More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

Yup, we have a deadline of this Friday (10/29) to have one of three things, fully vaccinated, be in the process or file for an exemption.  Otherwise we will be forced to resign on Dec 9th.  No testing options here as we are a gov contractor.  This completely sucks!!!
Yeah, we have to do attestation forms, and the religious exemptions generally have to be accepted as long as it appears sincere.  Easiest way out would be the aborted fetuses used to make vaccines.  One could believe using this is in support of abortion, and that is definitely not condoned by the majority of Christian religions. 

Some additional info:

That being said, I got the jab.  I looked at it outside of politics and just weighed the pros/cons of it. 

That also being said, there wasn't a mandate at the time, and I hate The State mandating anything.  

Article on Yahoo last night saying Republicans are pushing hard back on the defense contractor mandate.  Saying this could turn into an issue of "national security" if private contractors lose too many people/stop making product etc.  We shall see.
It's hard enough finding employees right now.  It's also generally costing Programs money since this comes through as a contract mod and opens the possibility of a Request for Equitable Adjustment.

What about Jehovah's Witness? Aren't they against 'mordern medicine.' .. wonder if there's been an uptick at Kingdom Hall? Lord knows (pun) there's one probably within 10 miles of wherever you live... Prince was one.


They are saying by Friday they're going to have emergency authorization to give the shot to the children. Does anybody buy the science on that? Please don't give me the it's going to protect the adults excuse. Americans have always put their lives on the line to protect children

They are saying by Friday they're going to have emergency authorization to give the shot to the children. Does anybody buy the science on that? Please don't give me the it's going to protect the adults excuse. Americans have always put their lives on the line to protect children
1. Anytime a politician says "for the children" my hair stands on end.  They're up to something.

2. Excluding co-morbidities (straw that broke the camel's back), a couple dozen children have died of COVID. They're probably more likely to die of the shot than the virus.

I got the shot, but NFW I'm giving it to my kids, especially considering they've already had it. 

Also, hospitalization rates for children per the CDC:

During March 1, 2020–August 14, 2021, COVID-NET identified 49.7 cumulative COVID-19–associated hospitalizations per 100,000 children and adolescents (Figure 1); rates were highest among children aged 0–4 years (69.2) and adolescents aged 12–17 years (63.7) and lowest among children aged 5–11 years (24.0). Weekly hospitalization rates were at their lowest in 2021 during the weeks ending June 12–July 3 (0.3 per 100,000 children and adolescents each week) (Figure 2). During a subsequent 6-week period after the Delta variant became predominant, rates rose each week to 1.4 during the week ending August 14, 2021, which was 4.7 times the rate during the week ending June 26, 2021 and approached the peak hospitalization rate of 1.5 observed during the week ending January 9, 2021.§§§§ Weekly rates increased among all age groups; the sharpest increase occurred among children aged 0–4 years, for whom the rate during the week ending August 14, 2021 (1.9) was nearly 10 times that during the week ending June 26, 2021 (0.2). During June 20–July 31, 2021, among 68 adolescents hospitalized with COVID-19 whose vaccination status had been ascertained, 59 were unvaccinated, five were partially vaccinated, and four were fully vaccinated; the hospitalization rate among unvaccinated adolescents was 0.8 per 100,000 person-weeks (95% CI = 0.6–0.9), compared with 0.1 (95% CI = 0.0–0.1) in fully vaccinated adolescents (rate ratio = 10.1; 95% CI = 3.7–27.9).

In other words, they've got between a 0.002 and 0.049% chance they'll even need to see a doctor.

They are saying by Friday they're going to have emergency authorization to give the shot to the children. Does anybody buy the science on that? Please don't give me the it's going to protect the adults excuse. Americans have always put their lives on the line to protect children
Our government... and all their supporting agencies are compromised. 

anyone vaccinating their children, is not thinking this through. 

For the people that got the juice, how are you going to feel when you're told you have to get the 3rd, 4th, 5th jab?  Keep in mind, booster is just a word they're using to say more of the same crap that isn't working. 

As for kids, ask anyone that works in attendance in a CA schools if Aries (CA attendance tracking program) has a 6 month booster portion under the C19 section of the program. If they have attended the recent training on the updates they can confirm that.

A year from now the already juiced will be looking at jab 4. I never heard of a "vaccine" you had to take every 6 months. 

For the people that got the juice, how are you going to feel when you're told you have to get the 3rd, 4th, 5th jab?  Keep in mind, booster is just a word they're using to say more of the same crap that isn't working. 

As for kids, ask anyone that works in attendance in a CA schools if Aries (CA attendance tracking program) has a 6 month booster portion under the C19 section of the program. If they have attended the recent training on the updates they can confirm that.

A year from now the already juiced will be looking at jab 4. I never heard of a "vaccine" you had to take every 6 months. 
Soooo many Red flags and sirens going off surrounding this issue.  If you’re not hearing or seeing them, it’s time to WAKE UP!!!!

So the new "at risk group..." are those with mental health issues.  The CDC says those with mental health are at more risk of serious infections.

So...the critical thinker in me reads this as...If you refuse the jab, you have a mental health issue and are therefore at more risk and need the government's help.  If you refuse the jab...and therefore have a mental health issue, you probably shouldn't own guns...

I used to never be a conspiracy theorist until this past year.  The sh*t we see come up everyday is baffling.

Does any know how the pandemic is effecting the Amish?
Read your comment earlier and began to wonder about it. Then hit up YouTube and bamm this video was on my recommendation list. What the heck?!!! 

Guess the Amish are doing better than us. Maybe we should all move to an Amish Paradise 


For the people that got the juice, how are you going to feel when you're told you have to get the 3rd, 4th, 5th jab?  Keep in mind, booster is just a word they're using to say more of the same crap that isn't working. 

As for kids, ask anyone that works in attendance in a CA schools if Aries (CA attendance tracking program) has a 6 month booster portion under the C19 section of the program. If they have attended the recent training on the updates they can confirm that.

A year from now the already juiced will be looking at jab 4. I never heard of a "vaccine" you had to take every 6 months. 
if they jab my kid, i'll jab them in the fukkin eye with that same needle... 

39 minutes ago, CampfiresNbrews said:

Read your comment earlier and began to wonder about it. Then hit up YouTube and bamm this video was on my recommendation list. What the heck?!!! 

Its not just the Amish.  Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, 10 of the African countries, all have statistically zero % vaccination rates.  Vietnam is interesting, they have had essentially zero cases until July of this year. 

For the people that got the juice, how are you going to feel when you're told you have to get the 3rd, 4th, 5th jab?  Keep in mind, booster is just a word they're using to say more of the same crap that isn't working. 

As for kids, ask anyone that works in attendance in a CA schools if Aries (CA attendance tracking program) has a 6 month booster portion under the C19 section of the program. If they have attended the recent training on the updates they can confirm that.

A year from now the already juiced will be looking at jab 4. I never heard of a "vaccine" you had to take every 6 months. 
I have been saying this from the beginning, it isn't a vaccine, it is a flu shot.  Vaccines eradicate a disease.  This does not. Almost every side effect from it is the same as a flu shot.

I am vaccinated, but not sure I want the booster at all.  I originally got the vaccine because we had family members that wouldn't even be around us without it (a few almost died from Covid).  I certainly wouldn't give it to my kids, but mine are all adults now, their choice.

I hate mandates

Its not just the Amish.  Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, 10 of the African countries, all have statistically zero % vaccination rates.  Vietnam is interesting, they have had essentially zero cases until July of this year. 
And Vietnam and Indonesia pretty much shut down their countries for months in July, Aug, Sept to stop the spread.  It has screwed my imports, canceled over $4 million in business because they cant deliver stuff for Christmas until April now......ugh

Let's just run with that for a second.

Get the jab, you have less chance to die. Mandate people to get the shot= less people die

The people who get the jab and are agreeing with the mandates are more likely in line with the globalist new world order plans


Get the jab and your going to die from the jab because it's all a thing to kill off the population, Leaving a bunch of people who are not likely to agree with the "New World Order"  Leaving a bunch of people who they are going to have a hard time controlling.

So which scenario is it are they trying to kill off all the people who do agree with them or kill off all the people who don't? 

I am not sure what it is they are trying to do but I am pretty sure that population control isn't it.
Maybe this will answer your question @MWB

Scroll to page 32  shocking information from that Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Death Report
