More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

Well they finally gave me the 'paperwork' at 6am Friday just as my shift ended. The guy they gave it to me is actually a really nice dude and we had a good talk about it. He said u need to be at a meeting at 8am Monday and I had to sign a paper saying I knew about the meeting. No problem as long as I can have a copy which he also had for me. I told him I noticed they had changed my shift schedule from Graveyard to SP (Special) on Monday do I wasn't working my regular shift Sunday night. He said eff that work itnif I wanted to and charge them OT for going to this meeting. I opted to have the night off. 

I'll go in at 6 am tomorrow and make my way to the meeting at 8am and see what tney have in store for us no-vaxed. Newest rumor is they will try to convince us to get jabbed and then send us back to work. 

We shall see...

How sad I am that my job was automated last month...not!
I had figured I was going to have to quit when the "big push"

I'll go in at 6 am tomorrow and make my way to the meeting at 8am and see what tney have in store for us no-vaxed. Newest rumor is they will try to convince us to get jabbed and then send us back to work. 

We shall see...
Hoping all goes well for you this morning, L.R.S!!

The spin from Colin Powell's death should be entertaining to say the least but it will not be good for the people who are against the vaccine.  Have a feeling that the Feds are going to be doubling down on mandate repercussions.   

How sad I am that my job was automated last month...not!
I had figured I was going to have to quit when the "big push"
I just got a similar word from the owner of my company. Going remote soon!!! 

Well they finally gave me the 'paperwork' at 6am Friday just as my shift ended. The guy they gave it to me is actually a really nice dude and we had a good talk about it. He said u need to be at a meeting at 8am Monday and I had to sign a paper saying I knew about the meeting. No problem as long as I can have a copy which he also had for me. I told him I noticed they had changed my shift schedule from Graveyard to SP (Special) on Monday do I wasn't working my regular shift Sunday night. He said eff that work itnif I wanted to and charge them OT for going to this meeting. I opted to have the night off. 

I'll go in at 6 am tomorrow and make my way to the meeting at 8am and see what tney have in store for us no-vaxed. Newest rumor is they will try to convince us to get jabbed and then send us back to work. 

We shall see...
I hope the best for you!

The spin from Colin Powell's death should be entertaining to say the least but it will not be good for the people who are against the vaccine.  Have a feeling that the Feds are going to be doubling down on mandate repercussions.   
Huh? I thought Powell was vaccinated? 

Huh? I thought Powell was vaccinated? 
He was vaccinated fully. This is sad news because my mother in law is battling the same cancer. She wanted to drop off her grand daughter at Baylor for her first year of college so she decided to get the vaccine. Due to the travel and her being around large groups she thought she should be safe. At the time her numbers were trending in the right direction. Almost to the point of saying remission. About 6 weeks after the vaccine her cancer numbers went back the wrong direction. She’s been in the hospital twice for an pneumonia and has had to get multiple transfusions because her numbers are so low. The news about Colin Powell and his cancer is heartbreaking for us. Not the kind of results we want to hear. 

The spin from Colin Powell's death should be entertaining to say the least but it will not be good for the people who are against the vaccine.  Have a feeling that the Feds are going to be doubling down on mandate repercussions.   
I'm seeing on the interwebs the whole script has flipped. Normally pro-vaxx wouldn't pay attention to other conditions, you just die from covid and the anti-vaxxer blames the other conditions and not covid.

Complete opposite today. Anti-vaxxers blaming the shot and covid, and pro-vaxxers blaming the other conditions and not covid.  

He was vaccinated fully. This is sad news because my mother in law is battling the same cancer. She wanted to drop off her grand daughter at Baylor for her first year of college so she decided to get the vaccine. Due to the travel and her being around large groups she thought she should be safe. At the time her numbers were trending in the right direction. Almost to the point of saying remission. About 6 weeks after the vaccine her cancer numbers went back the wrong direction. She’s been in the hospital twice for an pneumonia and has had to get multiple transfusions because her numbers are so low. The news about Colin Powell and his cancer is heartbreaking for us. Not the kind of results we want to hear. 
Sorry to hear about your Mom. I hope she makes a full recovery. I have some experience with the side effects from the vaccine. It sucks to say the least.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes concerning my employment.  Short version- I still have a job doing exactly what I've been doing in the same place I've been doing it.  

Long version-

I called in last night to see if they had changed my schedule to show me as working a Graveyard and going to the 'meeting' this morning.  My coworker said the written/posted shift schedule had me as off Sunday night with another engineer covering my shift.  Sweet, I'll take the night off.

I showed up at 6am, clocked in checked my work email and BS'd with some coworkers for a while before three of us headed to the mandatory meeting.  I also stopped by the Covid testing station for Non-Vaxd employees and did my fourth test (once a week).  We got to the old hospital building (only in use for offices and storage) and went to the conference room.  It was 7:50 am and there was already a line of about 25 other people waiting to get inside.  Some people wore masks, some didn't.  The three of us did but after an hour of standing in this line I took mine off so I could breathe.  I saw a lot of people I only recognize from pics in Hospital news letters, a few security guards and more people who were dressed like Hospital Administration types.  While waiting I would see a lady come out and count how many of us there were.  Best guess is there were around 75 people.  What stood out was we were all from Facilities Management (plumbers, steam fitters, engineers, electricians), zero doctors or nurses.  The line finally started moving, slowly, and eventually I got to the front and could see into the conference room.  Everyone was dressed well (no uniforms like all of us were wearing) and there were several computers but only two people working them.

It was finally my turn and they asked for my name.  I just pointed to my badge.  The guy in charge read my name to a lady who typed it into the computer.  He said You're Jeffrey Lievense, Stationary Engineer II?  I said I was indeed.  He asked what shift I was on and I said permanent Graveyard per my contract with Los Angeles County Department of Health Services and I work n the East Central Power Plant.  He handed me a piece of paper and asked me to read and sign it.  I asked if I would be given a copy and he said yes.   

The paper said- I ____ undersigned___ and not vaccinated___ as of Oct 28, 2021 would be reassigned to Day shift, Monday to Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm.  

Ok, so I still have a job just on day shift.  No problem, weekends off means more Glamis trips.  Once I signed and got my copy he told me to report downstairs to another conference room to meet with my Manager.  I headed down there and joined 10 or so fellow co-workers from all the different trades.  There was one Manager in there I know, but he's not in our trade, and he told us that he had no idea what they were going to do with us.  A few minutes later my actual Manager walks in and says- Jeff and John, continue to work your normal Graveyard shifts according to the current schedule.  Do not go into the hospital for any reason whatsoever.  Stay in the East Central Power Plant.  Huh?

I said what about my weekly Covid test which is in the hospital?  He said you're right, and that was the only reason I'm allowed to go to the hospital.  Cool. 

Basically keep doing my exact job and the only change is I'm not allowed in the hospital where I may come into contact with a patient and possibly infect them with my dirty ass Covid, even though I'm tested weekly, unlike anyone here that has been vaxd.  Makes zero sense at all.

I had a 10 minute walk back to the plant and pondered my current situation coming to the conclusion that this has been somewhat thought out by management, obviously trying to get as many of us vaxd as possible.  They waited till the last minute to give us the Medical or Religious exemption forms, had our managers surprise us with a paperwork we had to sign saying we would go to this meeting, having us stand in line for over an hour, having us sign a paper saying we would be reassigned and relocated.  All of this was to scare us into submitting and getting the vax.  It worked on 3 of my coworkers.  One got it when they said Oct 1st deadline and two more got it when they said mandatory meeting about reassignment.  

I got back to the power plant and spoke to the day shift guys and told them what had just happened.  Both of them were like SH!T we would not have gotten the jab if we knew the only ban us from the Hospital.

I know my situation is unique and not everyone on this board will be able to refuse the jab.  Do what's best for you and your family.  It is unconscionable that the government and so many employers are holding peoples livelihood hostage.

I'm glad I have refused the vax and I will continue to do so.    

Thanks everyone for the well wishes concerning my employment.  Short version- I still have a job doing exactly what I've been doing in the same place I've been doing it.  

Long version-

I called in last night to see if they had changed my schedule to show me as working a Graveyard and going to the 'meeting' this morning.  My coworker said the written/posted shift schedule had me as off Sunday night with another engineer covering my shift.  Sweet, I'll take the night off.

I showed up at 6am, clocked in checked my work email and BS'd with some coworkers for a while before three of us headed to the mandatory meeting.  I also stopped by the Covid testing station for Non-Vaxd employees and did my fourth test (once a week).  We got to the old hospital building (only in use for offices and storage) and went to the conference room.  It was 7:50 am and there was already a line of about 25 other people waiting to get inside.  Some people wore masks, some didn't.  The three of us did but after an hour of standing in this line I took mine off so I could breathe.  I saw a lot of people I only recognize from pics in Hospital news letters, a few security guards and more people who were dressed like Hospital Administration types.  While waiting I would see a lady come out and count how many of us there were.  Best guess is there were around 75 people.  What stood out was we were all from Facilities Management (plumbers, steam fitters, engineers, electricians), zero doctors or nurses.  The line finally started moving, slowly, and eventually I got to the front and could see into the conference room.  Everyone was dressed well (no uniforms like all of us were wearing) and there were several computers but only two people working them.

It was finally my turn and they asked for my name.  I just pointed to my badge.  The guy in charge read my name to a lady who typed it into the computer.  He said You're Jeffrey Lievense, Stationary Engineer II?  I said I was indeed.  He asked what shift I was on and I said permanent Graveyard per my contract with Los Angeles County Department of Health Services and I work n the East Central Power Plant.  He handed me a piece of paper and asked me to read and sign it.  I asked if I would be given a copy and he said yes.   

The paper said- I ____ undersigned___ and not vaccinated___ as of Oct 28, 2021 would be reassigned to Day shift, Monday to Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm.  

Ok, so I still have a job just on day shift.  No problem, weekends off means more Glamis trips.  Once I signed and got my copy he told me to report downstairs to another conference room to meet with my Manager.  I headed down there and joined 10 or so fellow co-workers from all the different trades.  There was one Manager in there I know, but he's not in our trade, and he told us that he had no idea what they were going to do with us.  A few minutes later my actual Manager walks in and says- Jeff and John, continue to work your normal Graveyard shifts according to the current schedule.  Do not go into the hospital for any reason whatsoever.  Stay in the East Central Power Plant.  Huh?

I said what about my weekly Covid test which is in the hospital?  He said you're right, and that was the only reason I'm allowed to go to the hospital.  Cool. 

Basically keep doing my exact job and the only change is I'm not allowed in the hospital where I may come into contact with a patient and possibly infect them with my dirty ass Covid, even though I'm tested weekly, unlike anyone here that has been vaxd.  Makes zero sense at all.

I had a 10 minute walk back to the plant and pondered my current situation coming to the conclusion that this has been somewhat thought out by management, obviously trying to get as many of us vaxd as possible.  They waited till the last minute to give us the Medical or Religious exemption forms, had our managers surprise us with a paperwork we had to sign saying we would go to this meeting, having us stand in line for over an hour, having us sign a paper saying we would be reassigned and relocated.  All of this was to scare us into submitting and getting the vax.  It worked on 3 of my coworkers.  One got it when they said Oct 1st deadline and two more got it when they said mandatory meeting about reassignment.  

I got back to the power plant and spoke to the day shift guys and told them what had just happened.  Both of them were like SH!T we would not have gotten the jab if we knew the only ban us from the Hospital.

I know my situation is unique and not everyone on this board will be able to refuse the jab.  Do what's best for you and your family.  It is unconscionable that the government and so many employers are holding peoples livelihood hostage.

I'm glad I have refused the vax and I will continue to do so.    
thanks for being willing to stand up for what you believe in (& sharing it with the rest of us).  Im VERY glad to hear of the outcome.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes concerning my employment.  Short version- I still have a job doing exactly what I've been doing in the same place I've been doing it.  

Long version-

I called in last night to see if they had changed my schedule to show me as working a Graveyard and going to the 'meeting' this morning.  My coworker said the written/posted shift schedule had me as off Sunday night with another engineer covering my shift.  Sweet, I'll take the night off.

I showed up at 6am, clocked in checked my work email and BS'd with some coworkers for a while before three of us headed to the mandatory meeting.  I also stopped by the Covid testing station for Non-Vaxd employees and did my fourth test (once a week).  We got to the old hospital building (only in use for offices and storage) and went to the conference room.  It was 7:50 am and there was already a line of about 25 other people waiting to get inside.  Some people wore masks, some didn't.  The three of us did but after an hour of standing in this line I took mine off so I could breathe.  I saw a lot of people I only recognize from pics in Hospital news letters, a few security guards and more people who were dressed like Hospital Administration types.  While waiting I would see a lady come out and count how many of us there were.  Best guess is there were around 75 people.  What stood out was we were all from Facilities Management (plumbers, steam fitters, engineers, electricians), zero doctors or nurses.  The line finally started moving, slowly, and eventually I got to the front and could see into the conference room.  Everyone was dressed well (no uniforms like all of us were wearing) and there were several computers but only two people working them.

It was finally my turn and they asked for my name.  I just pointed to my badge.  The guy in charge read my name to a lady who typed it into the computer.  He said You're Jeffrey Lievense, Stationary Engineer II?  I said I was indeed.  He asked what shift I was on and I said permanent Graveyard per my contract with Los Angeles County Department of Health Services and I work n the East Central Power Plant.  He handed me a piece of paper and asked me to read and sign it.  I asked if I would be given a copy and he said yes.   

The paper said- I ____ undersigned___ and not vaccinated___ as of Oct 28, 2021 would be reassigned to Day shift, Monday to Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm.  

Ok, so I still have a job just on day shift.  No problem, weekends off means more Glamis trips.  Once I signed and got my copy he told me to report downstairs to another conference room to meet with my Manager.  I headed down there and joined 10 or so fellow co-workers from all the different trades.  There was one Manager in there I know, but he's not in our trade, and he told us that he had no idea what they were going to do with us.  A few minutes later my actual Manager walks in and says- Jeff and John, continue to work your normal Graveyard shifts according to the current schedule.  Do not go into the hospital for any reason whatsoever.  Stay in the East Central Power Plant.  Huh?

I said what about my weekly Covid test which is in the hospital?  He said you're right, and that was the only reason I'm allowed to go to the hospital.  Cool. 

Basically keep doing my exact job and the only change is I'm not allowed in the hospital where I may come into contact with a patient and possibly infect them with my dirty ass Covid, even though I'm tested weekly, unlike anyone here that has been vaxd.  Makes zero sense at all.

I had a 10 minute walk back to the plant and pondered my current situation coming to the conclusion that this has been somewhat thought out by management, obviously trying to get as many of us vaxd as possible.  They waited till the last minute to give us the Medical or Religious exemption forms, had our managers surprise us with a paperwork we had to sign saying we would go to this meeting, having us stand in line for over an hour, having us sign a paper saying we would be reassigned and relocated.  All of this was to scare us into submitting and getting the vax.  It worked on 3 of my coworkers.  One got it when they said Oct 1st deadline and two more got it when they said mandatory meeting about reassignment.  

I got back to the power plant and spoke to the day shift guys and told them what had just happened.  Both of them were like SH!T we would not have gotten the jab if we knew the only ban us from the Hospital.

I know my situation is unique and not everyone on this board will be able to refuse the jab.  Do what's best for you and your family.  It is unconscionable that the government and so many employers are holding peoples livelihood hostage.

I'm glad I have refused the vax and I will continue to do so.    
Way to stand your ground man!

fight the good fight... because most are unwilling to do so 👍🏼

The paper said- I ____ undersigned___ and not vaccinated___ as of Oct 28, 2021 would be reassigned to Day shift, Monday to Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm.  
Glad you got such good news and everything will be fine. It is odd that they are going to move you to that shift if you don't get the juice by that date. Coincidentally that is the same shift per the county MOU everyone is moved to when they are suspended without pay. It was even given to you before the 5 mandatory days of notice prior to any forced schedule change. 

In my 25 years with LA County I was put on that schedule a few times. I would pick up an overtime spot or 2 so my paycheck ended up with more and enjoy a nice long weekend, "without pay". I did work in a different department but my checks came out of the same room in the same building, but then what do I know about working for LA County. 

Glad it all worked out for you, enjoy your new schedule it sounds awesome.

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Glad you got such good news and everything will be fine. It is odd that they are going to move you to that shift if you don't get the juice by that date. Coincidentally that is the same shift per the county MOU everyone is moved to when they are suspended without pay. It was even given to you before the 5 mandatory days of notice prior to any forced schedule change. 

In my 25 years with LA County I was put on that schedule a few times. I would pick up an overtime spot or 2 so my paycheck ended up with more and enjoy a nice long weekend, "without pay". I did work in a different department but my checks came out of the same room in the same building, but then what do I know about working for LA County. 

Glad it all worked out for you, enjoy your new schedule it sounds awesome.
His schedule didn't ultimately change.  Nothing did.  It was a scare tactic...
