test kit (PCR) and wrote my name and ID number on the outside and asked if I had done a PCR test before, which I had not.  She told me to step over to one of the open kiosks and tear open the cotton swab, place it in each nostril and swish it around 10 times, open the vial with liquid, place the cotton swab inside, place it in the zip lock bag and drop it in the box.  So all this crap about mandatory testing and they're letting me do the test without anyone actually watching me.  Ok.  They also never asked to see my insurance card or ask if I downloaded the app.  Call me a conspiracy theorist but I'd bet the app is actually going to be used for contact tracing via our phones location settings.

I stepped to the kiosk, swabbed my nostrils (correctly!) sealed it up, dropped it in the box and that was it.  The chick said I could log on in 24 hours to see my results.  I was in/out in 5 minutes.  I went back to the power plant and called my supervisor to tell him I had just tested and he said cool, hang out for another 15 minutes and get make my OT an even 1/2 hour.

What we aren't sure of is weather we need to test once or twice per week for the exemption.  They emailed us a list of work areas who must test twice a week but they are in the hospital.  I work in the power plant and have no direct contact with patients, doctors or nurses.  Regardless, now that I know how simple the process is I don't care if I need to go once or twice as long as I'm getting paid to do it.

To be honest I hope I test positive and have to 'quarantine' for a couple weeks again, just like I did last January.  I'm way behind on prep jobs and could use two weeks of 'me' time in my shop.

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There are studies coming out of Europe rn (Spain) proving that they are "vaxing" aka poisoning you thru those nasal tests - the swab's main ingredient is EO (Ethylene Oxide). Insist on saliva tests ONLY.

Here is the part I do not understand and WHY is this not the ONLY THING that is discussed EVERY TIME someone REQUIRES a vax ?????


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Forgot to mention- there are 20 of us licensed steam engineers and 5 are refusing the jab.  Losing 25% of our workforce is a horrible idea and there would not be enough vax'd engineers to cover our shifts.  Pretty sure County realized this and decided to come up with a simple exemption for us to claim.  Can't power the hospital of there's no one to run the power plant.  
I think you giving them too much credit.  Look at NY, they are just going to bring in the national guard to help with the shortage of staff, err vaxed staff.  I am out of popcorn watching these ramifications of firing unvaxed employees.  

If this is true & verified that is very concerning. 
With the exception of Congress / Judiciary (separation of powers between branches), it's not. Strangely enough, the Post Office wasn't included,but soon will be under some new OSHA regs . . .

There are studies coming out of Europe rn (Spain) proving that they are "vaxing" aka poisoning you thru those nasal tests - the swab's main ingredient is EO (Ethylene Oxide). Insist on saliva tests ONLY.
I've been slowly poisoning myself for most of my adult life with brake dust, whiskey, cigars, whiskey, fiberglass particles, whiskey.  Oh yeah, I also spent 18 years in the petrol-chemical industry.  Doubt the nasal swab will take me out. 

I think you giving them too much credit.  Look at NY, they are just going to bring in the national guard to help with the shortage of staff, err vaxed staff.  I am out of popcorn watching these ramifications of firing unvaxed employees.  
Haven't been watching the news for the last few days.  What was the result in NY?  Did the interim Governor fire the un-vaxd?  Did she bring in the National Guard?

I have very little contact with the DR's and nurses at this hospital (by choice) so I haven't got a sense of what they're doing around here as far as getting the jab or not.  Pretty sure most of them will cave because this is CA and we are a County employer which generally means this place is Liberalville.  

For whatever reason County decided to contract the vax/unvax compliance stuff to a third party named Flugent.  This morning around 9am Flugent sent a hospital wide email to every employee individually stating that we were "...out of compliance for the mandatory vaccine...".  A second email was sent out at 4pm saying to ignore the first email, it was sent by mistake.  So this contract company has already effd up the communication. 

Wonder what will happen for tomorrows Oct 1st deadline.  I never heard anything back about my exemption paperwork I sent in.

Haven't been watching the news for the last few days.  What was the result in NY?  Did the interim Governor fire the un-vaxd?  Did she bring in the National Guard?

I have very little contact with the DR's and nurses at this hospital (by choice) so I haven't got a sense of what they're doing around here as far as getting the jab or not.  Pretty sure most of them will cave because this is CA and we are a County employer which generally means this place is Liberalville.  

For whatever reason County decided to contract the vax/unvax compliance stuff to a third party named Flugent.  This morning around 9am Flugent sent a hospital wide email to every employee individually stating that we were "...out of compliance for the mandatory vaccine...".  A second email was sent out at 4pm saying to ignore the first email, it was sent by mistake.  So this contract company has already effd up the communication. 

Wonder what will happen for tomorrows Oct 1st deadline.  I never heard anything back about my exemption paperwork I sent in.
As if all of the county workers are too busy with their other duties so of course, they must pay another company to make sure county employee's get the useless side effect inducing poorly made shot, err I mean world saving vaccine.

Here is the part I do not understand and WHY is this not the ONLY THING that is discussed EVERY TIME someone REQUIRES a vax ?????

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The first 3 on that list is correct, but it's because it is an executive order and the legislative and judicial branches of government are not beholden to it. Its that old pesky separation of powers thing...  His mandate is only for federal workers, which most of those (including USPS workers who work under the executive branch) are not. The rest of those companies will fall under the large business rules which means that they will also be required to get the jab, but not because of an executive order. 

 BTW. I'm not sure if you knew this, but that meme was started by a "conservative" lawyer. Why do you think a lawyer would put something out that he knows is deceiving at best like this? Could it be that people that don't do their own fact checking before disseminating propaganda are being used? I'm starting to think that the deep liberal state is putting a lot of BS posts out knowing that they will get disseminated, and then be used to show how gullible, and ill informed anti vaxxers are...

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As if all of the county workers are too busy with their other duties so of course, they must pay another company to make sure county employee's get the useless side effect inducing poorly made shot, err I mean world saving vaccine.
Actually the three people who were giving out the PCR test kits were County employees.  I think the Flugent company is in charge of supplying the tests and tacking our records which kind of makes sense.  I've worked here for almost 3 years and on day one I told them my first name was misspelled and they said they would correct it.  I even submitted a Correction form twice but never heard back.  Yeah, still misspelled 3 years later.

Well, tonight is the last day to be fully vaxd or risk being...?  They never really said what they were going to do to us 'virus spreaders'.  That was until today!

DHS reassignment.PNG

Not really sure what I can or will be reassigned to do?  Sit in a room full of other non-vaxd?  

I'm sure this has been said before on this board but my 18 year old son and I were talking about my situation and his comments were this-

You are not vaxd but had a negative Covid test required by your employer at you place of employment givrn by your employer who is also a hospital. 


And they are still requiring you to wear a mask even with a negative test? 


But you don't have Covid according to them. 


Do people with the vax have to wear masks? 


Do they have to get tested twice weekly like you? 


Lots of people that have been vaxd are getting Covid, some asymptomatic, and can give it to other people.


But they aren't required to test, so they can just walk around not knowing if they have Covid because they have been vaxd?


What kind of clown world are we living in?  Obviously this is not about making society safer by forcing everyone to get vaxd.  A negative test should be all anyone needs!

That's how I feel, especially now.  

Tonight is my Friday and I'm off till Sunday night, so I'll see what happens when I come back.  Unless I get a call that says to not come to work...

At my work you have to test if your vaxed or not,as well as still have to wear mask and/or face shield. So it doesn’t make sense what a person’s vaxed status is if still have to test and wear mask. I’m cornfused…

Not sure if you’ve seen any of this @L.R.S. but looks like the union is fighting for you guys. That’s if you are in this Union?? Both my boys are and I’m crossing my fingers.

Here’s an article from a couple days ago:

And found this today:

Not sure if you’ve seen any of this @L.R.S. but looks like the union is fighting for you guys. That’s if you are in this Union?? Both my boys are and I’m crossing my fingers.

Here’s an article from a couple days ago:

And found this today:
Good info, thanks. I am union, Local 501 Operating Engineers. When the mandate first announced we called and the union said just get the vax. Basically eff you guys, do what they say. Then the union realized this is a new mandatory item that wanst negotiated and they saw an opportunity. So they went to bat for us, sort of. They have joined with the CCU, whichbi think is the Coalition of Civil Unions, basically County, City employee unions. They all got together to help one another negotiate the vax stuff, bonuses for us working last year without taking time off, the vax mandate timeline, and last but most importantly- testing for natural immunity for those that have had Covid and possibly have the antibodies. The latter would be me!

I saw the Chief Engineer this morning and asked him about tha last email stating us non vaxd would be reassigned and he said to ignore it. Keep coming to work. If they send the 5 of us away he won't have enough of us to staff the power plant. 
