More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

Apparently you didn't read my previous posts.

I don't like health insurance, it's a socialist plot to force other people to pay for a few people's medical care. Mexico doesn't have health insurance like ours and a couple spent $10,000 to have a baby in San Diego, then went to Ensenada and had a 2nd baby, identical medical care, for $300.

I propose we figure out how the most corrupt gov't in the western hemisphere manages to do that while our gov't, the second most corrupt, can't seem to figure it out.

We don't need health insurance, we need lower medical bills. Then if I wreck in the dunes, I pay my own medical bills. The current system just makes insurance executives filthy rich, it doesn't provide better healthcare.
You should change your name to John Travolta of the Dunes because you dance around just about every question someone asks you.

That's why they conveniently sent home "free" at home test kits with most public school students!  More testing... more paranoia... the longer this lasts 
You gotta wonder how many of those tests are guaranteed positives.

You should change your name to John Travolta of the Dunes because you dance around just about every question someone asks you.
Dance around?

No, my answer to you, as well as the previous post you didn't read, couldn't be any more direct and clear. I don't like socialist health insurance. I want cheaper medical, like the rest of the world manages to accomplish, including Mexico.

So with all these at home COVID tests...

Has anyone considered that the administration might try and require everyone in America to submit one?  

Forced testing was ruled unconstitutional as well....
Wonder how that will go down?  Been having to do weekly tests for months now.  

Meanwhile I could have tuberculosis, cholera, aids, ebola.... wouldn't matter. 

Apparently you didn't read my previous posts.

I don't like health insurance, it's a socialist plot to force other people to pay for a few people's medical care. Mexico doesn't have health insurance like ours and a couple spent $10,000 to have a baby in San Diego, then went to Ensenada and had a 2nd baby, identical medical care, for $300.

I propose we figure out how the most corrupt gov't in the western hemisphere manages to do that while our gov't, the second most corrupt, can't seem to figure it out.

We don't need health insurance, we need lower medical bills. Then if I wreck in the dunes, I pay my own medical bills. The current system just makes insurance executives filthy rich, it doesn't provide better healthcare.
you will never see lower medical bills. the ins co. the hospitals and drug company might as well be one in the same probably have the the same parents. The ins company's have to spend the majority of the premiums and take their percentage. so the more they spend the more the charge us for ins. The more they make on percentage. They give the money to their brother the hospital who bills them crazy prices for the service. The hospital pays the parents the drug company for their over priced drugs.                                                             As much as you may think that the cost are so high cause all the freeloader I don't think that's really the case its a huge industry the are for profit. The hospitals can not deny care but that also doesn't mean they are going to go the extra mile cause they know they are going to get beat and end up with a tax deduction.  all in all the system does work the we do have great doctors great facility's and if they weren't making a lot of money the wouldn't be striving to be great. they wouldn't be doing improvement to their buildings and equipment. I pay 2600 a month for health ins for me my wife and two kids its a lot but over the last 15 yrs they have payed out at least 400k and I've paid them about 400k so its just a payment plan. 

So with all these at home COVID tests...

Has anyone considered that the administration might try and require everyone in America to submit one?  
My theory is, and this is because they are fast tracking 500 Million of the test, that they have figured out a way to introduce the “vaccine” via nasal swab. So while we’re all joyously twisting the q-tips around in our nostrils we’re jetting the jab that some of us prefer not to get.

May not be the “vaccine” but I’d bet that it’s something that we wouldn’t voluntarily do otherwise.

Just some thoughts from an old dumbass country boy.

My theory is, and this is because they are fast tracking 500 Million of the test, that they have figured out a way to introduce the “vaccine” via nasal swab. So while we’re all joyously twisting the q-tips around in our nostrils we’re jetting the jab that some of us prefer not to get.

May not be the “vaccine” but I’d bet that it’s something that we wouldn’t voluntarily do otherwise.

Just some thoughts from an old dumbass country boy.
You can get the flu vaccine through a nasal mist so...not far off.

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I spread "fake news" saying that about 75% of those that have died from Covid were obese. Its actually more like 78% that have been hospitalized and/or died. Just wondering if some of the know it all's on this board that like to talk a big game and are 20lbs + overweight , would raise their hand and identify themselves so the rest of us that don't like more government control, and do their part by actually making an effort to not eat everything in sight and getting exercise,   can ignore their BS, and call them out for giving the left ammo for the damage they are doing to our country...


I spread "fake news" saying that about 75% of those that have died from Covid were obese. Its actually more like 78% that have been hospitalized and/or died. Just wondering if some of the know it all's on this board that like to talk a big game and are 20lbs + overweight , would raise their hand and identify themselves so the rest of us that don't like more government control, and do their part by actually making an effort to not eat everything in sight and getting exercise,   can ignore their BS, and call them out for giving the left ammo for the damage they are doing to our country...

View attachment 23196
Do we have to be know-it-alls and fat, or could we just admit to being fat?

I'll admit to being fat...



I would never claim to know it all, or even know much at all, but I will admit to being a little thick around the middle. Being six foot four though, as Sir Rod Stewart would say, I wear it well. 

I don't eat every thing in sight. Not every thing is edible, you know.

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 Big difference Crusty is that you're not a know it all that talks crap to anyone that disagrees with them. I have no problem with anyone being fat, skinny, or ripped. Just have a problem with those that account for almost 80% of the reason that we are in this mess, acting like they have all the answers when they can't even control themselves. 

 Big difference Crusty is that you're not a know it all that talks crap to anyone that disagrees with them. I have no problem with anyone being fat, skinny, or ripped. Just have a problem with those that account for almost 80% of the reason that we are in this mess, acting like they have all the answers when they can't even control themselves. 
The CDC said the 78% had four comorbities, not just obesity. 

The CDC said the 78% had four comorbities, not just obesity. 
 So even if not 100% accurate, even though you're' wrong, what would be acceptable?  Sorry, but some people need to look in the mirror and realize that they are responsible for this hysteria. Eliminate 50, 60, 70 percent of the preventable hospitalization's and/or death, and we end up with a bit more than the common flu. Sorry to all of my proud, conservative, homies with BVDs that that could double as a Eazy Up shade, you're part of the problem , plan and simple.

 So even if not 100% accurate, even though you're' wrong, what would be acceptable?  Sorry, but some people need to look in the mirror and realize that they are responsible for this hysteria. Eliminate 50, 60, 70 percent of the preventable hospitalization's and/or death, and we end up with a bit more than the common flu. Sorry to all of my proud, conservative, homies with BVDs that that could double as a Eazy Up shade, you're part of the problem , plan and simple.
Yep, I was off by 3%. Regardless. People want to be fat and this is a free country. I work in a hospital so what the eff do I know.


Funny how when they were pushing the jab, everyone died from covid.  Now that the data shows the jab isn't effective, they are separating those that "died of covid" from those that "died with covid".  

AND...I'm sure the unjabbed are still all dying from covid...only.

I seriously f*cking hate all these people.
