More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

I'm not allowed in the hospital where I may come into contact with a patient with dirty ass Covid and possibly take it home to my family and  infect them with dirty ass Covid

All of this was to scare us into submitting and getting the vax
That’s what the biden administration is doing to the entire country right now with their phony ass mandate that at this point is nothing but talk of putting it into legislation without actually doing it. 

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I know my situation is unique and not everyone on this board will be able to refuse the jab.  Do what's best for you and your family.  It is unconscionable that the government and so many employers are holding peoples livelihood hostage.

I'm glad I have refused the vax and I will continue to do so.    
Good for you man!

Look at how many people are getting sucked into this propaganda. You’re one out of 4 of you guys that held out until the end and then those 3 guys caved. I’m sure that this type of scare tactic is being used successfully all over our country. 

The spin from Colin Powell's death should be entertaining to say the least but it will not be good for the people who are against the vaccine.  Have a feeling that the Feds are going to be doubling down on mandate repercussions.   
The dude had cancer and was 84 years old.  Whether vaccinated or not getting covid was not going to be a good outcome.   

@L.R.S. Thanks for the full update, was wondering what the outcome was.

Wife and I are in same boat, we will see.

Looks like Southwest just pulled their reins back as well. Everyone's playing the ultimate game of chicken it appears. I wonder if things will change if the actual OSHA mandate comes through. 

Looks like Southwest just pulled their reins back as well. Everyone's playing the ultimate game of chicken it appears. I wonder if things will change if the actual OSHA mandate comes through. 
The minute that OSHA mandate is issued the lawsuits will be filed.   

I agree they are playing a game of chicken right now. 

More unions need to step up and battle this mandate.  Everyone in an Union needs to write their Union rep and complain and demand that they fight this.  Southwest Airlines Pilots filed a lawsuit against the Mandate.  I am stoked for Jeff and fighting this.  

My employer continues the threats as well. 

They did say they plan to allow weekly testing. But that depends on how the mandate is written by osha and we were told to keep in mind that we have federal contracts and we may be held to that standard. 

Sold my Truck last weekend and am in a financial spot where I can stand up for my beliefs. 

I won’t be the only one they have to fire. 

More unions need to step up and battle this mandate.  Everyone in an Union needs to write their Union rep and complain and demand that they fight this.  Southwest Airlines Pilots filed a lawsuit against the Mandate.  I am stoked for Jeff and fighting this.  
You mean the unions that help support the politicians that are throwing out these mandates?
