More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

Let's all remember, this is LA County were talking about. Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego all say EFF U to mandates. It's all about peer pressure.

I'm sorry LRS this is happening. I wouldn't leave my job until they remove me physically. But that's just me. 

I just heard on the radio LA City is moving the mandates dates back, because they can't people to do it. Dec 18th now. 

I believe if there's a hell on earth it is Los Angeles. 

Let's all remember, this is LA County were talking about. Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego all say EFF U to mandates. It's all about peer pressure.

I'm sorry LRS this is happening. I wouldn't leave my job until they remove me physically. But that's just me. 

I just heard on the radio LA City is moving the mandates dates back, because they can't people to do it. Dec 18th now. 

I believe if there's a hell on earth it is Los Angeles. 
I have been saying the same thing to friends for 18 months, don't confuse LA County to the other Counties in SoCal, even though the media focuses on LA.  I haven't worn a mask (other than airports and planes) for a year or more.  My friends that live in LA County are done with it all.

Agreed. In Orange County the only people I see wearing masks are employees who were forced to do so at retail establishments and restaurants.

As far as the general public and consumers I see at football games and restaurants stores etc. I would say one out of 250 maybe one out of 500 are wearing a mask nowadays.

Sort of feels normal here now…. But from somebody who works from home COVID-19 actually didn’t change life/daily routines a whole lot for me… Mostly my kids.


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Just got the EO modded to some of my contracts.  It's happening.  Current deadline is 12/8/21.  

I know many have mentioned the irony of how first responders were praised as being hero's now are being vilified if they don't take the jab. 

I just realized another example of irony over the mandate. Last year the Gov passed the "Cares Act" in hopes of keeping as many as possible on the payroll to avoid economic damage, yet now supports firing the very same people if they do not comply with their orders!

Last years compassion turned into this years authoriatorism. 


I live in Lake Havasu.  We get a part-time residency here with the snow birds.  Last year, there weren't really masks and you just went about your business.  Then all the snowbirds were happy they got their vaccine.  Well, here we are again as they all come back and these people are all obsessed with masks again.

If you want one, wear one.  Leave me the F alone.

I live in Lake Havasu.  We get a part-time residency here with the snow birds.  Last year, there weren't really masks and you just went about your business.  Then all the snowbirds were happy they got their vaccine.  Well, here we are again as they all come back and these people are all obsessed with masks again.

If you want one, wear one.  Leave me the F alone.
Good to hear they are back, thought they might be priced out of the market with how high the rentals house have become.

Good to hear they are back, thought they might be priced out of the market with how high the rentals house have become.
snowbirds have always been gouged in this town. before demic people would rent for stupid high amounts in winter and then use the place all summer themselves and most costs are covered by the snowbird rents.

Not at all, but I thought you were friends.  His decision, and he has to live with it.  I would never ignore a friend, I have many friends I don't agree on their politics, Covid vaccines, for that matter their wives.  But I still am cordial.  
Rereading my posts just now using the word 'friend' may have been too strong.  He and I have know each other for the short time I've worked at County and in January 2020 we were on shift together 3 days a week, 8 hours a day for 3 months.  We got to know each other and realized we share similar views on politics, family, education, books, what California has become, etc.  We are also about the same age.  Don't think that I'm back tracking and downplaying this but he and I are 'work friends'.  We have never socialized outside of work.  We don't text each other or communicate at all outside of work.  We have never met each others families.  

He got the jab and I still work with him.  He's permanent day shift and I'm permanent graveyard shift.  For the past year we only see each other for a minute or two in the morning 3 days a week but we work in different facilities so we don't do a 'shift turnover' with one another.  Don't think that I'm sitting in a room with the guy ignoring him.  That's not the case at all.

Just got the EO modded to some of my contracts.  It's happening.  Current deadline is 12/8/21.  
Yup, we have a deadline of this Friday (10/29) to have one of three things, fully vaccinated, be in the process or file for an exemption.  Otherwise we will be forced to resign on Dec 9th.  No testing options here as we are a gov contractor.  This completely sucks!!!

Yup, we have a deadline of this Friday (10/29) to have one of three things, fully vaccinated, be in the process or file for an exemption.  Otherwise we will be forced to resign on Dec 9th.  No testing options here as we are a gov contractor.  This completely sucks!!!
Hope you get the exemption. 

Rereading my posts just now using the word 'friend' may have been too strong.  He and I have know each other for the short time I've worked at County and in January 2020 we were on shift together 3 days a week, 8 hours a day for 3 months.  We got to know each other and realized we share similar views on politics, family, education, books, what California has become, etc.  We are also about the same age.  Don't think that I'm back tracking and downplaying this but he and I are 'work friends'.  We have never socialized outside of work.  We don't text each other or communicate at all outside of work.  We have never met each others families.  

He got the jab and I still work with him.  He's permanent day shift and I'm permanent graveyard shift.  For the past year we only see each other for a minute or two in the morning 3 days a week but we work in different facilities so we don't do a 'shift turnover' with one another.  Don't think that I'm sitting in a room with the guy ignoring him.  That's not the case at all.
We all know you are a big scary mean guy.  Don't try and get out of it.  LOL

Yup, we have a deadline of this Friday (10/29) to have one of three things, fully vaccinated, be in the process or file for an exemption.  Otherwise we will be forced to resign on Dec 9th.  No testing options here as we are a gov contractor.  This completely sucks!!!
Article on Yahoo last night saying Republicans are pushing hard back on the defense contractor mandate.  Saying this could turn into an issue of "national security" if private contractors lose too many people/stop making product etc.  We shall see.

Physician of Presidents speaks out boldly about the devastating destruction the current Vaccines are causing. Great video.
From the start I believe this has been about population control. Killing off a major portion of the population is part of the globalist new world order plan, the great reset. Time will tell, but never in history have the people forcing something on a large group of people been the good guys. 

From the start I believe this has been about population control. Killing off a major portion of the population is part of the globalist new world order plan, the great reset. Time will tell, but never in history have the people forcing something on a large group of people been the good guys. 
Let's just run with that for a second.

Get the jab, you have less chance to die. Mandate people to get the shot= less people die

The people who get the jab and are agreeing with the mandates are more likely in line with the globalist new world order plans


Get the jab and your going to die from the jab because it's all a thing to kill off the population, Leaving a bunch of people who are not likely to agree with the "New World Order"  Leaving a bunch of people who they are going to have a hard time controlling.

So which scenario is it are they trying to kill off all the people who do agree with them or kill off all the people who don't? 

I am not sure what it is they are trying to do but I am pretty sure that population control isn't it.

Let's just run with that for a second.

Get the jab, you have less chance to die. Mandate people to get the shot= less people die

The people who get the jab and are agreeing with the mandates are more likely in line with the globalist new world order plans


Get the jab and your going to die from the jab because it's all a thing to kill off the population, Leaving a bunch of people who are not likely to agree with the "New World Order"  Leaving a bunch of people who they are going to have a hard time controlling.

So which scenario is it are they trying to kill off all the people who do agree with them or kill off all the people who don't? 

I am not sure what it is they are trying to do but I am pretty sure that population control isn't it.
Because your replacement is crossing the boarder unchecked and unvaccinated. 

Like I said, time will tell.

As a member of the control group I'll be around to watch what happens. 

Have to add, remember when the vax was suppose to keep you from getting COVID??? Funny how that changed.

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