More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

If every man woman and child got the shot tomorrow, COVID would still be here, people would still be spreading it and people would still be dying.  It is not going away ever.

The Government made a vaccine that could work better and who knows one day they might get it so it is better.

They made it free to get and easy to find a place to give it to you.  That should be the end of their involvement period.

They should continue to make it available and easy to get. 

What they shouldn't do is mandate that you get it, What I have no problem with them doing is continuing to protect you for the choice you made. No more government bailouts, Your insurance is going to have to cover you if you go into the hospital and if they want to raise your rates because of your vaccination status, well that is part of your decision making process isn't it.

Mandating the vaccine doesn't really do anything positive for anybody. Give people a choice, give them all the information they need to make an informed decision and leave it right there. 

I think it’s funny that some people seem to think there is a master list of all people in the country and all we have to do is put a check next to everyone’s name. There is NO way to verify that every person in this country has gotten the vaccine.

Not sure when the goal was changed from flatten the curve to eradicate the virus from the face of the earth, but eradication will never happen. This is no longer about the virus, it’s about maintaining power and more importantly maintaining the newly acquired emergency powers.

If Trump had issued this mandate how many would abide?    
 More of his supporters would have trusted it. However the media and the left would 100% against it and demanding that we not let this tyrant force us to take this shot. We need way more science and years of research before taking i. 

This is going to last another 2 or 3 years (or more)...unless 90% of the population gets vaccinated, period - end of story.  If you don't believe that by now you're not paying attention.  Pick your battle - argue for a variety of reasons to not get the vaccine and live with our current situation for another few years, or get the vaccine and feel like chit for 2 or 3 days.
You arent paying attention.

1 vaccine does not stop you from getting covid

2 vaccine does not stop you from spreading covid if you get it.

3 natural exposure is unanimously agreed to be the best thing to when it comes to exposure to other variants.

Yes. Vaccine nearly eliminates the possibility of dying or getting seriously ill from covid

covids nature and a habitually altering rhino virus means its NEVER going away. Thats why we still have the flu and common cold

its all bs. Open your eyes and maybe your mind.

its not about a vaccine its all a mental game to pit americans against each other

straight from the cdc’s website. Now you are informed if you paid attention


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There are several things about this directive that pisses me off, and I'm vaxed.

As most here know it's totally a political move, and Biden confirmed this by exempting the postal service due to pushback from their union. Also, there is no consideration given to those that have natural immunity from being exposed to the virus, which according to the "science" offers more protection over a longer period of time than the vax jab.

Biden's polling numbers are tanking across the board, including his handling of the pandemic. This is all about getting those numbers back up. 

And it will be interesting to see how the inevitable lawsuits work out. Maybe the carve outs the administration gave will bite them in the ass in court. I would bet the previous vax rulings by the SCOTUS did not have political carve outs. I may be simple minded, but I view a "mandate" as all or nothing?

As the vaccinated attack the non-vaccinated and blame them for the vaccine not working, no one is looking at the hundreds of Americans being held hostage in Afghanistan. All thanks to the guy that says everyone needs to be vaxed.

Nothing will get better until we stand together. 

I'm old enough to remember when they said you would be protected from COVID if you got the juice. Just 14 days to flatten the curve. 

 More of his supporters would have trusted it. However the media and the left would 100% against it and demanding that we not let this tyrant force us to take this shot. We need way more science and years of research before taking i. 
No I get the media would of jumped all over Trump if he issued a mandate.  He would say the sky is blue and the would say is was a liar.  LOL!   I am just curious if the people that are currently up in arms about the mandate would have a different view if Trump issued it.   

So the 20 plus years of them doing mRNA research is not enough? 

The vaccine is the product of Trump's operation warp speed and thanks to modern medicine they were able to get it done.   The rollout is the current administration and they have done a piss poor job on selling it to the public.   It takes years to completely eradicate a virus and Covid will be no different.  Small Pox, Measles, Polio and the others were not eradicated immediately after the vaccines were rolled out. 

Wouldn’t take it if Jesus himself endorsed it. Trump or not I’ll be waiting to see how it pans out. Had the Vid twice now so according to Fauci I can’t give it to you and you can’t give it to me. So no, I will not be chipped.

There are several things about this directive that pisses me off, and I'm vaxed.

As most here know it's totally a political move, and Biden confirmed this by exempting the postal service due to pushback from their union. Also, there is no consideration given to those that have natural immunity from being exposed to the virus, which according to the "science" offers more protection over a longer period of time than the vax jab.

Biden's polling numbers are tanking across the board, including his handling of the pandemic. This is all about getting those numbers back up. 

And it will be interesting to see how the inevitable lawsuits work out. Maybe the carve outs the administration gave will bite them in the ass in court. I would bet the previous vax rulings by the SCOTUS did not have political carve outs. I may be simple minded, but I view a "mandate" as all or nothing?
The previous vaccine mandate for Small Pox SCOTUS ruled on had the important exceptions that the current one has - religious and medical reasons. Public health and safety  give the gov. broader powers as we have seen.   The current make up of the Supreme Court justices might interpret the constitutionality differently, but I do not see them venturing off unless there are some oddities they can attack.  

By the way the USPS employees are required to get the shot.     

I tested COVID positive (vaccinated) last week, got it from another vaccinated coworker.

That being said, it was more of an annoyance, so the vaccine likely helped.  

Two of my friends early retired from Trader Joes because they were being forced to vaccine.  Stuck to their guns on it.

To me: personal choice.  Think the vaccine is more risk than covid?  Don't get it.  NMFP either way.  This chit is here to stay, vaccinated or not.

By the way the USPS employees are required to get the shot.     
Ya, I just read that. Apparently a Biden official said they were not subject to this order but they corrected that statement late last night.

Ya, I just read that. Apparently a Biden official said they were not subject to this order but they corrected that statement late last night.
You guys are misreading. They are not REQUIRED OR MANDATED to get the shot. Can get tested instead... which wont happen either. Post office follows zero federal laws or employee requirements by the way. They are terrible

If Trump had issued this mandate how many would abide?    

Going to be interesting to see how many people actually leave their good paying jobs over this.   I am guessing not as many as we think.   Where are they going to find a job that pays them similar money and does not have the same mandate?

We shall see how far the administration wants to push this and what legal suits ensue.   With the current supreme court maybe they go a different direction than the Supreme Court that held  mandatory small pox vaccines were allowed.  
Trump would've never "mandated" it.  I believe he (and his advisers) would be intelligent enough to see how it would unroll...just like it is now. chit show.

I genuinely believe that the real fear in vacancies do to imposed mandates will fall on the companies, not the individual. They can not operate without staff.  It's a false front.  Massive amounts of jobs already listed in every sector.  And, many companies eating a truck load of crow when they require the shot, then just to watch their staff walk out the door.

I genuinely believe that the real fear in vacancies do to imposed mandates will fall on the companies, not the individual. They can not operate without staff.  It's a false front.  Massive amounts of jobs already listed in every sector.  And, many companies eating a truck load of crow when they require the shot, then just to watch their staff walk out the door.
^^^^ I think is going to be an interesting thing (or could be).  I think a lot of the companies in CA are waiting to see what the other companies do & to see who gets the chit sued out of them first.  It seems kind of interesting what the Nurses are not doing.  Id be curious to see what the rates are in the nurse community right now. 

My company has >10K employees world wide.  so far they are playing very PC with the vaccine.  Mind you we have a bunch of cry baby liberal Kitty Kats running our local company (130 in our building).  Its sickening the BS game we continue to play with "corporate".  "accidentaly leaking" what the "board has the legal right to do", but they are going to not force us because they are so nice that way.

"allowing" folks to work with masks, while the Vax'd staff does not need to wear them.  Even though we all eat in the same room together............ 

Whether the USPS is mandated or not does not change the fact that there are carve outs. One being the arbitrary 100 employees or more benchmark. Does not seem to be an equal application of the rule to me.

Not to mention all the immigrants crossing the southern border that are given the option of taking the vaccine, which only 30% take the shot, yet they are trying to force the vax on our own citizens.

The conspiracy side of me see's this as a move to satisfy the democratic base (poll #'s) and also a way to shift the focus away from Afghanistan, which it has to some extent.

But, give it a few days and we will be posting on another thread about the next thing the idiot does. He definitely is a great source of hot topics to debate.

There is debate on whether or not you will qualify for unemployment if you lose your job based on not getting the shot.  
Have not heard about this little twist. True or FUD?

(I've googled around a little bit and found nothing to substantiate this so far, but i wouldn't put it past the .gov to try and to this route.)
