More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

How about now?

Anything from the pharmacy?

And hopefully you aren't dead yet and can respond  😉
Nada. I'll definitely let you know if they call. I felt really bad on Friday actually went home early for the first time as long as I can remember. (I'm working on a job site with no other people FYI for anybody who's aghast) I feel much better today. I think that doctor made me a hypochondriac a little. Just saying that you have covid kind of wigs you out a little bit. 

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Nada. I'll definitely let you know if they call. I felt really bad on Friday actually went home early for the first time as long as I can remember. (I'm working on a job site with no other people FYI for anybody who's aghast) I feel much better today. I think that doctor made me a hypochondriac a little. Just saying that you have covid kind of wigs you out a little bit. 
Get a O2 sensor and monitor you O2 levels, just in case. 

How about now?

Anything from the pharmacy?

And hopefully you aren't dead yet and can respond  😉
They called. 

$7 for each ivermectin and 20 for every zpac....  The vitamins were only 10 so at least I didn't get gouged on that.. hahaha.

Everybody's making money on this... I feel taken but I don't care at least I have what I need I doubt that I'll ever use it though

Get a O2 sensor and monitor you O2 levels, just in case. 
Yeah I've had one for a while now. interesting to see your blood level go down below 90 if you have a cigarette. If anything comes out of this it'll probably be me quitting smoking

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They called. 

$7 for each ivermectin and 20 for every zpac....  The vitamins were only 10 so at least I didn't get gouged on that.. hahaha.

Everybody's making money on this... I feel taken but I don't care at least I have what I need I doubt that I'll ever use it though
For each pill?

If you don't respect a private business persons right to run their business the way they want, then you are saying that you want the government to force them they way they see fit. How is it so few of you understand that?
The whole point is THE GOVERNMENT is forcing this.

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The whole point is THE GOVERNMENT is forcing this.
Not everywhere, yet. What I am responding to are those that want a private business owner to acquiesce to the supposed rights that people think they have in said business. I treat most private business's like someone's home. I don't have a right to behave anyway I want in someone else's home, nor do I in their business. I have said multiple times the Government shouldn't mandate it. 

Not everywhere, yet. What I am responding to are those that want a private business owner to acquiesce to the supposed rights that people think they have in said business. I treat most private business's like someone's home. I don't have a right to behave anyway I want in someone else's home, nor do I in their business. I have said multiple times the Government shouldn't mandate it. 
You're absolutely right with one exception. You cannot demand people do things that could cause them harm. I'm not trying to get sued by my employees in case they come out brain damaged after the shot. They put employers backs against the wall.

You're absolutely right with one exception. You cannot demand people do things that could cause them harm. I'm not trying to get sued by my employees in case they come out brain damaged after the shot. They put employers backs against the wall.
  But who is forcing your employees? You're simply stating the qualifications that you require at your business. If the employee has a problem with your rules then they can quit and go elsewhere can't they? 

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Not everywhere, yet. What I am responding to are those that want a private business owner to acquiesce to the supposed rights that people think they have in said business. I treat most private business's like someone's home. I don't have a right to behave anyway I want in someone else's home, nor do I in their business. I have said multiple times the Government shouldn't mandate it. 
How many private businesses required masks, social distancing, vaccinations without government pressure or mandates?  I'd say close to zero..  maybe some for social pressure, which was in itself, brought on by the government.

Business owners prefer profit over optics of "safety and health". 

How many private businesses required masks, social distancing, vaccinations without government pressure or mandates?  I'd say close to zero..  maybe some for social pressure, which was in itself, brought on by the government.

Business owners prefer profit over optics of "safety and health". 
 I agree for the most part, but there are a few restaurants that I know of that kept their "new rules" to the maximum even after the government relaxed them. 2 examples, one a Mexican restaurant, and one sushi. In both cases, the owners told me that they had lost mothers/fathers etc to Covid, and they felt in their hearts that they did not want to expose their employees to customers the way they used to. They also told their employees that they had to get vaccinated for the same reasons. They did not want any of their employees taking Covid back home and infecting their families. Now I'm not going to argue whether they are right or wrong, my point is that they should have the RIGHT to make that decision, no?

 Now I'm not going to argue whether they are right or wrong, my point is that they should have the RIGHT to make that decision, no?
No issue with that.  But, they will go out of business with other restaurants opening at full capacity and no restrictions on diners or workers.

That's how it should be.

Why is it that they are mandating vaccines for people that work but not for people that get welfare???

Why are illegals pouring into our country not mandated to get the juice???
Same reason govt is mandating vaccines. They want sheep in those positions not thinkers. Wanna change police forces and the military into blind followers of political ideology, a vaccine mandate is a great way to do it. They want followers in govt positions. Not leaders

My employer, Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, FINALLY came out with two exemption possibilities- Medical or Religious.  I emailed my supervisor and told him I'm refusing the vax, he replied ok, fill out the form of your choice, email it to the link provided and make sure to get tested before Oct 1st.  Because I work graveyard and have a posted position (cannot leave my worksite unless relieved by a licensed steam engineer) he said if I need to get tested outside of my scheduled hours they will pay OT.  

I filled out the form, emailed it and went to test this morning after my shift.  We have several locations set up but none very close to the power plant so a colleague and I went together.  The original email said to download an app and register for the test to cut down on wait time, but neither of us did that.  I'm on OT, eff them.  We also needed our ID badge and our personal insurance card.  The email says testing for employees is free, but they will charge our insurance.  Strange but whatever.

We show up at 6am after our shift right as this testing site is opening.  They asked for my ID number, gave it to them, they looked it up in the computer, and verified who I was by just asking me my name (never looked at my badge).  The chick grabbed a test kit (PCR) and wrote my name and ID number on the outside and asked if I had done a PCR test before, which I had not.  She told me to step over to one of the open kiosks and tear open the cotton swab, place it in each nostril and swish it around 10 times, open the vial with liquid, place the cotton swab inside, place it in the zip lock bag and drop it in the box.  So all this crap about mandatory testing and they're letting me do the test without anyone actually watching me.  Ok.  They also never asked to see my insurance card or ask if I downloaded the app.  Call me a conspiracy theorist but I'd bet the app is actually going to be used for contact tracing via our phones location settings.

I stepped to the kiosk, swabbed my nostrils (correctly!) sealed it up, dropped it in the box and that was it.  The chick said I could log on in 24 hours to see my results.  I was in/out in 5 minutes.  I went back to the power plant and called my supervisor to tell him I had just tested and he said cool, hang out for another 15 minutes and get make my OT an even 1/2 hour.

What we aren't sure of is weather we need to test once or twice per week for the exemption.  They emailed us a list of work areas who must test twice a week but they are in the hospital.  I work in the power plant and have no direct contact with patients, doctors or nurses.  Regardless, now that I know how simple the process is I don't care if I need to go once or twice as long as I'm getting paid to do it.

To be honest I hope I test positive and have to 'quarantine' for a couple weeks again, just like I did last January.  I'm way behind on prep jobs and could use two weeks of 'me' time in my shop.


Forgot to mention- there are 20 of us licensed steam engineers and 5 are refusing the jab.  Losing 25% of our workforce is a horrible idea and there would not be enough vax'd engineers to cover our shifts.  Pretty sure County realized this and decided to come up with a simple exemption for us to claim.  Can't power the hospital of there's no one to run the power plant.  

I’ve had over 500 test done since all of this chit has started. I’m done with it…but I still need to work and pay for this life. But funny thing is even if you have the Vax you still need to test. What’s the point for a Vax and still needing to test?
Like someone mentioned about the Mexican and Sushi restaurant owners having staff vaxed so that they wouldn’t take it home to their families…well even though your vaxed you can still get and transfer the ChinaFlu to your families. Still doesn’t make sense. I need to wake up from this nightmare…I must of had a bad accident and in some sort of induced coma right now. 
