More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

It appears the new drug Merck is working on is completely different than Ivermectin.  It appears to be more akin to Remdesivir.  

Studies are being done on Ivermectin and whether it does anything for Covid.  
Those studies will likely be suppressed or made to fail. They’ll probably give it to someone on their death bed and call it no bueno. 

But if masks work then why get the vax?       And if vaccines work why do we need masks? Neither work. 

Also why do unvaccinated people need to get weekly tests and vaccinated people don’t??  They can still carry and transmit the VIRUS!! Makes no sense. 

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I am on round two of the wuflu, got it back in Jan 2020 and just recently. I traced down to customer/friend that came in my office to visit. He didn't sound right and I asked him if he was sick, he said no. He told be he's fully vaxed. He wasn't wearing a mask neither was I. Vaxed people should have to wear a mask full time, because they have no idea that they are contagious. I believe this is why it,s spreading so bad. I had a sit down with my Dr a month ago and he told me don't worry about getting the shot just call him and he'll get me the meds that I need. So when I started feeling sick I called him and I got everything that I need. The lungs feel much better this time, last time it took over 6 months for my lungs to feel right again. If I could just get rid of the headaches and fever. Vaxed people suck. 
i was told to QT for 10 days as i tested positive. i was then told I should retest on day 15 to ensure I was negative. Dr. told me that even though i had no fever/symptoms day 10, you can still carry and pass it on up to 5 plus days after the 10 day QT. she said they have seen some cases where someone passed it up to day 20, so day 15 was their recommendation for retest.

Those studies will likely be suppressed or made to fail. They’ll probably give it to someone on their death bed and call it no bueno. 

But if masks work then why get the vax?       And if vaccines work why do we need masks? Neither work. 
I don't think that study was suppressed or made to fail.  From reading the article is did not pass peer review.   There are other studies going on that should shed more light on whether the drug works. 

You know, you bring up a that Pfizer is FDA approved, why are they still allowed to give Moderna and J&J at all under an EUA?

My understanding was an EUA could only be done IF there was no approved alternative? Now there is, so I would think that would mean the others need to stop being given.
My understanding is they are playing word games with Pfizer having approval. They technically don't but where granted some kind of extention or expansion to continue their emergency use. The fact is big pharma owns the FDA. 

The more they push this the more I question why? I can't trust any of it, everything about this viruse and the vaccine has been manipulated and politicized. The vax went form protecting you from getting it, to you won't get as sick or die, but that is proving false also. Just look at what is happening in Israel. 

I am on round two of the wuflu, got it back in Jan 2020 and just recently. I traced down to customer/friend that came in my office to visit. He didn't sound right and I asked him if he was sick, he said no. He told be he's fully vaxed. He wasn't wearing a mask neither was I. Vaxed people should have to wear a mask full time, because they have no idea that they are contagious. I believe this is why it,s spreading so bad. I had a sit down with my Dr a month ago and he told me don't worry about getting the shot just call him and he'll get me the meds that I need. So when I started feeling sick I called him and I got everything that I need. The lungs feel much better this time, last time it took over 6 months for my lungs to feel right again. If I could just get rid of the headaches and fever. Vaxed people suck. 
An old friend of mine is on round two as well round one sounded just like yours, so did round two. 

Right down to the if I could just get rid of the headaches and fever. Well he woke up one morning and the headache and fever were both gone , the clouds parted and his A-hole exploded for 4 days straight.  couldn't look at an ice cube with out explosive diarrhea.  The good news is your going to drop about 25 pounds of muscle, not fat. Depending on your age its going to take 4-6 months to put it back on so don't go out and buy a bunch of new clothes just yet. 

The first time around the cough is what drug him down the 2nd time it was the starvation and dehydration. He did tell his wife if I start to cough, I will die.

So you do have that to look forward too 

Two more emails today stating the deadline is coming and I am required to get the vax by Oct 1st.  Still no word on the form I need out fill out for medical or religious exemption.

But we did get a somewhat positive email from our union rep- the fourth bullet point is interesting.  But who knows if it will actually mean anything.  I'm not a big union guy and this is the first union I've worked within.  It seems to me that they live specifically to negotiate stuff.  Give us this, give us that, give give give...

I read the LAPD filled a lawsuit to protect officers who don't want the vax.  

[SIZE=12pt]Specifically, the CCU proposals have included:[/SIZE]

  • A line-by-line rewrite of the dozens of pages in the County’s proposed policy and its associated forms and sub-policies, a rewrite that has taken place over dozens of hours of bargaining, producing significant changes in the County proposal.
  • The promotion of a healthy and inclusive workplace through education and incentive programs for both the unvaccinated and vaccinated.
  • Enhanced and clarified the medical exemptions, to include scientifically supportable “natural immunity” possibilities posed by prior COVID-19 infections.
  • A direct challenge to the unrealistic timeline proposed by the County.
  • An appeal process for exemption requests.

[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]We continue to steadfastly:[/SIZE]

  • Push back on unnecessary and legally unsupported intrusions into members’ personal information.
  • Challenge the effectiveness, controlled access, and overall security of the proposed data system.
  • Ensure that the “religious exemption” in the County’s policy tracks the requirements of State and Federal Law.

[SIZE=12pt]Negotiations are continuing and we will keep you informed as we move forward.[/SIZE]

Two more emails today stating the deadline is coming and I am required to get the vax by Oct 1st.  Still no word on the form I need out fill out for medical or religious exemption.

But we did get a somewhat positive email from our union rep- the fourth bullet point is interesting.

  • Enhanced and clarified the medical exemptions, to include scientifically supportable “natural immunity” possibilities posed by prior COVID-19 infections.

[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
I gotta take my daughter to the Dr tomorrow.  I was going to call about getting an Antibody test while I'm there.  I know my doctor wanted a blood sample anyhow.

While I don't think the government should be able to mandate getting vaxed at this time, I have absolutely no problem with any private business determining their own policy for their employees or customers whether is requiring masks or being vaxed. The reality is that NOBODY knows for sure what the best course of action is right now. Half the country will go lock step with what the government says, about a quarter will do the opposite and trust the Alex Jones, Joe Rogans, and any other podcast or religious character that says what they want to hear,  and the other 25% will try to make their own educated decision as to what's best for themselves based on the most credible, non emotional, evidence they can find.

 Either way, I'm amazed at how many "conservatives" think that their right to not being forced into something is more important than another persons right to make their own rules in a business that they own. Don't want to wear a mask in a store or restaurant, then go to one that doesn't require them. Pretty simple concept. What really gets me is people like a few of my friends that never had a problem putting stuff in their bodies to get high, get buff, or puff on those dumbass vapes, that they had no idea where it came from or what's really in it, yet are the loudest anti vaxers. Crazy world we live in.

I'm glad that at the end of the day, I have my retirement and don't need to work.  But I do work remote so I don't know how they can enforce this on me.

My understanding is they are playing word games with Pfizer having approval. They technically don't but where granted some kind of extention or expansion to continue their emergency use. The fact is big pharma owns the FDA. 

The more they push this the more I question why? I can't trust any of it, everything about this viruse and the vaccine has been manipulated and politicized. The vax went form protecting you from getting it, to you won't get as sick or die, but that is proving false also. Just look at what is happening in Israel.

This says 6 months of protection, to which I say bullshit since I got this chit from my coworker, and then gave it to my wife, and it spread to others in the office.  All of us vaccinated.

Two more emails today stating the deadline is coming and I am required to get the vax by Oct 1st.  Still no word on the form I need out fill out for medical or religious exemption.

But we did get a somewhat positive email from our union rep- the fourth bullet point is interesting.  But who knows if it will actually mean anything.  I'm not a big union guy and this is the first union I've worked within.  It seems to me that they live specifically to negotiate stuff.  Give us this, give us that, give give give...

I read the LAPD filled a lawsuit to protect officers who don't want the vax.  

[SIZE=12pt]Specifically, the CCU proposals have included:[/SIZE]

  • A line-by-line rewrite of the dozens of pages in the County’s proposed policy and its associated forms and sub-policies, a rewrite that has taken place over dozens of hours of bargaining, producing significant changes in the County proposal.
  • The promotion of a healthy and inclusive workplace through education and incentive programs for both the unvaccinated and vaccinated.
  • Enhanced and clarified the medical exemptions, to include scientifically supportable “natural immunity” possibilities posed by prior COVID-19 infections.
  • A direct challenge to the unrealistic timeline proposed by the County.
  • An appeal process for exemption requests.

[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]We continue to steadfastly:[/SIZE]

  • Push back on unnecessary and legally unsupported intrusions into members’ personal information.
  • Challenge the effectiveness, controlled access, and overall security of the proposed data system.
  • Ensure that the “religious exemption” in the County’s policy tracks the requirements of State and Federal Law.

[SIZE=12pt]Negotiations are continuing and we will keep you informed as we move forward.[/SIZE]
Why the F is natural immunity in quotes?  That's a hospital, one would hope they know how vaccines work... 

I believe its $90 for the script.  No idea on costs after that.
It's actually $90 for the tele-med appointment.

Haven't seen the charge yet for the meds.

Don't really care - I have FSA $$$ to spend and this seemed to be the easiest way to get what I wanted.

They called last night - quick, easy and the doctor was great to talk to.

Told him I just want to have the meds on hand to be prepared - though I do technically have some symptoms.

Prescribed 30 days of Hydroxychloroquine (enough for 3 rounds), ivermectin and a Z-pack.

Didn't take the zinc - he stated it is so much cheaper to get elsewhere and not really worth doing through the pharmacy.

Thank you for posting the info, Basketcase

What really gets me is people like a few of my friends that never had a problem putting stuff in their bodies to get high, get buff, or puff on those dumbass vapes, that they had no idea where it came from or what's really in it, yet are the loudest anti vaxers. Crazy world we live in.

It's actually $90 for the tele-med appointment.

Haven't seen the charge yet for the meds.

Don't really care - I have FSA $$$ to spend and this seemed to be the easiest way to get what I wanted.

They called last night - quick, easy and the doctor was great to talk to.

Told him I just want to have the meds on hand to be prepared - though I do technically have some symptoms.

Prescribed 30 days of Hydroxychloroquine (enough for 3 rounds), ivermectin and a Z-pack.

Didn't take the zinc - he stated it is so much cheaper to get elsewhere and not really worth doing through the pharmacy.

Thank you for posting the info, Basketcase
I just had an interview with them as well yesterday. He told me I had covid. I was a little taken aback by his diagnosis in less than 1 minute. (Dry cough, runny nose) I feel like we're getting scammed on both sides of the aisle. But I did get my prescriptions that I wanted, and that's all that I was looking for. 

It's scary times right now when you feel like you may not get the medical care you need because people hate you for what you are.

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I just had an interview with them as well yesterday. He told me I had covid. I was a little taken aback by his diagnosis in less than 1 minute. (Dry cough, runny nose) I feel like we're getting scammed on both sides of the aisle. But I did get my prescriptions that I wanted, and that's all that I was looking for. 

It's scary times right now when you feel like you may not get the medical care you need because people hate you for what you are.
I wonder if it is "better" for some number of patients to "be sick" and you just happened to be the 57,782 caller that

Did you note those symptoms in your request for the appt? Just wondering if your appt was faster than mine (I signed up last Friday, so the 10th)

I just had an interview with them as well yesterday. He told me I had covid. I was a little taken aback by his diagnosis in less than 1 minute. (Dry cough, runny nose) I feel like we're getting scammed on both sides of the aisle. But I did get my prescriptions that I wanted, and that's all that I was looking for. 

It's scary times right now when you feel like you may not get the medical care you need because people hate you for what you are.
And have you heard from the pharmacy yet?

You know, since you actually ARE a spreader right now?

Oh, one last question (I think) did he offer you all three things also?

While I don't think the government should be able to mandate getting vaxed at this time, I have absolutely no problem with any private business determining their own policy for their employees or customers whether is requiring masks or being vaxed. The reality is that NOBODY knows for sure what the best course of action is right now. Half the country will go lock step with what the government says, about a quarter will do the opposite and trust the Alex Jones, Joe Rogans, and any other podcast or religious character that says what they want to hear,  and the other 25% will try to make their own educated decision as to what's best for themselves based on the most credible, non emotional, evidence they can find.

 Either way, I'm amazed at how many "conservatives" think that their right to not being forced into something is more important than another persons right to make their own rules in a business that they own. Don't want to wear a mask in a store or restaurant, then go to one that doesn't require them. Pretty simple concept. What really gets me is people like a few of my friends that never had a problem putting stuff in their bodies to get high, get buff, or puff on those dumbass vapes, that they had no idea where it came from or what's really in it, yet are the loudest anti vaxers. Crazy world we live in.
Unless someone is willing to accept liability for the vaccine (whether it be Pfizer or the private employer requiring it) It is pretty wild to mandate it on people.  So if an employer (private or public) is going to mandate it...... hopefully they have done their research, to believe in it so much, that they will accept liability for adverse reactions to the vaccine.

at this time, there is still ZERO liability....... so any sort of "mandate" is very irresponsible. 

And have you heard from the pharmacy yet?

You know, since you actually ARE a spreader right now?

Oh, one last question (I think) did he offer you all three things also?
I signed up Monday. I have not heard from the pharmacy. At the time that I requested the appointment I just had sniffles and a sneeze. I've taken two covid tests, both negative, but he said they don't work very well...too many false negatives on the binaxnow tests???

He only offered me two meds. According to some I'll probably be dead before the medicine gets here. 

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I signed up Monday. I have not heard from the pharmacy. At the time that I requested the appointment I just had sniffles and a sneeze. I've taken two covid tests, both negative, but he said they don't work very well...too many false negatives on the binaxnow tests???

He only offered me two meds. According to some I'll probably be dead before the medicine gets here. hahaha
Interesting - wonder how backed up "their" pharmacy is?

Just an FYI - I did decide to look up prices locally for the meds, so I have an idea what the difference is when they call.

Costco - Zpack is 6.99 and Hydroxychloroquine is 9.99

Can't get the ivermectin at Costco but it is 48.xx on Amazon

Of course, no idea if local has in stock, etc
