More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

So we already can’t get enough people to work. Now more will quit or be terminated for not getting vaccinated. Go file for unemployment because you can’t work. It just keeps getting worse.
There is debate on whether or not you will qualify for unemployment if you lose your job based on not getting the shot.  

Madow(MSNBC) is comparing this to Nixon signing OSHA into law. This is what OSHA was made for she says  Mandates are such a great accomplishment!!! 

Make antibodies readily available and you avoid all of this..

I don't get why any freedom loving American can be for this. You might have personal views but this isn't "American"...if you think it is, you've lost touch 

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Well first it was covid 19 then the Delta variant and now the new the Mu COVID-19 variant (also known as B.1.621) so there will be another vax or a booster. I believe this will never end until they have achieved the dna changing that they want.   

But you are. He has years of schooling, years of residency, years of private practice. Everything he has done up to this point is to train him to form an opinion as to what he feels is the best for each patient .  If you don't agree with him after a few internet articles and a pod cast. Maybe you should find another doctor. 

A good doctor should do his own due diligence in every Rx they write not what the Rx reps are pushing or what some catchy TV commercial is trying to get people to buy.  If you don't agree with your doctors research, then you should go doctor shopping. 
i will be shopping for a new dr. My best friend has access to some of the best dr's and info in the world, I trust what he says over a kid who is about 30 and a PA. He is the president of a huge company that deals in medical spine equipment, they have some major players from huge hospitals on their payroll.

I know 3 people who have taken iver.. and it cut their symptoms short. I was told about ivermectin back when covid first hit the us. at that time, it was being bought at tractor supply and being self dosed by some of my buddies. I have 2 that have stayed on the regimen with no issues, dosage based on body weight. That was a little out there for me, I'd take a rx, not sure about tractor supply lol.

Kind of ironic that Biden is mandating the vax that about a year ago he said he wouldn't trust it because Trump was involved with the development of it.

I pay through the butt for a PPO... my wife and family are on HMO.. that being said, my Dr. is a 'Sports Medicine' Doctor, who was raised anti-vax and ONLY takes CASH...

.. but I can get all the dope I want  :rofl:


This is going to last another 2 or 3 years (or more)...unless 90% of the population gets vaccinated, period - end of story.  If you don't believe that by now you're not paying attention.  Pick your battle - argue for a variety of reasons to not get the vaccine and live with our current situation for another few years, or get the vaccine and feel like chit for 2 or 3 days.

This is going to last another 2 or 3 years (or more)...unless 90% of the population gets vaccinated, period - end of story.  If you don't believe that by now you're not paying attention.  Pick your battle - argue for a variety of reasons to not get the vaccine and live with our current situation for another few years, or get the vaccine and feel like chit for 2 or 3 days.
2-3 days??? you think that's all that's happening..... you my friend are wrong. I see patients everyday with covid vaccine related complications ranging from strokes, loss of active use of limbs (paralyzation), vision loss, blah blah blah. The point is as a proud American I will never "concede" as you have put it in order to get back to "normal". If that's what it takes to return to "normal" then count me out. Go live in China, North Korea, Cuba, they have similar trends they force on their people and now Australia.  FYI viruses never die. Ever. sooooo 🤔 please explain to me how abiding by this clowns "mandate" is doing anything but abusing power he doesnt have.

So the douchebag in chief is signing an executive order requiring private businesses that employ over 100 people to require all the employees to get the jab.

I seriously hate this administration.
My nieces husband is career coast guard. He is 10 years in and his senior chief has been hounding him to get vaccinated and finally last week issued a direct written order to get vaccinated. He has refused. He was inline for a commendation last thurs. which he chief tried to stop. He still got it, but after the ceremony he got pulled aside and was told by his senior chief that he is personally going to see to it that he is brought up on insubordination charges and dishonorably discharged. 

All this after a perfect 10 year start to what was supposed to be a career. Going to be interesting to see how this plays out. I told him to write gov abbot and ted cruise an appeal letter (they are in texas).

my wife works for the usps (15 years) she was gonna quit if they forced her to vax. Biden gave the post office an exemption....

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My nieces husband is career coast guard. He is 10 years in and his senior chief has been hounding him to get vaccinated and finally last week issued a direct written order to get vaccinated. He has refused. He was inline for a commendation last thurs. which he chief tried to stop. He still got it, but after the ceremony he got pulled aside and was told by his senior chief that he is personally going to see to it that he is brought up on insubordination charges and dishonorably discharged. 

All this after a perfect 10 year start to what was supposed to be a career. Going to be interesting to see how this plays out. I told him to write gov abbot and ted cruise an appeal letter (they are in texas).

my wife works for the usps (15 years) she was gonna quit if they forced her to vax. Biden gave the post office an exemption....
That’s a hell of a 2 weeks to flatten the curve.  

Seriously, whiskey tango foxtrot over.  

So am I getting fired from my DoD job in 75 days, 99 days, or is it January 1st? Have heard all three. My supervisor has no idea so I figured I’d ask here where the knowledge base is. I mean a virus so deadly that they can mandate inoculations three months out instead of going door to door and ensuring each and every citizen prevents mankind being wiped out…

If Trump had issued this mandate how many would abide?    

Going to be interesting to see how many people actually leave their good paying jobs over this.   I am guessing not as many as we think.   Where are they going to find a job that pays them similar money and does not have the same mandate?

We shall see how far the administration wants to push this and what legal suits ensue.   With the current supreme court maybe they go a different direction than the Supreme Court that held  mandatory small pox vaccines were allowed.  

Soooo, anyone know how to get one of the fake cards, asking for a friend....
Just make sure you don't get it from that lady that was arrested for having a fake card.  She could not spell Moderna correctly.   LOL!!!
