More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

If you want to watch something that shows how corrupt the drug companies are, along with the FDA, Watch Dopesick on Hulu.

My wife was sent home from her job yesterday with the usps. She has been with them for 15 years. Received star employee award. An award only given to a handfull of employees for exceptional service every year. Worked through all of covid. Double the load half the help. Today thanks to our bhole piece of chit president and every motherEffing democrat that supports him and his mandates. My wife loses her career and our family is out her meager income and now is  an addition 1600$/month in the hole for our systems worthless healthcare

truly, deeply Eff YOU JOE BIDEN

My job finally put the squeeze on yesterday.  But, only for a select few of us in sales/sales support(me).

Guess we'll se how it turns out.

I wonder why more people don't talk more about the fact that almost 75% of deaths related to Covid are from obese people. The reality, is that if you cant see your junk without the aid of a mirror, then you are also a big (pun intended) reason why we are in this mess. 

My wife was sent home from her job yesterday with the usps. She has been with them for 15 years. Received star employee award. An award only given to a handfull of employees for exceptional service every year. Worked through all of covid. Double the load half the help. Today thanks to our bhole piece of chit president and every motherEffing democrat that supports him and his mandates. My wife loses her career and our family is out her meager income and now is  an addition 1600$/month in the hole for our systems worthless healthcare

truly, deeply Eff YOU JOE BIDEN
I'm very sorry to hear this news, such BS.

My job finally put the squeeze on yesterday.  But, only for a select few of us in sales/sales support(me).

Guess we'll se how it turns out.
We are waiting to see how this plays out as well.

I wonder why more people don't talk more about the fact that almost 75% of deaths related to Covid are from obese people. The reality, is that if you cant see your junk without the aid of a mirror, then you are also a big (pun intended) reason why we are in this mess. 

My wife was sent home from her job yesterday with the usps. She has been with them for 15 years. Received star employee award. An award only given to a handfull of employees for exceptional service every year. Worked through all of covid. Double the load half the help. Today thanks to our bhole piece of chit president and every motherEffing democrat that supports him and his mandates. My wife loses her career and our family is out her meager income and now is  an addition 1600$/month in the hole for our systems worthless healthcare

truly, deeply Eff YOU JOE BIDEN
such bullshit...... I thought usps wasn't under the mandate?

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My last day of work is the 31st. No more Govt job or work for me. Now if I can convince my son and granddaughters mom to follow me the hell out of Cali…

My last day of work is the 31st. No more Govt job or work for me. Now if I can convince my son and granddaughters mom to follow me the hell out of Cali…
Retirement or forced out?  Yore an older I'm hoping its by yore own choice 🙂

So my company sent out a late Friday email...."Report VAX status..."  Oh well...

The mandate reads...Employers are suppose to "know" who is vaxxed and who isn't.  Standby for reporting within a month.  

The mandate also states once you're identified, you have to wear a mask if you aren't vaxxed.  Ok...I work from home... :lol:   They can also require testing as an alternative.  While not technically "legal", Arizona has passed legislation banning these mandates.

At the end of the day....I don't have to work.  If "forced", I'll go back to retired life.  No skin off my teeth.

Retirement or forced out?  Yore an older I'm hoping its by yore own choice 🙂
Older guy huh!😆

Was being forced out but didn’t want to give them the satisfaction so it kind made my choice for me. Had plans to retire August of 2023. My resignation is official the end of this month, my FERS annuity is deferred until September of 2023. It’s all good. I’ll be able to move up to Visalia where my wife has been since October of 2020 and get to see my granddaughter more than just holidays.

FJB keeps moving the goalposts and changing the rules and it just sucked a lot of fun out of a job that I thoroughly enjoyed. Just glad I was at a place in life where I could make my own medical decisions, unlike dozens of guys I work with who must comply due to age or life situations.

Life is good. I’m buying a Jeep and have many adventures planned.👍

I think the Supreme Court will knock this crap down, but if it's upheld ... the economy will tank..


PS. Feel so blessed to work from home and only have family members on payroll.

Let's Go Brandon!

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Read an article today that Canada is talking about adding a tax to the unvaccinated due to the strain it is adding to their hospitals and health care.  I bet Newscum likes this idea as well..........................

Read an article today that Canada is talking about adding a tax to the unvaccinated due to the strain it is adding to their hospitals and health care.  I bet Newscum likes this idea as well..........................
You mean like the "Surcharge" folks pay for being a smoker, etc? on their health insurance?


You mean like the "Surcharge" folks pay for being a smoker, etc? on their health insurance?

If the smoker doesn't pay for their burden on the system, who should pay it? The non-smoker who made a conscious decision not to smoke so they wouldn't end up with COPD for the last 15 yrs of their life?

If the smoker doesn't pay for their burden on the system, who should pay it? The non-smoker who made a conscious decision not to smoke so they wouldn't end up with COPD for the last 15 yrs of their life?
They are already taxed, every time they purchase a pack.  

They are already taxed, every time they purchase a pack.  
Is that money applied to their added healthcare expense?

The point I'm making is - some people don't smoke or become drug addicts, etc. Yet our society seems to expect them to share the burden of other people's poor decisions. It's bad enough that Joe Taxpayer is now expected to pay for medical coverage for illegal aliens. Let's just add more expenses to those who don't add to the costs.

Is that money applied to their added healthcare expense?

The point I'm making is - some people don't smoke or become drug addicts, etc. Yet our society seems to expect them to share the burden of other people's poor decisions. It's bad enough that Joe Taxpayer is now expected to pay for medical coverage for illegal aliens. Let's just add more expenses to those who don't add to the costs.
This article was about Canada where your taxes do cover your healthcare.  So I am not go to go down that path of explaining it..............but what happens when you retire and now your healthcare is paid by the government (Medicare)?

I don't condone any of it, but this administration is pulling out all the stops to get what they want.............
