More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

Funny how when they were pushing the jab, everyone died from covid.  Now that the data shows the jab isn't effective, they are separating those that "died of covid" from those that "died with covid".  

AND...I'm sure the unjabbed are still all dying from covid...only.

I seriously f*cking hate all these people.
 Did you not read that they are now admitting that almost 80% were overweight? This is a game changer that they are admitting what many (non fat) people have saying all along. That if you are not old and not fat, that you are not at risk. The reality is that those of us that fight the urge to be lazy and eat like crap are being punished because of those like LRS said "like to be fat". 

 Did you not read that they are now admitting that almost 80% were overweight? This is a game changer that they are admitting what many (non fat) people have saying all along. That if you are not old and not fat, that you are not at risk. The reality is that those of us that fight the urge to be lazy and eat like crap are being punished because of those like LRS said "like to be fat". 
Yes, but they are also focusing on the people who die, who've taken the jab.  Those who are unvaxxed....still die of covid.

 So even if not 100% accurate, even though you're' wrong, what would be acceptable?  Sorry, but some people need to look in the mirror and realize that they are responsible for this hysteria. Eliminate 50, 60, 70 percent of the preventable hospitalization's and/or death, and we end up with a bit more than the common flu. Sorry to all of my proud, conservative, homies with BVDs that that could double as a Eazy Up shade, you're part of the problem , plan and simple.
Sorry, but that chit made me laugh 

 Big difference Crusty is that you're not a know it all that talks crap to anyone that disagrees with them. I have no problem with anyone being fat, skinny, or ripped. Just have a problem with those that account for almost 80% of the reason that we are in this mess, acting like they have all the answers when they can't even control themselves. 
No worries man, I like to joke around and don't take much personal anyways :cheers:

Right now my 2 boys have C-19, since last week...everyone else in the house is fine, all negative results.

They both have a sniffle at best, slight sore throat.....that's been it. I have been sick as a dog with headaches, fever, sore throat and a really bad cough that won't stop till i about puke. But i tested Negative 3x's this week.

I can see clearly how things could go south for me the moment it gets in my lungs.

Yeah, i have been seeing all my dr's this past month anyways - Diabetic and High BP...I have to make changes now or it will only get worse...I can change it back just by getting healthy and losing weight.

Wonder how that will go down?  Been having to do weekly tests for months now.  

Meanwhile I could have tuberculosis, cholera, aids, ebola.... wouldn't matter. 
Your work could still require it.  The ruling does not effect private business decisions to require testing. 

Your work could still require it.  The ruling does not effect private business decisions to require testing. 
Exactly.  Biden is pushing businesses to still require the jab.  I can only assume he'll offer "incentives" if they require it.

I seriously hate this administration.  

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Exactly.  Biden is pushing businesses to stick require the jab.  I can only assume he'll offer "incentives" if they require it.

I seriously hate this administration.  
This mandate he pushed on OSHA was nothing more than a bluff to see if he could get more jabs in arms and to see if he could get businesses to do the dirty work.  Now that the court has spoke it will be interesting to see if some businesses pull back on their mandates. 

So another one of my staff went home to get tested because her husband tested positive.  Both of which are vaccinated.  No symptoms, of course.

People need to stop with these tests.   Just assume we all have covid.

This mandate he pushed on OSHA was nothing more than a bluff to see if he could get more jabs in arms and to see if he could get businesses to do the dirty work.  Now that the court has spoke it will be interesting to see if some businesses pull back on their mandates. 
It will be interesting.

Washington state is asking hospital staff to work who have tested positive for the rona due to staffing shortages brought on by the mandates. So fire those that won't take a jab and ask those that took the jab to work when they tested positive? 

They have fired so many highway workers in WA and OR that they can't keep the mt passes open during snow storms.

Their approach will definitely bite them in the a$$ and it's already happening.

It will be interesting.

They have fired so many highway workers in WA and OR that they can't keep the mt passes open during snow storms.

Their approach will definitely bite them in the a$$ and it's already happening.
I used to just wish the U.S. could shake off Cali with an earthquake.  Now I hope it takes Oregon and Washington with it.

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I do have to add one more example of the idiocracy.

WA Gov. Inslee refused help from a county who offered personnel and snow removal equipment to get I-90 reopened, a major east-west freeway. He refused their offer because the county did not have a jab mandate! Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

I actually think he is worse than Newscum.

It will be interesting.

Washington state is asking hospital staff to work who have tested positive for the rona due to staffing shortages brought on by the mandates. So fire those that won't take a jab and ask those that took the jab to work when they tested positive? 

They have fired so many highway workers in WA and OR that they can't keep the mt passes open during snow storms.

Their approach will definitely bite them in the a$$ and it's already happening.
I was listening to a radio show this morning and they were talking about how Washington fired the snowplow drivers that did not get the jab and now they have to hire private companies to do the work.   So stupid.

My friend is a nurse and she got Covid recently.  I don't think it was even 5 days and they asked her to comeback to work because they were short staffed.  

It is all messed up everywhere. 

So another one of my staff went home to get tested because her husband tested positive.  Both of which are vaccinated.  No symptoms, of course.

People need to stop with these tests.   Just assume we all have this year's flu bug.
Fixed it for you...

My wife is a nurse, and the latest policy is that you can go to work if you don't have symptoms even though you test positive. 

My wife is a nurse, and the latest policy is that you can go to work if you don't have symptoms even though you test positive. 
Definitely not a jab at you or your wife.

But this is the type of bullish*t that makes me ignore this whole narrative.  It's all selective, it changes on the fly, there is absolutely no truth or reason to it.  

My wife is a nurse, and the latest policy is that you can go to work if you don't have symptoms even though you test positive. 
Oh no it gets even more stupid. My wife is a nurse and her hospital has COVID positive symptomatic nurses at work right now.

But hey....let's fire all the unjabbed healthcare workers.

I seriously need to log off....

Just to be clear, management knows and isn’t sending them home because there are already so many called out sick. Apparently that’s the current CA emergency policy. I would look for a link to post, but what’s the point. We live in the upside down.

Just to be clear, management knows and isn’t sending them home because there are already so many called out sick. Apparently that’s the current CA emergency policy. I would look for a link to post, but what’s the point. We live in the upside down.
so much for 2 weeks to cure the world :doh:  
