More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

Nothing but lies, deceit and scare tactics. The Vaxxed/Dem/Libs are already so brainwashed it's sickening. I will NEVER take that vaccine. If my employer says I have to, I say see you in court. Mind you I now work remote and do not deal with the public much anymore.  

:yarder:  to Anyone who supports this BS! 


Read an article today that Canada is talking about adding a tax to the unvaccinated due to the strain it is adding to their hospitals and health care.  I bet Newscum likes this idea as well..........................
Those snow Mexicans(Canadian) are getting hosed for healthcare already now they want to compound even more? Damn poor effers! 

Nothing but lies, deceit and scare tactics. The Vaxxed/Dem/Libs are already so brainwashed it's sickening. I will NEVER take that vaccine. If my employer says I have to, I say see you in court. Mind you I now work remote and do not deal with the public much anymore.  

:yarder:  to Anyone who supports this BS! 

 Says the guy that boasts about being fat and out of shape...  Thanks for yore opinion..

This is going to sound Effed up but I'm so tired of all this chit that I just want to see it all Effin burn. These bholes keep pushing everyone to the edge and then when you get where you can tolerate it here they come again. This kind of chit is what drives people to insanity and they know it.

It's nothing more than a personal medical decision YOU should be able to make ON YOUR OWN... I did.. I'm triple vaxxed.... my choice.. my body... My Vax status has ZERO effect on YOUR  CHOICE.... , 

I would fight/defend anyone else's decision NOT to take it... eff that.. hard core Libertarian. 

... unless you're old or fat.. it's a darn cold/flu.. give it up... let's move on.. Brandon.. etc.


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Been watching this thread and not sure exactly how to comment. I can only say I’m self employed. I will never take this shot. It’s experimental. Many here have taken it so, I’ll leave my explanation at that. What’s really true is this is a trial run. The puppeteers will have another planned crisis in the future. There will be some mass event and new requirements will be imposed on society so it may return to “normal” at some undetermined future point. The antidote to the virus of the virus is to refuse to play. No masks, no shots, no tests. Non-compliance by mass numbers and this all stops. I can only say I fervently pray for this nation and the young ones who have to stand against this burden. Bless everyone.

Someone needs to waterboard St. Fauci (or whoever) and get the truth out, then we can move on with accurate info and address these issue from a position of true facts. 

Otherwise, we will continue to keep floundering in a steaming pile of lies and mistrust.

Been watching this thread and not sure exactly how to comment. I can only say I’m self employed. I will never take this shot. It’s experimental. Many here have taken it so, I’ll leave my explanation at that. What’s really true is this is a trial run. The puppeteers will have another planned crisis in the future. There will be some mass event and new requirements will be imposed on society so it may return to “normal” at some undetermined future point. The antidote to the virus of the virus is to refuse to play. No masks, no shots, no tests. Non-compliance by mass numbers and this all stops. I can only say I fervently pray for this nation and the young ones who have to stand against this burden. Bless everyone.
True dat … hate that my 4 kids are trying to navigate life in this ‘new world.’


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If the smoker doesn't pay for their burden on the system, who should pay it? The non-smoker who made a conscious decision not to smoke so they wouldn't end up with COPD for the last 15 yrs of their life?
My comment was based on unvaxxed getting taxed, my example is surcharges we all currently pay with our crappy medical insurance since Obama.

Are you saying the unvaxxed deserves to be taxed extra, because of their burden placed on our Healthcare system?

My comment was based on unvaxxed getting taxed, my example is surcharges we all currently pay with our crappy medical insurance since Obama.

Are you saying the unvaxxed deserves to be taxed extra, because of their burden placed on our Healthcare system?
In CA, and most likely other states... insurance cannot charge a different rate for a smoker any longer.  You cannot even charge a different rate for anyone wanting maternity coverage (this used to be an option) but now since we have socialized healthcare (thanks obama) "we are all in this together"... so anyone actually paying premiums, gets to pay more premiums!!

but according to you, those un-vaxxed are somehow putting a "burden" on the healthcare system lol, not fat, overweight, unhealthy self induced diabetics, smokers, alcoholics etc.

If the smoker doesn't pay for their burden on the system, who should pay it? The non-smoker who made a conscious decision not to smoke so they wouldn't end up with COPD for the last 15 yrs of their life?

In CA, and most likely other states... insurance cannot charge a different rate for a smoker any longer.  You cannot even charge a different rate for anyone wanting maternity coverage (this used to be an option) but now since we have socialized healthcare (thanks obama) "we are all in this together"... so anyone actually paying premiums, gets to pay more premiums!!

but according to you, those un-vaxxed are somehow putting a "burden" on the healthcare system lol, not fat, overweight, unhealthy self induced diabetics, smokers, alcoholics etc.
I was asking LOTD to clarify his stance on the un-vaxxed because of his example of smokers / life style choices, etc.

I'm well aware of the high risk the un-vaxxed fat, overweight, unhealthy self induced diabetics, smokers, alcoholics etc. are facing.  Except for the smoking and heavy drinking in that category. 

I'm not Vaxxed because it's my choice. I'm not convinced this Vaccine is safe, I'm not willing to be a part of this trial. My family already has documented issues with vaccines.

@EmpirE231 Are you Vaxxed? is @Lord of the Dunes Vaxxed? Just curious to understand your viewpoints and where yore coming from  :cheers:

To clarify, my point was not stating the un-vaxxed are a burden, my statement was i'm not happy that our government and healthcare will take this as an opportunity to charge us more $$. (see cookies post)

<--pays taxes, has a career, has great healthcare, insurance, etc....but loves fast food and is a fat guy. "Not a Burden" :lol:  

I was asking LOTD to clarify his stance on the un-vaxxed because of his example of smokers / life style choices, etc.

I'm well aware of the high risk the un-vaxxed fat, overweight, unhealthy self induced diabetics, smokers, alcoholics etc. are facing.  Except for the smoking and heavy drinking in that category. 

I'm not Vaxxed because it's my choice. I'm not convinced this Vaccine is safe, I'm not willing to be a part of this trial. My family already has documented issues with vaccines.

@EmpirE231 Are you Vaxxed? is @Lord of the Dunes Vaxxed? Just curious to understand your viewpoints and where yore coming from  :cheers:

To clarify, my point was not stating the un-vaxxed are a burden, my statement was i'm not happy that our government and healthcare will take this as an opportunity to charge us more $$. (see cookies post)

<--pays taxes, has a career, has great healthcare, insurance, etc....but loves fast food and is a fat guy. "Not a Burden" :lol:  
Got it! I took your "burden" quote as you insinuating that the un-vaxxed are causing a burden on the healthcare system. I stand corrected.

not vaxxed, and will not be.... and agree it should be a personal choice, and carry on with life.  Do not agree with any mandates.

Those snow Mexicans(Canadian) are getting hosed for healthcare already now they want to compound even more? Damn poor effers! 

That's why so many of them live here!
I've never like Canadians.   Dealt with them in Baja thinking they own the place and now in Havasu...SMH.

Last winter was much nicer with the Northern border closed.

I was asking LOTD to clarify his stance on the un-vaxxed because of his example of smokers / life style choices, etc.

I'm well aware of the high risk the un-vaxxed fat, overweight, unhealthy self induced diabetics, smokers, alcoholics etc. are facing.  Except for the smoking and heavy drinking in that category. 

I'm not Vaxxed because it's my choice. I'm not convinced this Vaccine is safe, I'm not willing to be a part of this trial. My family already has documented issues with vaccines.

@EmpirE231 Are you Vaxxed? is @Lord of the Dunes Vaxxed? Just curious to understand your viewpoints and where yore coming from  :cheers:

To clarify, my point was not stating the un-vaxxed are a burden, my statement was i'm not happy that our government and healthcare will take this as an opportunity to charge us more $$. (see cookies post)

<--pays taxes, has a career, has great healthcare, insurance, etc....but loves fast food and is a fat guy. "Not a Burden" :lol:  

"...fat, ugly guy." :321:  

I've never like Canadians.   Dealt with them in Baja thinking they own the place and now in Havasu...SMH.

Last winter was much nicer with the Northern border closed.
Buddy just rented his Havasu house to Canadians for the rest of the winter, get ready for slow ass traffic in town........HAHA

There back!!!

Buddy just rented his Havasu house to Canadians for the rest of the winter, get ready for slow ass traffic in town........HAHA

There back!!!
Already been slow.   Dammit....

AND...these f*ckers have bought out the stores.

well I'm am glad I haven't gotten vaxed just got this new strain 1 day fever 1 day of tired and ache. I'm all good my two kid tested positive no symptoms im sure my wife has it as well but also has no symptoms no test. I know a lot of people vaxed and not vaxed that has gotten this all had similar outcome two days of being mildly sick. and this government is still pushing and infringing on out rights and ruling by fear
