More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

You read my entire post and broke it down to a single question framed to make me an azzhole. Disappointing. 
Not at all, but I thought you were friends.  His decision, and he has to live with it.  I would never ignore a friend, I have many friends I don't agree on their politics, Covid vaccines, for that matter their wives.  But I still am cordial.  

Update on the situation at my work- To recap, there were 3 of us hold-outs for the vax and we all went to the Monday meeting and were told we'd be reassigned and not allowed in the hospital where we may come into contact with patients.  Not a problem for two of us, we work in the power plant and have zero patient contact.  The 3rd person works specifically in the hospital in and has to go into patient areas numerous times during his shift.  He was told his reassignment would be to work with us in the power plant and not go to the hospital for any reason other than weekly Covid testing.  He was not happy to hear this because he loves his office job and hates the power plant.  I'm the complete opposite and have no desire to work in an office in the hospital (did it for 3 months for my training).  To each their own.

The next day the 3rd guy called in sick for his first full day in the power plant.  I thought it was odd, he seemed fine the day before.  Then I find out he caved and went and got the first shot.  This allows him to remain in his office job in the hospital.

I am beyond disgusted with him and his choice to get the jab.  He and I are good work friends and have had many conversations about this BS pandemic and have similar feelings toward the mandate.  He's a smart guy, reads a lot, follows politics, has his own opinion about our country and the current situation.  He and I are very like minded on many topics and have had great in depth discussions over the years.

He has a wife and 5 kids that are home schooled.  Well before we knew about the Monday meeting outcome I told him that he needed to do what was best for him and his family.  If they are going to suspend us then get the shot, I won't judge or give you sh!t for that decision.  You need to feed your family.  I have a different situation with my LRS stuff so getting suspended would actually be beneficial for me at this time of year.  

He chose to do what was best for him and him alone.  He doesn't want to work in the power plant, plain and simple.  He still had a job, same pay, same day shift schedule, just a different set of responsibilities, which would cut into his YouTube time all day long.

I saw him this morning when I was getting ready to leave and he said something but I ignored him.  I was driving out of the plant and he walked toward my car waving me down but I kept driving.  I have nothing to say to him at this point.  If we had been reassigned to mop duty, toilet cleaning, or parking lot sweeping I'd understand not wanting to change job responsibilities.  I couldn't do any of those things without going nuts.  But that didn't happen.  He was reassigned to a different location, same parking lot, doing the duties of a Stationary Engineer II, which is our job title and where he began his career.  

He didn't get the vax to keep his job, he did it to keep his office and YouTube.  Disappointing.

Two nights ago the nurses had the same 'non-vaxed' meeting that we had.  I know this because another Engineer had to unlock the conference room (we have master keys) and let the staff and nurses inside.  This meeting was for the night shift nursing staff.  I was told there were about 20-25 nurses there for 'reassignment'.  Not sure what happened to them and haven't heard any news at all.  I have no idea how many nurses are on shift at night here but I'd guess that 20-25 is a large portion of the total night staff.
crazy how many people cave due to pressure...

Maybe he got a bootleg card?

Not at all, but I thought you were friends.  His decision, and he has to live with it.  I would never ignore a friend, I have many friends I don't agree on their politics, Covid vaccines, for that matter their wives.  But I still am cordial.  
And its still LRS's choice to make, regardless of how you feel about it. (Just like its your choice to think he's an azzholio for it (or not)).

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Not at all, but I thought you were friends.  His decision, and he has to live with it.  I would never ignore a friend, I have many friends I don't agree on their politics, Covid vaccines, for that matter their wives.  But I still am cordial.  
Once again you have glossed over the entire point of my post. I don't care that he got the jab, it's why he decided to get it that I do not agree with. 

My company has spent over $30 million in air freight in the last 2 months trying to get product from Vietnam to here for the winter, and we still see things that were already supposed to be here being 3 months late.  The entire supply chain is screwed with no end in sight.
It's ok....Let's Go Brandon is going to keep the ports open 24/7 and make it all better  :laugh1:

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My wife works for the state up here and the mandates took effect last Monday in Oregon. A handful of employees in her group were escorted out of their building due to not following the mandate. They were told that they were banned from ODOT property (which is the dept they worked for) and they were not allowed to speak to any ODOT workers while they are on shift. 

A good friend of my wife is a HR manager for the Dept of Corrections. They lost 60 employees at just 3 facilities, yet the state claimed they only had 5 DOC employees leave due to the mandate. They are not counting the employees that quit or retired just before the mandate went into effect. Her friend had to deal with the retirements and self terminations and said 100% of them were directly due to the mandates. The most interesting thing though is it appears they might mandate booster shots. The data base that they are using track compliance suddenly added columns for  boosters so I would not doubt that will be the next requirement of all executive branch employees. 

And the week before the mandate went into effect, the data base used to track compliance was "inadvertently" sent to 2 major newspapers here in Oregon. The data base has every employee listed along with those who received exemptions and what their exemptions were for. 

This crap is out of control.



And FGN for you guys! 

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The booster is coming. I believe it is the CDC that has said the definition of fully vaccinated will be changing soon. It will become an every 6 month requirement. The school attendance system used in California already has a C19 section and is already set up for 6 month boosters. It will never end, they will shoot you full of that crap until you die from it. 

Last Friday I was told a rumor by an anonymous supervisor that on Oct 28th if we are not vaxd we will be suspended for 5 days without pay.  When we come back a new date will be set for compliance and if we do not comply they will suspend us for 28 days pending termination.

I've been off work for a few days and returned to see an email saying that they will discharge us now.  Guess the rumor was true.

vax requirment.PNG

Once again you have glossed over the entire point of my post. I don't care that he got the jab, it's why he decided to get it that I do not agree with. 
Maybe his wife put pressure on him to get the jab, knowing that they would not relent until he got it or was terminated, you just assumed why he got it. You refused to give him a chance to explain.

Last Friday I was told a rumor by an anonymous supervisor that on Oct 28th if we are not vaxd we will be suspended for 5 days without pay.  When we come back a new date will be set for compliance and if we do not comply they will suspend us for 28 days pending termination.

I've been off work for a few days and returned to see an email saying that they will discharge us now.  Guess the rumor was true.

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Awe chit! I’m sorry man. This is Effing stupid. That paragraph at the bottom isn’t even factual. 

Whatever you decide to do. I wish you luck. 

This is so dumb. YOU getting the shot doesn’t protect ANYONE, but theoretically, yourself. 

Vaccinated people can get/pass COVID-19 just like the flu.

I’ve NEVER had a flu shot. Many MANY years I watch it go through my household (who get the flu shot) and wonder why I never get it… I think I must have some weird flu antibodies…

… I did grow up in 🇻🇳 Vietnam .. ok technically Garden Grove…. And was sick a lot as a kid…

Spoke to a 45 year old male, customer, back east, … fully vaccinated who got the VID and almost died. He is type 2 diabetic and likely overweight.

I think I preferred life before Covid-19.

Vaccinated or not, this thing NEVER goes away. We should just cancel our debt to China.. quit doing any business with them.. maybe nuke the place to ash… but that’s just me… 

… ‘won the war without firing a shot..’ Not if I had that Presidential briefcase…Hypersonic.. yeah well I’ll just surface our subs who are probably 50 miles offshore.. and wipe the place clean… maybe OB ONE will chime in.. with wabbly knees…

‘I felt a great disturbance in the force.. as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror ... and we’re suddenly silenced… Luke .., continue your training..’



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They’re trying to make it so the people who won’t follow blindly will have to depend on them and get you to follow that way. 

They’re trying to make it so the people who won’t follow blindly will have to depend on them and get you to follow that way. 

Want your SS check? Only if you have the shots required

Want unemployment? Only if you have the shots required

Want healthcare? A transplant? 

Ad nauseum for everything, forever

Last Friday I was told a rumor by an anonymous supervisor that on Oct 28th if we are not vaxd we will be suspended for 5 days without pay.  When we come back a new date will be set for compliance and if we do not comply they will suspend us for 28 days pending termination.

I've been off work for a few days and returned to see an email saying that they will discharge us now.  Guess the rumor was true.

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That sucks! Cool that you have a business with a solid reputation to lean on. I am not anti or pro vax just think its a personal choice like many others. What gets me is when the requirement or request to get the vax is package with some BS statement like above. It may protect some or harm some for that matter, but to phrase it like it is to protect others is nonsense and makes the motives suspect. Hospitals are big business run by bean counters, They and other entities requiring vaccinations are probably more worried about the cost of ongoing testing and liability than the well being of others. 

I understand your disappointment with your work buddy. But to each their own. Freedom is Freedom even if we disagree. 

We are stronger in numbers though so that does make it difficult. Stay strong. 
Yes, choice is on both sides of the fence. No need to dismiss friends over something like this. 

I’m sorry, but ANYONE.. that kept doing their JOB .. especially ‘front line workers, healthcare, military, police, fire, etc. etc.’ who RISKED THEIR LIVES before they HAD a goddamn vaccine should be EXEMPT from EVER having to be vaccinated.

THAT pisses me off more than anything.. if I had a loved one who didn’t ‘hide at home’ … went to work and DIED … I’d … just … EffING lose it.…

Sure I’d end up in ADX Florence.. or be dead..




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Last Friday I was told a rumor by an anonymous supervisor that on Oct 28th if we are not vaxd we will be suspended for 5 days without pay.  When we come back a new date will be set for compliance and if we do not comply they will suspend us for 28 days pending termination.

I've been off work for a few days and returned to see an email saying that they will discharge us now.  Guess the rumor was true.

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First off, I'm sorry to hear this.. Second I have to say, I did say this would happen. Third, fawk LA County.

That said it still totally sucks! The reality is, if you take the jab, you will be in the same position every 6 months when they say you need a booster. The people that thought they would get the jab and life would go back to normal are fools. I wonder how they will feel when they get the 4th or 5th jab. They are already talking 4th jab in Isreal which is suppose to be one of the most fully vaxed countries. 

It is very upsetting to see this happening to you and so many others. 

