More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

took a while to get the doc on the phone but she was great. talked to her for 45min.  RX got messed up but got 60 Hydroxychloroquine pills for 38 bucks.  Just gave 3 pills to my buddy that came down with something. He is getting tested tonight.   
Was it just HCQ, or did it include other stuff?

Was it just HCQ, or did it include other stuff?
had the choice of either one HCQ or Ivmet.  With my history she recommended HCQ.  said either take it for 5 days and one a week or if I feel sick take on the first day.  I have also been nebulizer   3% Hydrogen Peroxide food grade.  Killed the chit out of a cough I got from the kids.  My Transmission guy just came down with it last week. Of course the day he got my R&P in.  He has been taking HCQ, zinc, vit D and C and started the 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Talked to his son who had it the week before and he is getting kicked in the butt but should be back at work next week he said. 

No I get the media would of jumped all over Trump if he issued a mandate.  He would say the sky is blue and the would say is was a liar.  LOL!   I am just curious if the people that are currently up in arms about the mandate would have a different view if Trump issued it.   

So the 20 plus years of them doing mRNA research is not enough? 

The vaccine is the product of Trump's operation warp speed and thanks to modern medicine they were able to get it done.   The rollout is the current administration and they have done a piss poor job on selling it to the public.   It takes years to completely eradicate a virus and Covid will be no different.  Small Pox, Measles, Polio and the others were not eradicated immediately after the vaccines were rolled out. 
 I don't care if they have been doing research for 100 years. They have no research that shows long term what this thing will do. There are o LOT fof things I don't take. I'm 52 and have never had to take any meds for anything. I don't smoke and take care of myself so I would like MY OWN choice to roll the dice and see if I am one of the ones who beats this virus naturally. On 7/23 I got that chance and tested positve. Was if fun ? I had a fever for one day , aches for two days, no head ache , no cold symptoms, lost smell 100% and taste was jacked a little bit. Had a little chest irritation ( Felt like being out on a smoggy day ) from day 8-14. My wife never had a fever, she did have some bad heahaches and a day or two with an upset stomach. We are both 100% back to normal other than a little loss of smell. 

Wife has never had flu shot and to her knowlege has never had the flu. I had mono at age 18, other than that have never had the flu. I took one flu shot at age 27 and it made me feel crappy for two days so I have never had one since. 

 The list of my vaxxed freinds and family that are getting the virus keeps growing every day and that includes people being hosptitalized so it makes it really hard to line up for something that is not going to keep me from getting it. 

 I make choices not to drink soda, eat candy, smoke cigs, eat fast food, eat processed crappy food etc. If the FDA and our Gov really cared about health all of this crap would be illegal.  I would like to make my own choices with medicine not some politician, I don't care it their name is Trump, Reagan, Obama etc. 

It is really hard to take any order from this depend filling dementiated puppet. 

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No I get the media would of jumped all over Trump if he issued a mandate.  He would say the sky is blue and the would say is was a liar.  LOL!   I am just curious if the people that are currently up in arms about the mandate would have a different view if Trump issued it.   
100% honest. If Trump mandated it he would go on my chit list and I'd be just as pissed. 

Rights are rights.. this is where true conservatives and Rhino's differ.

All I can say is if they axe the weekly testing option I'm leaving my six figure job.  Don't get me wrong, I don't want to test but better than getting poked.  I have 400+ hours of sick time banked and could take a couple months off to search for a new career if necessary.  I've already had covid and have better immunity than anyone who got jabbed. 

 The list of my vaxxed freinds and family that are getting the virus keeps growing every day and that includes people being hosptitalized so it makes it really hard to line up for something that is not going to keep me from getting it. 
My youngest daughter who is vaxed got the virus in July, and a few of her vaxed friends got it over the summer too. None were seriously sick though, aches and pains and loss of smell and taste. She just got back from a wedding in New York and some of her friends that attended the wedding got the virus, and they were vaxed. 

The odd part is my daughters husband who is not vaxed never got it. They never quarantined from each other when my daughter got it, and he was at the wedding with her in NY. 

You arent paying attention.

1 vaccine does not stop you from getting covid

2 vaccine does not stop you from spreading covid if you get it.

3 natural exposure is unanimously agreed to be the best thing to when it comes to exposure to other variants.

Yes. Vaccine nearly eliminates the possibility of dying or getting seriously ill from covid

covids nature and a habitually altering rhino virus means its NEVER going away. Thats why we still have the flu and common cold

its all bs. Open your eyes and maybe your mind.

its not about a vaccine its all a mental game to pit americans against each other

straight from the cdc’s website. Now you are informed if you paid attention

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If you notice, you're not paying are just quick to stand up and shout that the vaccine doesn't do this, it doesn't do that...yet nothing in my post claimed the vaccine was a golden solution...the point being, until a large % of the population is vaccinated - (or they come up with a unified treatment plan) - we are going to stay in this exact same situation for 2 or 3, or more years.  Educate me on how this isn't true or a different outcome?

if you think any president is going to stand up and say, lets just quit suggesting the vaccine because of everything you posted (Biden, Trump, whomever)- and let everything just go back to normal, you're delusional -  it doesn't matter if that would be the best course of action (and FWIW - i think that would be the best thing to do)...too many people will feel like that person is basically saying, f it, i don't care if people die...which won't fly as that's just too cruel in too many peoples eyes...the term the truth hurts is perfect for this.

The world (some parts more than others) needs to realize this is just a stronger flu - and like in years past, some people get it, some people die, some choose to get a flu vaccine, some dont...and move on.  But that won't happen unless there's a unified treatment plan - or a large % is vac'd.

It's comical when people argue why the vaccine won't help - yet don't offer any legitimate alternative solution that will get us back to normal.  If those people don't want things to go back to normal, that's one thing - but if they do, they need to start coming up with, again, valid legitimate alternatives.

2-3 days??? you think that's all that's happening..... you my friend are wrong. I see patients everyday with covid vaccine related complications ranging from strokes, loss of active use of limbs (paralyzation), vision loss, blah blah blah. The point is as a proud American I will never "concede" as you have put it in order to get back to "normal". If that's what it takes to return to "normal" then count me out. Go live in China, North Korea, Cuba, they have similar trends they force on their people and now Australia.  FYI viruses never die. Ever. sooooo 🤔 please explain to me how abiding by this clowns "mandate" is doing anything but abusing power he doesnt have.
Explain to me an alternative that will get us back to normal?  I'm genuinely curious, especially given you seem to work in a hospital.

If you notice, you're not paying are just quick to stand up and shout that the vaccine doesn't do this, it doesn't do that...yet nothing in my post claimed the vaccine was a golden solution...the point being, until a large % of the population is vaccinated - (or they come up with a unified treatment plan) - we are going to stay in this exact same situation for 2 or 3, or more years.  Educate me on how this isn't true or a different outcome?

if you think any president is going to stand up and say, lets just quit suggesting the vaccine because of everything you posted (Biden, Trump, whomever)- and let everything just go back to normal, you're delusional -  it doesn't matter if that would be the best course of action (and FWIW - i think that would be the best thing to do)...too many people will feel like that person is basically saying, f it, i don't care if people die...which won't fly as that's just too cruel in too many peoples eyes...the term the truth hurts is perfect for this.

The world (some parts more than others) needs to realize this is just a stronger flu - and like in years past, some people get it, some people die, some choose to get a flu vaccine, some dont...and move on.  But that won't happen unless there's a unified treatment plan - or a large % is vac'd.

It's comical when people argue why the vaccine won't help - yet don't offer any legitimate alternative solution that will get us back to normal.  If those people don't want things to go back to normal, that's one thing - but if they do, they need to start coming up with, again, valid legitimate alternatives.
Why wouldn't the government be promoting healthy immune systems, eating better, supplements things that actually do help your body fight off sickness. There seemed to be a lot of doctors and research that there are certain drugs that are very cheap and inexpensive that help with this but no mainstream doctor or government well not prescribed to it or accept it. I've had it and live through it already. my best friend has been in the hospital for two months fighting for his life if he makes this week my prayers will be answered. The CDC even has posted how the effects of this vaccine are the worst compared to all others combined. Covid is a real, thing people really just need to stay aware and start their own personal treatment and soon as they feel  any sickness. I hope everyone just stay safe and is proactive.

Said this in a few different threads but here it is again for context- I had a runny nose and slight cough and tested C-19 positive in Jan 2021 twice within 3 days. Had zero symptoms by then but took my mandated 14 days off work.

I work in a hospital and it was announced a month ago the vax is mandatory by Oct 1st. Told them I'm not getting it. Asked our union for their stance and those clowns (not a big union guy myself) said I needed to get the vax. Eff our union. 

I get an email every week saying I need to get the vax. I ignore it and keep working. Got another mass e.ail saying there will be a medical and religious opt-out for the vax but they didn't have it set up yet. Sweet, not religious but I'll tell them Jesus said I shouldn't get the vax. I asked for the paperwork and they don't have it yet, still working on the form. 

Got an email the other day stating 9/9/21 was the last day to get the first shot in order to get the second shot before the 10/1/21 deadline, unless we want the single shot. I asked for the exemption form again and was told they don't have it yet. 

I'm required to fill out an exemption form that doesn't exist in order to not lose my job by Oct 1st. Eff them, fire me. 

Explain to me an alternative that will get us back to normal?  I'm genuinely curious, especially given you seem to work in a hospital.
get vaccinated k cool and since it is possible…..what if MORE mandates come down and MORE govt control comes down but with no change in what/how we are living. Meaning 60k people die each year from the flu that has a vaccine (flu shot 🙄) yes it slows the rise and symptoms but it has never gone away. so then what. U keep asking for an alternative. Well that’s an alternative. There has been no promise of what will happen after EVERYONE or 90% whatever get vaccinated. No rainbows no free duning no “back to normal”. You are “assuming” it will get better but there is a large possibility it doesn’t. Just more govt control and division of the beautiful U. S. A. 🇺🇸
OVER THIS TOPIC time to dune. 

I respect your opinion but really prefer to talk about Glamis, Dumont, rippin a bowl, singing a tune, stuff like that. 👍🏼

get vaccinated k cool and since it is possible…..what if MORE mandates come down and MORE govt control comes down ? 
Bingo !

It's Just teo weeks

It's just a mask

it's just 6 feet

it's just the adults

it's just indoor activities

it's just the schools

it's just a shot 

it's just a passport

it's just your home

it's just a shot

it's just your job

it's just your life

it's just the beginnig 

Where do we end ? locked inside with military on the streets ? It's like a boa that keeps sqeezing every time you exhale. 

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If you notice, you're not paying are just quick to stand up and shout that the vaccine doesn't do this, it doesn't do that...yet nothing in my post claimed the vaccine was a golden solution...the point being, until a large % of the population is vaccinated - (or they come up with a unified treatment plan) - we are going to stay in this exact same situation for 2 or 3, or more years.  Educate me on how this isn't true or a different outcome?

if you think any president is going to stand up and say, lets just quit suggesting the vaccine because of everything you posted (Biden, Trump, whomever)- and let everything just go back to normal, you're delusional -  it doesn't matter if that would be the best course of action (and FWIW - i think that would be the best thing to do)...too many people will feel like that person is basically saying, f it, i don't care if people die...which won't fly as that's just too cruel in too many peoples eyes...the term the truth hurts is perfect for this.

The world (some parts more than others) needs to realize this is just a stronger flu - and like in years past, some people get it, some people die, some choose to get a flu vaccine, some dont...and move on.  But that won't happen unless there's a unified treatment plan - or a large % is vac'd.

It's comical when people argue why the vaccine won't help - yet don't offer any legitimate alternative solution that will get us back to normal.  If those people don't want things to go back to normal, that's one thing - but if they do, they need to start coming up with, again, valid legitimate alternatives.
The alternatives are what the latest Youtube expert says.  LOL!

Nobody sees the irony in people, without a second thought, quickly sucking down meds that some person  on Youtube says works (insert the latest elixir).  Yet scream I won't take an unproven vaccine.  

Joe Rogan beat Covid with horse paste, antibody treatment (probably the real reason he beat it so quickly), python chit, and unicorn piss they run out and order up the horse paste.   LOL!  

If you notice, you're not paying are just quick to stand up and shout that the vaccine doesn't do this, it doesn't do that...yet nothing in my post claimed the vaccine was a golden solution...the point being, until a large % of the population is vaccinated - (or they come up with a unified treatment plan) - we are going to stay in this exact same situation for 2 or 3, or more years.  Educate me on how this isn't true or a different outcome?

if you think any president is going to stand up and say, lets just quit suggesting the vaccine because of everything you posted (Biden, Trump, whomever)- and let everything just go back to normal, you're delusional -  it doesn't matter if that would be the best course of action (and FWIW - i think that would be the best thing to do)...too many people will feel like that person is basically saying, f it, i don't care if people die...which won't fly as that's just too cruel in too many peoples eyes...the term the truth hurts is perfect for this.

The world (some parts more than others) needs to realize this is just a stronger flu - and like in years past, some people get it, some people die, some choose to get a flu vaccine, some dont...and move on.  But that won't happen unless there's a unified treatment plan - or a large % is vac'd.

It's comical when people argue why the vaccine won't help - yet don't offer any legitimate alternative solution that will get us back to normal.  If those people don't want things to go back to normal, that's one thing - but if they do, they need to start coming up with, again, valid legitimate alternatives.
We agree, this is here to stay and we need to learn to live with it. A vaccine will not stop it. there is NO ALTERNATIVE. This thing is an engineered super virus. It will be ever evolving. The people responsible for letting this out of their lab need to be held responsible, and the rest of us need to get on with our lives. If you are scared or at risk take the appropriate precautions. The rest of society that will have practically zero ill effect should get on with their lives.

the govt is making this all about gaining power and controlling our lives


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The alternatives are what the latest Youtube expert says.  LOL!

Nobody sees the irony in people, without a second thought, quickly sucking down meds that some person  on Youtube says works (insert the latest elixir).  Yet scream I won't take an unproven vaccine.  

Joe Rogan beat Covid with horse paste, antibody treatment (probably the real reason he beat it so quickly), python chit, and unicorn piss they run out and order up the horse paste.   LOL!  
I have heard really good things about the antibidy treatment. My has been donating plasma for over year becasue he has the antibodies. He found out he had them at a blood drive in April 2020 never knew he had covid. May 2021 he was still strong and a great doner so it does show that the natural infection is real peice to helping calm this thing down. I wish our counrty would recognize that but they dont't benefit from a free medicine : ( 

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Trump would've never "mandated" it.  I believe he (and his advisers) would be intelligent enough to see how it would unroll...just like it is now. chit show.

I genuinely believe that the real fear in vacancies do to imposed mandates will fall on the companies, not the individual. They can not operate without staff.  It's a false front.  Massive amounts of jobs already listed in every sector.  And, many companies eating a truck load of crow when they require the shot, then just to watch their staff walk out the door.
That was not my question.  My question was if Trump issued the mandate, not whether he would.

I guess all those union workers will soon find out if the union has their best interest.  I really do not see that many people walking off their jobs or if they do for very long.  They have to eat, support themselves and their families.   Pretty easy to walk away from a $15-$30/hr job and find another.  Not so easy to walk way from a job that pays 6 figures and go find another that is not going to have the same mandates.  The ones that I can see leaving are the workers that are ready to retire.      

By the way there are many hospitals and healthcare networks that have mandated their employees get the shot.   I do not think many walked away from their jobs.  

Where Biden has overstepped is that normally it is left to the individual states to issue mandates, not the Federal government.   The Supreme Court has ruled that states can impose mandatory vaccination, this occurred with the Small Pox.  I think there is very strong chance these mandates will be shot down.  The unknow is if OSHA issues a rule.  
