Anyone who spends some period of time on a ventilator costs the healthcare system extra money. Let's say Joe gets vaxxed on his own and gets the next strain of Covid. It's mild, so he stays home and recovers from it.
Dave, on the other hand, doesn't feel it's necessary to stay healthy, wear a mask or get vaxxed. He gets a serious case of Covid and goes into the hospital and he eventually survives, but the hospital bill is $350,000. Due to the way insurance works, everyone else's premiums go up and Dave's decision ends up costing everyone else a part of their life savings. Repeat this often enough and you start to see a trend. People who don't know or care are costing other people who do care, real money.
Do you think CA should spend $2.3Trillion of taxpayer money to provide free healthcare to illegal aliens? We worked for that money, they didn't. If we wanted to give it to them, we would have on our own. I resent the gov't taking money out of my wallet to give to someone else who didn't earn it.
I feel the same way about an insurance company doing the same thing to pay for someone else's smoking habit, drug habit, or other bad choices. I didn't force them to do those things. Why should I be forced to pay for it?