More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

Dave most likely caught Covid from Joe prior to him feeling sick.  Joe runs around like he's free and clear because he got jab'd.  However, he's now a super spreader because his diseased arrogant azz is allowed to move freely about, " 'cuz I'm triple vax'd".

Thanks, Joe...  You just infected over a dozen people.  3 of which died, all jab'd.  One had asthma, another type 1 diabetic, and the last had heart conditions from getting jab'd.  Thankfully Dave survived. Now all our premiums are going up.

Way to go Joe.
Most likely?


Heath care in Mexico is subsidized. 

My ex FIL got stung by a ray in Rocky Point.  Ambulance ride to the hospital, Meds, etc.. $0

Another friend broke is wrist in RP.  Dr.'s visit, splint, meds. $0
It's only subsidized for Mexican citizens.

These were American citizens living on a boat in Ensenada. No subsidized medical care for them. $300 was the actual cost of her pre and post natal care.

All Mexican citizens are eligible for subsidized healthcare regardless of their work status via a system of health care facilities operating under the federal Secretariat of Health (formerly the Secretaría de Salubridad y Asistencia, or SSA) agency through the program called INSABI which offers coverage to Mexicans who do not have formal employment.

The biggest contributor to death and health care costs including with covid patients is the rampant obesity in america. Cdc should be recommending treadmills not shots.

im healthy fit, and unvaxxed. Dont wear a mask. Had omicron between xmas and new year. Was a day of chills and mild high temp and i felt a little tired and i’ve cost the taxpayer nothing.

one size does  not fit all. Biggest effing problem with govt. they blanket care, military jets, Welfare, time to vote less govt of all wings
True. Nobody dies of Covid. They die of complications due to other health issues exacerbated by the reduced lung function of Covid reaction in the lungs.

True. Nobody dies of Covid. They die of complications due to other health issues exacerbated by the reduced lung function of Covid reaction in the lungs.
Once again causation or correlation lung function supression can be related to many issues ie heart function, electrolyte imbalance, embolism, dehydration, allergies, acid reflux, etc

unfortunately our medical system is more concerned with filling out liability reports for lawyers (not to mention covid treatment compensation forms) vs documenting the root of an issue (read: treating the symptom not the problem) this is why even doctors cannot say wtf someone actually died of. 

The world is effed and the people fiddle while rome burns

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Once again causation or correlation lung function supression can be related to many issues ie heart function, electrolyte imbalance, embolism, dehydration, allergies, acid reflux, etc

unfortunately our medical system is more concerned with filling out liability reports for lawyers (not to mention covid treatment compensation forms) vs documenting the root of an issue (read: treating the symptom not the problem) this is why even doctors cannot say wtf someone actually died of. 

The world is effed and the people fiddle while rome burns
Yes, but every one of them was living WITH those other problems until Covid came along. They might not have been in the best of health, but how do you explain the deaths of people like Monica's brother in law and others who were in excellent shape and excellent health? In some cases, people had underlying problems, in other cases, they didn't.

During a severe or critical bout with COVID-19, the body has many reactions: Lung tissue swells with fluid, making lungs less elastic. The immune system goes into overdrive, sometimes at the expense of other organs. As your body fights one infection, it is more susceptible to additional infections
Even if other infections don't attack, the inability to draw in oxygen through the lungs due to fluids in the lungs, an immune system reaction (a cytokine storm) is why victims end up on a ventilator, in a vain attempt to maintain 02 levels.

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I didn't realize Bill Gates joined to share all his medical advice and expertise....

SCOTUS just shot down the Biden OSHA mandate but upheld the healthcare worker mandate.

My builder just came down with COVID. He's vaccinated and Boostered. WHAM. Feels like crap and laying in bed with a massive headache / Fever / and now sweats. No appetite. He's another one who followed the Lead of Fauci's so called SCIENCE. Peace

Just learned the Grandson 13yrs of age (Vaccinated) Just sent home from school. Had the sniffles. Tested positive for COVID. You know what we've learned from all this? We've learned we don't know Squat about it. I know we should drop a nuke on the Wuhan Lab! Disintegrate the place. Peace

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Anyone who spends some period of time on a ventilator costs the healthcare system extra money. Let's say Joe gets vaxxed on his own and gets the next strain of Covid. It's mild, so he stays home and recovers from it.

Dave, on the other hand, doesn't feel it's necessary to stay healthy, wear a mask or get vaxxed. He gets a serious case of Covid and goes into the hospital and he eventually survives, but the hospital bill is $350,000. Due to the way insurance works, everyone else's premiums go up and Dave's decision ends up costing everyone else a part of their life savings. Repeat this often enough and you start to see a trend. People who don't know or care are costing other people who do care, real money.

Do you think CA should spend $2.3Trillion of taxpayer money to provide free healthcare to illegal aliens? We worked for that money, they didn't. If we wanted to give it to them, we would have on our own. I resent the gov't taking money out of my wallet to give to someone else who didn't earn it.

I feel the same way about an insurance company doing the same thing to pay for someone else's smoking habit, drug habit, or other bad choices. I didn't force them to do those things. Why should I be forced to pay for it? 
Do you also think it would be fair for your health insurance to charge you a higher premium because you like to go off-roading? I mean more than 90% of the rest of the policy holders do not incur the additional risk that you do. If so, how much more do you think would be reasonable?

Do you also think it would be fair for your health insurance to charge you a higher premium because you like to go off-roading? I mean more than 90% of the rest of the policy holders do not incur the additional risk that you do. If so, how much more do you think would be reasonable?
Apparently you didn't read my previous posts.

I don't like health insurance, it's a socialist plot to force other people to pay for a few people's medical care. Mexico doesn't have health insurance like ours and a couple spent $10,000 to have a baby in San Diego, then went to Ensenada and had a 2nd baby, identical medical care, for $300.

I propose we figure out how the most corrupt gov't in the western hemisphere manages to do that while our gov't, the second most corrupt, can't seem to figure it out.

We don't need health insurance, we need lower medical bills. Then if I wreck in the dunes, I pay my own medical bills. The current system just makes insurance executives filthy rich, it doesn't provide better healthcare.

My youngest has to stay home from school for 10 days because a kid she sits near tested positive.  

If people would stop getting tested, this sh¡t would be over a lot faster. 
That's why they conveniently sent home "free" at home test kits with most public school students!  More testing... more paranoia... the longer this lasts 
