More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

You mean the unions that help support the politicians that are throwing out these mandates?
You are correct, but they do have power to influence.

Southwest Airline Pilot Union is fighting back, why can't more??  Fact is, Unions for the most part have outlived their use in our society.  If I was an Union member and I didn't want the jab, I would be writing my representative.  Fact is most people in Unions just sit back and watch, thus the reason Unions are far left now.  Most people that I know that are in Unions are Moderate to far right..................time to flip it.

Or just complain at the water cooler every morning, that always works 🤣

You are correct, but they do have power to influence.

Southwest Airline Pilot Union is fighting back, why can't more??  Fact is, Unions for the most part have outlived their use in our society.  If I was an Union member and I didn't want the jab, I would be writing my representative.  Fact is most people in Unions just sit back and watch, thus the reason Unions are far left now.  Most people that I know that are in Unions are Moderate to far right..................time to flip it.

Or just complain at the water cooler every morning, that always works 🤣
Fwiw the pilots unions suck (my brother is an airline pilot he faces job loss nov 24) The union isnt fighting back, the pilots are. Interesting that my wifes union (rural postal carrier) keeps getting exempted without a fuss. 

Everyone needs to draw the line NOW. There is no tomorrow to stop this tyranny.

Just can’t wrap my head around if it’s so fuggin deadly then why are there ANY exemptions? Specifically for those forcing others to get “vaccinated”? How is this not just simple logic?


Your right, good. They will probably win too because the truth is there is no govt mandate. Biden signed no order and congress passed no law. This will be interesting. Unfortunately american airlines isnt following suit. I did hear that delta’s union is going to be suing.

they are not firing pilots, they are putting them on furlough (leave without pay) the southwest pilots were bidding flights then calling out sick in order to use up their accrued leave they will not be getting paid. Americans deadline is nov 24 i know others go as far as dec 8

things are getting real. Supply problems are bad now wait a few more weeks months. Alot of stuff gets shipped in cargo holds of these domestic flights. Alot of my friends with sdpd and sd fire are losing their jobs potentially this friday

things are getting real. Supply problems are bad now wait a few more weeks months. Alot of stuff gets shipped in cargo holds of these domestic flights. Alot of my friends with sdpd and sd fire are losing their jobs potentially this friday
I have also seen posts about farmers being paid/threatened to plow their crops under. Some bad chit is coming and it's all planned.

Update on the situation at my work- To recap, there were 3 of us hold-outs for the vax and we all went to the Monday meeting and were told we'd be reassigned and not allowed in the hospital where we may come into contact with patients.  Not a problem for two of us, we work in the power plant and have zero patient contact.  The 3rd person works specifically in the hospital in and has to go into patient areas numerous times during his shift.  He was told his reassignment would be to work with us in the power plant and not go to the hospital for any reason other than weekly Covid testing.  He was not happy to hear this because he loves his office job and hates the power plant.  I'm the complete opposite and have no desire to work in an office in the hospital (did it for 3 months for my training).  To each their own.

The next day the 3rd guy called in sick for his first full day in the power plant.  I thought it was odd, he seemed fine the day before.  Then I find out he caved and went and got the first shot.  This allows him to remain in his office job in the hospital.

I am beyond disgusted with him and his choice to get the jab.  He and I are good work friends and have had many conversations about this BS pandemic and have similar feelings toward the mandate.  He's a smart guy, reads a lot, follows politics, has his own opinion about our country and the current situation.  He and I are very like minded on many topics and have had great in depth discussions over the years.

He has a wife and 5 kids that are home schooled.  Well before we knew about the Monday meeting outcome I told him that he needed to do what was best for him and his family.  If they are going to suspend us then get the shot, I won't judge or give you sh!t for that decision.  You need to feed your family.  I have a different situation with my LRS stuff so getting suspended would actually be beneficial for me at this time of year.  

He chose to do what was best for him and him alone.  He doesn't want to work in the power plant, plain and simple.  He still had a job, same pay, same day shift schedule, just a different set of responsibilities, which would cut into his YouTube time all day long.

I saw him this morning when I was getting ready to leave and he said something but I ignored him.  I was driving out of the plant and he walked toward my car waving me down but I kept driving.  I have nothing to say to him at this point.  If we had been reassigned to mop duty, toilet cleaning, or parking lot sweeping I'd understand not wanting to change job responsibilities.  I couldn't do any of those things without going nuts.  But that didn't happen.  He was reassigned to a different location, same parking lot, doing the duties of a Stationary Engineer II, which is our job title and where he began his career.  

He didn't get the vax to keep his job, he did it to keep his office and YouTube.  Disappointing.

Two nights ago the nurses had the same 'non-vaxed' meeting that we had.  I know this because another Engineer had to unlock the conference room (we have master keys) and let the staff and nurses inside.  This meeting was for the night shift nursing staff.  I was told there were about 20-25 nurses there for 'reassignment'.  Not sure what happened to them and haven't heard any news at all.  I have no idea how many nurses are on shift at night here but I'd guess that 20-25 is a large portion of the total night staff.

Update on the situation at my work- To recap, there were 3 of us hold-outs for the vax and we all went to the Monday meeting and were told we'd be reassigned and not allowed in the hospital where we may come into contact with patients.  Not a problem for two of us, we work in the power plant and have zero patient contact.  The 3rd person works specifically in the hospital in and has to go into patient areas numerous times during his shift.  He was told his reassignment would be to work with us in the power plant and not go to the hospital for any reason other than weekly Covid testing.  He was not happy to hear this because he loves his office job and hates the power plant.  I'm the complete opposite and have no desire to work in an office in the hospital (did it for 3 months for my training).  To each their own.

The next day the 3rd guy called in sick for his first full day in the power plant.  I thought it was odd, he seemed fine the day before.  Then I find out he caved and went and got the first shot.  This allows him to remain in his office job in the hospital.

I am beyond disgusted with him and his choice to get the jab.  He and I are good work friends and have had many conversations about this BS pandemic and have similar feelings toward the mandate.  He's a smart guy, reads a lot, follows politics, has his own opinion about our country and the current situation.  He and I are very like minded on many topics and have had great in depth discussions over the years.

He has a wife and 5 kids that are home schooled.  Well before we knew about the Monday meeting outcome I told him that he needed to do what was best for him and his family.  If they are going to suspend us then get the shot, I won't judge or give you sh!t for that decision.  You need to feed your family.  I have a different situation with my LRS stuff so getting suspended would actually be beneficial for me at this time of year.  

He chose to do what was best for him and him alone.  He doesn't want to work in the power plant, plain and simple.  He still had a job, same pay, same day shift schedule, just a different set of responsibilities, which would cut into his YouTube time all day long.

I saw him this morning when I was getting ready to leave and he said something but I ignored him.  I was driving out of the plant and he walked toward my car waving me down but I kept driving.  I have nothing to say to him at this point.  If we had been reassigned to mop duty, toilet cleaning, or parking lot sweeping I'd understand not wanting to change job responsibilities.  I couldn't do any of those things without going nuts.  But that didn't happen.  He was reassigned to a different location, same parking lot, doing the duties of a Stationary Engineer II, which is our job title and where he began his career.  

He didn't get the vax to keep his job, he did it to keep his office and YouTube.  Disappointing.

Two nights ago the nurses had the same 'non-vaxed' meeting that we had.  I know this because another Engineer had to unlock the conference room (we have master keys) and let the staff and nurses inside.  This meeting was for the night shift nursing staff.  I was told there were about 20-25 nurses there for 'reassignment'.  Not sure what happened to them and haven't heard any news at all.  I have no idea how many nurses are on shift at night here but I'd guess that 20-25 is a large portion of the total night staff.
I understand your disappointment with your work buddy. But to each their own. Freedom is Freedom even if we disagree. 

We are stronger in numbers though so that does make it difficult. Stay strong. 

Update on the situation at my work- To recap, there were 3 of us hold-outs for the vax and we all went to the Monday meeting and were told we'd be reassigned and not allowed in the hospital where we may come into contact with patients.  Not a problem for two of us, we work in the power plant and have zero patient contact.  The 3rd person works specifically in the hospital in and has to go into patient areas numerous times during his shift.  He was told his reassignment would be to work with us in the power plant and not go to the hospital for any reason other than weekly Covid testing.  He was not happy to hear this because he loves his office job and hates the power plant.  I'm the complete opposite and have no desire to work in an office in the hospital (did it for 3 months for my training).  To each their own.

The next day the 3rd guy called in sick for his first full day in the power plant.  I thought it was odd, he seemed fine the day before.  Then I find out he caved and went and got the first shot.  This allows him to remain in his office job in the hospital.

I am beyond disgusted with him and his choice to get the jab.  He and I are good work friends and have had many conversations about this BS pandemic and have similar feelings toward the mandate.  He's a smart guy, reads a lot, follows politics, has his own opinion about our country and the current situation.  He and I are very like minded on many topics and have had great in depth discussions over the years.

He has a wife and 5 kids that are home schooled.  Well before we knew about the Monday meeting outcome I told him that he needed to do what was best for him and his family.  If they are going to suspend us then get the shot, I won't judge or give you sh!t for that decision.  You need to feed your family.  I have a different situation with my LRS stuff so getting suspended would actually be beneficial for me at this time of year.  

He chose to do what was best for him and him alone.  He doesn't want to work in the power plant, plain and simple.  He still had a job, same pay, same day shift schedule, just a different set of responsibilities, which would cut into his YouTube time all day long.

I saw him this morning when I was getting ready to leave and he said something but I ignored him.  I was driving out of the plant and he walked toward my car waving me down but I kept driving.  I have nothing to say to him at this point.  If we had been reassigned to mop duty, toilet cleaning, or parking lot sweeping I'd understand not wanting to change job responsibilities.  I couldn't do any of those things without going nuts.  But that didn't happen.  He was reassigned to a different location, same parking lot, doing the duties of a Stationary Engineer II, which is our job title and where he began his career.  

He didn't get the vax to keep his job, he did it to keep his office and YouTube.  Disappointing.

Two nights ago the nurses had the same 'non-vaxed' meeting that we had.  I know this because another Engineer had to unlock the conference room (we have master keys) and let the staff and nurses inside.  This meeting was for the night shift nursing staff.  I was told there were about 20-25 nurses there for 'reassignment'.  Not sure what happened to them and haven't heard any news at all.  I have no idea how many nurses are on shift at night here but I'd guess that 20-25 is a large portion of the total night staff.
I saw it all the time with people when I was working.

90% saying they wouldn't do it....then caved to the "push".

Not one worried about getting sick or dying (at least what they said) but all were "tired" of hearing crap from friends, family, tv, social media that THEY were the problem :classic_rolleyes:

Update on the situation at my work- To recap, there were 3 of us hold-outs for the vax and we all went to the Monday meeting and were told we'd be reassigned and not allowed in the hospital where we may come into contact with patients.  Not a problem for two of us, we work in the power plant and have zero patient contact.  The 3rd person works specifically in the hospital in and has to go into patient areas numerous times during his shift.  He was told his reassignment would be to work with us in the power plant and not go to the hospital for any reason other than weekly Covid testing.  He was not happy to hear this because he loves his office job and hates the power plant.  I'm the complete opposite and have no desire to work in an office in the hospital (did it for 3 months for my training).  To each their own.

The next day the 3rd guy called in sick for his first full day in the power plant.  I thought it was odd, he seemed fine the day before.  Then I find out he caved and went and got the first shot.  This allows him to remain in his office job in the hospital.

I am beyond disgusted with him and his choice to get the jab.  He and I are good work friends and have had many conversations about this BS pandemic and have similar feelings toward the mandate.  He's a smart guy, reads a lot, follows politics, has his own opinion about our country and the current situation.  He and I are very like minded on many topics and have had great in depth discussions over the years.

He has a wife and 5 kids that are home schooled.  Well before we knew about the Monday meeting outcome I told him that he needed to do what was best for him and his family.  If they are going to suspend us then get the shot, I won't judge or give you sh!t for that decision.  You need to feed your family.  I have a different situation with my LRS stuff so getting suspended would actually be beneficial for me at this time of year.  

He chose to do what was best for him and him alone.  He doesn't want to work in the power plant, plain and simple.  He still had a job, same pay, same day shift schedule, just a different set of responsibilities, which would cut into his YouTube time all day long.

I saw him this morning when I was getting ready to leave and he said something but I ignored him.  I was driving out of the plant and he walked toward my car waving me down but I kept driving.  I have nothing to say to him at this point.  If we had been reassigned to mop duty, toilet cleaning, or parking lot sweeping I'd understand not wanting to change job responsibilities.  I couldn't do any of those things without going nuts.  But that didn't happen.  He was reassigned to a different location, same parking lot, doing the duties of a Stationary Engineer II, which is our job title and where he began his career.  

He didn't get the vax to keep his job, he did it to keep his office and YouTube.  Disappointing.

Two nights ago the nurses had the same 'non-vaxed' meeting that we had.  I know this because another Engineer had to unlock the conference room (we have master keys) and let the staff and nurses inside.  This meeting was for the night shift nursing staff.  I was told there were about 20-25 nurses there for 'reassignment'.  Not sure what happened to them and haven't heard any news at all.  I have no idea how many nurses are on shift at night here but I'd guess that 20-25 is a large portion of the total night staff.
You won't talk to someone that got the jab?

Update on the situation at my work- To recap, there were 3 of us hold-outs for the vax and we all went to the Monday meeting and were told we'd be reassigned and not allowed in the hospital where we may come into contact with patients.  Not a problem for two of us, we work in the power plant and have zero patient contact.  The 3rd person works specifically in the hospital in and has to go into patient areas numerous times during his shift.  He was told his reassignment would be to work with us in the power plant and not go to the hospital for any reason other than weekly Covid testing.  He was not happy to hear this because he loves his office job and hates the power plant.  I'm the complete opposite and have no desire to work in an office in the hospital (did it for 3 months for my training).  To each their own.

The next day the 3rd guy called in sick for his first full day in the power plant.  I thought it was odd, he seemed fine the day before.  Then I find out he caved and went and got the first shot.  This allows him to remain in his office job in the hospital.

I am beyond disgusted with him and his choice to get the jab.  He and I are good work friends and have had many conversations about this BS pandemic and have similar feelings toward the mandate.  He's a smart guy, reads a lot, follows politics, has his own opinion about our country and the current situation.  He and I are very like minded on many topics and have had great in depth discussions over the years.

He has a wife and 5 kids that are home schooled.  Well before we knew about the Monday meeting outcome I told him that he needed to do what was best for him and his family.  If they are going to suspend us then get the shot, I won't judge or give you sh!t for that decision.  You need to feed your family.  I have a different situation with my LRS stuff so getting suspended would actually be beneficial for me at this time of year.  

He chose to do what was best for him and him alone.  He doesn't want to work in the power plant, plain and simple.  He still had a job, same pay, same day shift schedule, just a different set of responsibilities, which would cut into his YouTube time all day long.

I saw him this morning when I was getting ready to leave and he said something but I ignored him.  I was driving out of the plant and he walked toward my car waving me down but I kept driving.  I have nothing to say to him at this point.  If we had been reassigned to mop duty, toilet cleaning, or parking lot sweeping I'd understand not wanting to change job responsibilities.  I couldn't do any of those things without going nuts.  But that didn't happen.  He was reassigned to a different location, same parking lot, doing the duties of a Stationary Engineer II, which is our job title and where he began his career.  

He didn't get the vax to keep his job, he did it to keep his office and YouTube.  Disappointing.

Two nights ago the nurses had the same 'non-vaxed' meeting that we had.  I know this because another Engineer had to unlock the conference room (we have master keys) and let the staff and nurses inside.  This meeting was for the night shift nursing staff.  I was told there were about 20-25 nurses there for 'reassignment'.  Not sure what happened to them and haven't heard any news at all.  I have no idea how many nurses are on shift at night here but I'd guess that 20-25 is a large portion of the total night staff.
Don't be so hard on him man. That's no better than these Effers making us feel like chit for not getting the shot. 

Like my mama always said, you can always forgive, but just don't forget.

Welcome to America, where people have the freedom of choice...even when is Mandated Vaccines :usa:


Your right, good. They will probably win too because the truth is there is no govt mandate. Biden signed no order and congress passed no law. This will be interesting. Unfortunately american airlines isnt following suit. I did hear that delta’s union is going to be suing.

they are not firing pilots, they are putting them on furlough (leave without pay) the southwest pilots were bidding flights then calling out sick in order to use up their accrued leave they will not be getting paid. Americans deadline is nov 24 i know others go as far as dec 8

things are getting real. Supply problems are bad now wait a few more weeks months. Alot of stuff gets shipped in cargo holds of these domestic flights. Alot of my friends with sdpd and sd fire are losing their jobs potentially this friday
Southwest Airlines CEO says unvaccinated employees won't lose their jobs, despite a federal mandate (

Fighting back is working

My company has spent over $30 million in air freight in the last 2 months trying to get product from Vietnam to here for the winter, and we still see things that were already supposed to be here being 3 months late.  The entire supply chain is screwed with no end in sight.

Southwest Airlines CEO says unvaccinated employees won't lose their jobs, despite a federal mandate (

Fighting back is working

My company has spent over $30 million in air freight in the last 2 months trying to get product from Vietnam to here for the winter, and we still see things that were already supposed to be here being 3 months late.  The entire supply chain is screwed with no end in sight.
It reads as if it were in fact an EO, I thought this wasn't the case? Unfortunately my wife caved and got the 1st shot last Friday... I was unaware till we were out to dinner with friends and she brought it up. Needless to say it was a very sad/disappointing weekend for me.

It reads as if it were in fact an EO, I thought this wasn't the case? Unfortunately my wife caved and got the 1st shot last Friday... I was unaware till we were out to dinner with friends and she brought it up. Needless to say it was a very sad/disappointing weekend for me.
I believe it was an EO for Federal workers.  For the rest I think it is in their trillion dollar save the world package, then OSHA will jump on board?  Who knows, lots of reading between the lines.
