More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

Anyone else see this as just more misdirection? 

They are giving out millions of tests and when they come back positive people are taking time off work for a sneeze. Biden will blame the economy on a lack or workforce and keep sending out tests so people will continue to take advantage and not work. Then the economy isn't his fault, it's Covid.

And isn't there still a border issue? Haven't heard much about that in weeks. Just Omicron. 

I just can't anymore.. We are a mentally ill country.Biden needs to send Xanax, not covid tests. 

I snapped when people started celebrating anti-vaxxer deaths and making websites to ridicule the dead.

(^^ When we get this far, there's no turning back..)

If Republicans can't get their chit together soon and outwit these hacks, then we are DONE... 

Eff COVID and being called an anti-vaxxer, they're trying to make us all insurrectionist and domestic terrorist while giving China and Russia carte blanche to wreck us. 

It has taken Russia my entire lifetime to semi- recover from collapse and we are staring that collapse in the face.

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 My wife and her fellow nurses have been offered $350, on top of their usual pay, to work on their day off. She just got text upping that to $500. 

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Found this today. Not sure if it has been posted before or not... it's long, and deeply troubling. I am not a fact checker..however  If True, (and there isn't a piece of it that doesn't make perfect sense), how is Fauchi ,and everyone involve not imprisoned , till a speedy trial found them guilty, and then ined up in front of a firing squad? Think of all the hundreds of thousands , to millions of people needlessly lost, and families devastated. 

A manufactured illusion.

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How is the Wuhan Lab still erected? We should Obliterate that BLDG. The Hell they've caused around the world and they're still in business? DESTROY that place!! Peace

How is the Wuhan Lab still erected? We should Obliterate that BLDG. The Hell they've caused around the world and they're still in business? DESTROY that place!! Peace
Imagine what would be let out in the open if we bombed it?   NOW the is scary.

Found this today. Not sure if it has been posted before or not... it's long, and deeply troubling. I am not a fact checker..however  If True, (and there isn't a piece of it that doesn't make perfect sense), how is Fauchi ,and everyone involve not imprisoned , till a speedy trial found them guilty, and then ined up in front of a firing squad? Think of all the hundreds of thousands , to millions of people needlessly lost, and families devastated. 

A manufactured illusion.

WOW!! This is CRAZY! Facts???

EFF FAUCHI......GATES.......MADERNA..........Patented the Vaccine way before it's existence? And it's NOT patentable (If thats a word) Peace 

WOW!! This is CRAZY! Facts???

EFF FAUCHI......GATES.......MADERNA..........Patented the Vaccine way before it's existence? And it's NOT patentable (If thats a word) Peace 
The level of deception, manipulation, is jaw dropping. And if true, that the corona virus as we are dealing with is "lab created" and was released "intentionally" to create the "need" for a repeated vaccine to a disease that didn't exist till they created it!   And the people/companies orchestrating all of it are the same people and companies standing in line to profit from all of it. Where is the accountability for all the deaths that were caused? When does this madness end? 

The level of deception, manipulation, is jaw dropping. And if true, that the corona virus as we are dealing with is "lab created" and was released "intentionally" to create the "need" for a repeated vaccine to a disease that didn't exist till they created it!   And the people/companies orchestrating all of it are the same people and companies standing in line to profit from all of it. Where is the accountability for all the deaths that were caused? When does this madness end? 
It won't, unless like minded good people become willing to risk sacrificing their lives in the ending of the lives of the ones orchestrating this madness. In other words, it will take a civil war.

So another one of my staff went home to get tested because her husband tested positive.  Both of which are vaccinated.  No symptoms, of course.

People need to stop with these tests.   Just assume we all have covid.
I'm pretty sure I had it way way back right before it all went in full hysteria mode! I felt like pure chit for about for days, no appetite, aches, sinus...What did I do??

Pounded the Nyquil, rested, then made Hot Totties every night before bed.

People get the sniffles and head straight to the Hospital! WHAT IN THE ACTUAL EFFFFFFFF???

When people got the flu, what did they do, stay at home for a few days, pound the liquids, water, gatorade, etc... stay away from people.

Helloooooo, do the same thing. This is why our hospitals are overrun.

Now if you have high fever/chills, aches, loss of smell/taste, loss of on and so on...then get checked out, but not because you have the sniffles. :simrak:

Effing media has everyone running scared to run to the hospital at the first sign of anything and that's why this has not gone away!

People get the sniffles and head straight to the Hospital! WHAT IN THE ACTUAL EFFFFFFFF???
Many people these days have been coddled and pampered they're whole lives.  Now there is a boogey man flu that will kill you almost instantly.  Too much scary sht in the world.

 My wife and her fellow nurses have been offered $350, on top of their usual pay, to work on their day off. She just got text upping that to $500. 
Does your wife and her fellow nurses support the firing of their other fellow nurses that chose not to get the vaccine?

My number 1 employee got sick this weekend. His wife says "We just got back from the hospital, he's got Covid" I said....why'd you go to the hospital? Cause he don't feel good? WTF! Peace

I'm pretty sure I had it way way back right before it all went in full hysteria mode! I felt like pure chit for about for days, no appetite, aches, sinus...What did I do??

Pounded the Nyquil, rested, then made Hot Totties every night before bed.

People get the sniffles and head straight to the Hospital! WHAT IN THE ACTUAL EFFFFFFFF???

When people got the flu, what did they do, stay at home for a few days, pound the liquids, water, gatorade, etc... stay away from people.

Helloooooo, do the same thing. This is why our hospitals are overrun.

Now if you have high fever/chills, aches, loss of smell/taste, loss of on and so on...then get checked out, but not because you have the sniffles. :simrak:

Effing media has everyone running scared to run to the hospital at the first sign of anything and that's why this has not gone away!
Right! I've had it twice, most recently a couple weeks ago. The first time it was ROUGH, the second mild cold like symptoms. I have never understood why people rush to stand in line with a couple hundred people to get tested. If its negative you just exposed yourselves to many probable infected peeps. In my families experience the tests don't even work for the first couple days, my son did the antigen twice, PCR etc all negative lost his sense of taste a day later so took another antigen = positive. 🤔

Look up the CDC VAERS reporting on V-injuries and death. Realize VAERS is under reported 99% and we’ve shut down entire programs with as little as 50 deaths. We’re just getting played by the big P!

Does your wife and her fellow nurses support the firing of their other fellow nurses that chose not to get the vaccine?
Of course not! Not sure why you asked? Maybe you misunderstood something I said before? 

 Update. Wife just got home and told me they upped the pay to an additional $650.00 if they have a Covid patient.

No worries man, I like to joke around and don't take much personal anyways :cheers:

Right now my 2 boys have C-19, since last week...everyone else in the house is fine, all negative results.

They both have a sniffle at best, slight sore throat.....that's been it. I have been sick as a dog with headaches, fever, sore throat and a really bad cough that won't stop till i about puke. But i tested Negative 3x's this week.

I can see clearly how things could go south for me the moment it gets in my lungs.

Yeah, i have been seeing all my dr's this past month anyways - Diabetic and High BP...I have to make changes now or it will only get worse...I can change it back just by getting healthy and losing weight.

Of course not! Not sure why you asked? Maybe you misunderstood something I said before? 
Previously you had said, you are okay with employer vaccine mandates. I know the healthcare worker mandate was upheld... and obviously some people in healthcare are losing / leaving their jobs.... which contributes to the staff shortages. 
