Joke of the day! (No Memes)

What's the difference between a straight mans mustache and a ghay man's moustache???

The smell...


so if you take down and burn the American flag its freedom of speech, but if you burn other flags its hate speech and you go to jail, DA FAWK?

if you cant afford gas, just go buy an 80k electric car. DUH

what do strippers and peanut butter have in common?  they both spread for bread :peace:

Google why chainsaws were invented :blink:

I think politicians should wearing sponsor jackets like nascar, so we see who owns them

People in Qatar does not like The Flintstones, but people in Abu Dhabi do.

when yore children are teenagers it's important to have a dog so that somebody in the house is happy to see ya.

I will do so many great things when I am in office, says the lady currently in office :blink:

so if you cheat to get into college you can go to jail, but if you cheat to get into America you can go to college? 

so 90yr old granmas are patted down at the airport as a matter of national security, but our borders are left open and millions of people are invading monthly, Welcome to America 

One night sitting around the campfire BBB was pontificating to all the other campers.  He told them that he could see good in every man and could pay even the worst of them a compliment..

Silence fell over the campfire as everyone pondered but it was Crusty who was first to speak out

What about Pedifiles ? You could never find one good thing to say about pedifiles!!!!!!

All looked at the mighty BBB wondering if Crusty had finally got him stumped.

BBB, Smiled as he lifted his Keystone light to his lips and in one long drink finished off the beverage, crush the can with his hand and said...

Well they do drive slowly thru the School zones

Politicians and diapers have one thing in common, they both should be changed regularly. and for the same reason.

I am not particularly fond of people who fly in private jets to a meeting to discuss how to take away my car, but thats just me
So the white house isnt able to track billions of dollars sent to the ukraine and the US tresury is unable to track trillions of dollars during the pandemic
yes the IRS wants to know what you did with yore $5 and 38 cents went or your going to jail.
A recent poll was taken in California, asking if illegal immigration was a serious problem, %29 percent said yes but %71 said no es una problema seriosa.
where do bad Rainbows go?

to Prism, but its a Light sentence with time for Reflection