More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

Article on Yahoo last night saying Republicans are pushing hard back on the defense contractor mandate.  Saying this could turn into an issue of "national security" if private contractors lose too many people/stop making product etc.  We shall see.
Ya they are introducing a bill to exempt "essential workers" from the mandate.  I hope they get it through quickly, but something tells me I'm dreaming...

I am glad I don't have to live in the pretend play COVID world. If not for reading and seeing vedio for Commifornia I wouldn't even. Know people where still pretending. 

I have been saying this from the beginning, it isn't a vaccine, it is a flu shot.  Vaccines eradicate a disease.  This does not. Almost every side effect from it is the same as a flu shot.

I am vaccinated, but not sure I want the booster at all.  I originally got the vaccine because we had family members that wouldn't even be around us without it (a few almost died from Covid).  I certainly wouldn't give it to my kids, but mine are all adults now, their choice.

I hate mandates
    That's not true. There are only 2 diseases that have been officially eradicated, Smallpox, and Rinderpest. 

Vaccination: Injection of a killed microbe in order to stimulate the immune system against the microbe, thereby preventing diseaseVaccinations, or immunizations, work by stimulating the immune system, the natural disease-fighting system of the body. The healthy immune system is able to recognize invading bacteria and viruses and produce substances (antibodies) to destroy or disable them. Immunizations prepare the immune system to ward off a disease. To immunize against viral diseases, the virus used in the vaccine has been weakened or killed. To only immunize against bacterial diseases, it is generally possible to use a small portion of the dead bacteria to stimulate the formation of antibodies against the whole bacteria. In addition to the initial immunization process, it has been found that the effectiveness of immunizations can be improved by periodic repeat injections or "boosters." Also see Vaccines (in the plural) and Vaccine of a specific type (such Vaccine, Polio).

if they jab my kid, i'll jab them in the fukkin eye with that same needle... 
OrangeR - I don't know you well enough to know if you really have a child?

Not trying to cause problems or anything if you do, but if so it sounds like you need to have a serious sit down with the wife based on the fact she went and took it and didn't tell you until after. Not that I don't feel strongly that it was her choice to do so, it just seems that (obviously) she doesn't feel as you do about the vaccine.

Let's just run with that for a second.

Get the jab, you have less chance to die. Mandate people to get the shot= less people die

The people who get the jab and are agreeing with the mandates are more likely in line with the globalist new world order plans


Get the jab and your going to die from the jab because it's all a thing to kill off the population, Leaving a bunch of people who are not likely to agree with the "New World Order"  Leaving a bunch of people who they are going to have a hard time controlling.

So which scenario is it are they trying to kill off all the people who do agree with them or kill off all the people who don't? 

I am not sure what it is they are trying to do but I am pretty sure that population control isn't it.
 Who is they? The vaccines were created under the Trump administration, so were Trump, Pence, and the rest of the Republicans in the House and Senate devising this master plan, and then quietly handed over the marching orders to Biden Harris, Pelosi, etc, full on Mission Impossible style, once he was elected? Cool story bro. 

They would have to do it over my dead body.  No way NEVER, EVER will I permit my son to be jabbed.

That said, fortunately, here in TN, both politicians and residents are not having any of it.

OrangeR - I don't know you well enough to know if you really have a child?

Not trying to cause problems or anything if you do, but if so it sounds like you need to have a serious sit down with the wife based on the fact she went and took it and didn't tell you until after. Not that I don't feel strongly that it was her choice to do so, it just seems that (obviously) she doesn't feel as you do about the vaccine.
I do, I have 2... one 25 and one 9. She wouldn't and she's vehemently opposed to getting him(9) vaxxed. She did hers in fear of losing her career. I make enough to cover both if the schools mandate it and he needs to be homeschooled. As much as I love her(many here know us very well) If she were to take him w/o me it would end us, and she knows that. PERIOD

I do, I have 2... one 25 and one 9. She wouldn't and she's vehemently opposed to getting him(9) vaxxed. She did hers in fear of losing her career. I make enough to cover both if the schools mandate it and he needs to be homeschooled. As much as I love her(many here know us very well) If she were to take him w/o me it would end us, and she knows that. PERIOD
I don't see the vaccine for the kids going away to get back into school, and I know you will home school him  for now. He is 9 and will do as you say yet once he gets to Jr High or High school age and doesn't want to sit at home with mom but wants to sit next to the little hottie from down the street what are you going to do then ? 

I don't see the vaccine for the kids going away to get back into school, and I know you will home school him  for now. He is 9 and will do as you say yet once he gets to Jr High or High school age and doesn't want to sit at home with mom but wants to sit next to the little hottie from down the street what are you going to do then ? 
It would if more people stood for other people's rights. You're a confusing person I'll tell you that. 

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I do, I have 2... one 25 and one 9. She wouldn't and she's vehemently opposed to getting him(9) vaxxed. She did hers in fear of losing her career. I make enough to cover both if the schools mandate it and he needs to be homeschooled. As much as I love her(many here know us very well) If she were to take him w/o me it would end us, and she knows that. PERIOD
Home school. Thank God I didn't face having my parents schooling me! I would be serving life with out parole.

I don't see the vaccine for the kids going away to get back into school, and I know you will home school him  for now. He is 9 and will do as you say yet once he gets to Jr High or High school age and doesn't want to sit at home with mom but wants to sit next to the little hottie from down the street what are you going to do then ? 
He's been back in school for months... this would be an afterthought and retaliation for all of us that voted to boot his sorry ass out. They will keep pushing till someone snaps, when it happens it's gonna be big.

I applied with Montana State yesterday.  We officially can't take it anymore.  
Is montana really any better? Have you talked to Amy since she left? I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure she had to get vaxxed to keep her job too... 

By law, when Pharma advertisers put out ads about their pharmaceuticals they are required to list any possible side effects, yet I have not seen any possible side effects listed in ads encouraging the jab yet.

I'm sure they get around it by not mentioning the specific vaccine in their ads, but seems like a fine line to get around the law meant to protect the public from unknowingly taking meds that can cause major harm. Has informed consent been taken awey?

Just a thought?

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