More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

Few pages back we mentioned Merck’s new drug Molnupiravir. Was hopeful, but after seeing this… IM OUT!! Ain’t nothing gonna be mutating inside of me and not being able to have sex psssssh no way!  Birth defects and cancer among some of the side effects 

My understanding is they are playing word games with Pfizer having approval. They technically don't but where granted some kind of extention or expansion to continue their emergency use. The fact is big pharma owns the FDA. 

The more they push this the more I question why? I can't trust any of it, everything about this viruse and the vaccine has been manipulated and politicized. The vax went form protecting you from getting it, to you won't get as sick or die, but that is proving false also. Just look at what is happening in Israel. 
I was just talking to a buddy of mine and he mentioned the same thing. Sounds like their trying to trick us into thinking that the Pfizer jab is fully approved. Doesn’t seem like it is after reading some info from here:

and here:

Well, 13 days past the mandatory deadline and I am unvaxed and continue to work.  Weird.  So far I've tested once a week, the last being at 6am yesterday so I should have my results by 4am today.  I did see the Chief Engineer last Wednesday and he said he was told they will reassign us nonvaxed personnel but they didn't say exactly what we will be doing or where.  The 5 of us have been waiting to hear but so far nothing.  The last email sent was 10/1/21 telling us we would be reassigned, but again, 13 days later and haven't heard sh!t else from them.  

Had a job walk at a state (CA) hospital this am. Set my one employee who decided to get the vax (as far as I know I don't ask). They required a rapid covid test as well, told him to walk if he wants, if it gets to the point where we have report our employees vax status I will close our doors... 

Well, things are getting more serious at my job and as of this coming Monday I may not be working anymore.

I work Graveyard shift (by choice) so I don't see many people, and being in the power plant I only see other Engineers. I got a text from a coworker who is also refusing the jab (he works day shift) and he said our bosses, bosses, boss showed up and handed him a piece of paper stating he is to report to a different location on Monday 10/18/21 at 8am for a meeting. No specifics on the meeting, just be there. The same manager handed the paper to another Engineer and he said said he would get the vax the following day. So now there are 4 of us hold-outs. One of the other guys has called in sick the past 3 Graveyard shifts, so not sure what's up with him. 

My supervisor showed up early this morning and I asked him about this 'paper' and he said I should have recieved it, but it's above his pay grade so it has to come from his boss. He said they rescheduled my Graveyard Sunday night and I need to be at this meeting Monday morning. Sweet! An entire weekend off. 

He said he isn't sure exactly what they are doing with us but he's heard rumors that we will be suspended for 28 days. Strange number. I didn't bother to ask if it's paid or unpaid. Guess I'll find out Monday at 8am. 

I have copies of my three negative tests, their original email telling us we could apply for a medical or religious exemption, my email including my Religious Exemption form and a copy of their automated email stating they recieved my form. I never heard back about the exemption. 

I'm off in 45 mins. Gonna go home and hook up the trailer and head to Glamis.

Well, things are getting more serious at my job and as of this coming Monday I may not be working anymore.

I work Graveyard shift (by choice) so I don't see many people, and being in the power plant I only see other Engineers. I got a text from a coworker who is also refusing the jab (he works day shift) and he said our bosses, bosses, boss showed up and handed him a piece of paper stating he is to report to a different location on Monday 10/18/21 at 8am for a meeting. No specifics on the meeting, just be there. The same manager handed the paper to another Engineer and he said said he would get the vax the following day. So now there are 4 of us hold-outs. One of the other guys has called in sick the past 3 Graveyard shifts, so not sure what's up with him. 

My supervisor showed up early this morning and I asked him about this 'paper' and he said I should have recieved it, but it's above his pay grade so it has to come from his boss. He said they rescheduled my Graveyard Sunday night and I need to be at this meeting Monday morning. Sweet! An entire weekend off. 

He said he isn't sure exactly what they are doing with us but he's heard rumors that we will be suspended for 28 days. Strange number. I didn't bother to ask if it's paid or unpaid. Guess I'll find out Monday at 8am. 

I have copies of my three negative tests, their original email telling us we could apply for a medical or religious exemption, my email including my Religious Exemption form and a copy of their automated email stating they recieved my form. I never heard back about the exemption. 

I'm off in 45 mins. Gonna go home and hook up the trailer and head to Glamis.
Since you filed a religious exemption, if they let you go you should sue the city/county. No different than any other "minority" would on the grounds of being persecuted due to religious beliefs. 

Well, things are getting more serious at my job and as of this coming Monday I may not be working anymore.

I work Graveyard shift (by choice) so I don't see many people, and being in the power plant I only see other Engineers. I got a text from a coworker who is also refusing the jab (he works day shift) and he said our bosses, bosses, boss showed up and handed him a piece of paper stating he is to report to a different location on Monday 10/18/21 at 8am for a meeting. No specifics on the meeting, just be there. The same manager handed the paper to another Engineer and he said said he would get the vax the following day. So now there are 4 of us hold-outs. One of the other guys has called in sick the past 3 Graveyard shifts, so not sure what's up with him. 

My supervisor showed up early this morning and I asked him about this 'paper' and he said I should have recieved it, but it's above his pay grade so it has to come from his boss. He said they rescheduled my Graveyard Sunday night and I need to be at this meeting Monday morning. Sweet! An entire weekend off. 

He said he isn't sure exactly what they are doing with us but he's heard rumors that we will be suspended for 28 days. Strange number. I didn't bother to ask if it's paid or unpaid. Guess I'll find out Monday at 8am. 

I have copies of my three negative tests, their original email telling us we could apply for a medical or religious exemption, my email including my Religious Exemption form and a copy of their automated email stating they recieved my form. I never heard back about the exemption. 

I'm off in 45 mins. Gonna go home and hook up the trailer and head to Glamis.
They are going to fire you. 28 day without pay is the longest disciplinary action the county can take below immediate termination. After you do your 28 days. If you receive even a 1 day suspension they can terminate you and that is what they are setting you up for. It's time you call your union and file a grievance. It won't stop anything but it will keep you in the fight. Also keep copious itemized records of lost income, including overtime and any added expense do to lost benefits, any lost assets etc. In 3 to 5 years (it take a long time) when you and all the other county employees win your law suit, get reinstated, the next legal action involves getting payed all back owed money. You'll be happy you kept a record. The law suits from all this vax BS will take years to work through the courts. Don't forget the only reason to work for these A-holes is that pension. I personally know guys who have been fired and reinstated years later and handed large checks. You will lose this round but in the end the county almost always loses.

If you could have been injured on the job before your last shift you could buy yourself a year or two but then you have to go underground and watch for strange cars. Did you hurt your back on that last shift and it's just not getting better? :biggrin:

Good luck and Fawk LA County!

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Well, things are getting more serious at my job and as of this coming Monday I may not be working anymore.

I work Graveyard shift (by choice) so I don't see many people, and being in the power plant I only see other Engineers. I got a text from a coworker who is also refusing the jab (he works day shift) and he said our bosses, bosses, boss showed up and handed him a piece of paper stating he is to report to a different location on Monday 10/18/21 at 8am for a meeting. No specifics on the meeting, just be there. The same manager handed the paper to another Engineer and he said said he would get the vax the following day. So now there are 4 of us hold-outs. One of the other guys has called in sick the past 3 Graveyard shifts, so not sure what's up with him. 

My supervisor showed up early this morning and I asked him about this 'paper' and he said I should have recieved it, but it's above his pay grade so it has to come from his boss. He said they rescheduled my Graveyard Sunday night and I need to be at this meeting Monday morning. Sweet! An entire weekend off. 

He said he isn't sure exactly what they are doing with us but he's heard rumors that we will be suspended for 28 days. Strange number. I didn't bother to ask if it's paid or unpaid. Guess I'll find out Monday at 8am. 

I have copies of my three negative tests, their original email telling us we could apply for a medical or religious exemption, my email including my Religious Exemption form and a copy of their automated email stating they recieved my form. I never heard back about the exemption. 

I'm off in 45 mins. Gonna go home and hook up the trailer and head to Glamis.
That sucks... Kudos to you for making the best of the situation (Glamis trip). NEVER thought I'd see this day...

They are going to fire you. 28 day without pay is the longest disciplinary action the county can take below immediate termination. 

Good luck and Fawk LA County!
No they aren't. It's a rumor, nothing more.

Thanks @THD For sharing. Think I’ll hold on to this clip and have it ready to use when I come across someone stupid enough who believes everything this administration  promises them.  

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Anyone keeping their kids home from school Monday? I guess the plan is to call the school and let them know your keeping them home in protest to Newdoms mandate on the kids  


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