Is there any Human/Civil Rights Atty's on the board?

Question for any of the other Government employees here on Specifically the DoD ones. Some word was supposed to come down today concerning  the mass firing. I had heard nothing by the time I punched out and my wife is having surgery on Monday. I’ll be off until the 18th. Any chance that any of you heard anything? Thanks for a serious reply if you did.
We (DON-CIV (paycheck from DoD)) got our notice email tonight (received at 15:49 ) that we, "All Federal Civilian Employees" are now required to be fully vaccinated by 22NOV2021, with us having to have our 2nd shot no later than 08NOV2021 in order to be considered fully vaccinated by the deadline. Failure to be fully vaccinated by 22NOV2021 "...may result in disciplinary action up to and including your removal from federal service..." 

Not happy about this.

We (DON-CIV (paycheck from DoD)) got our notice email tonight (received at 15:49 ) that we, "All Federal Civilian Employees" are now required to be fully vaccinated by 22NOV2021, with us having to have our 2nd shot no later than 08NOV2021 in order to be considered fully vaccinated by the deadline. Failure to be fully vaccinated by 22NOV2021 "...may result in disciplinary action up to and including your removal from federal service..." 

Not happy about this.
DoD-DoN-Civ here and we haven't seen anything since an October 5 email regarding this. The 10/5 email gave those same timelines but also stated that the Navy's implementation guidance is not yet ready and will be sent out - no further guidance to date.

Wow that’s hard core….

   … I’m just so old an indestructible that I don’t care …

      … enough….

       Make your own choice … Eff any government BS….


PS. Shoot gave away my canned food pallet.. need to spend a minute and buy the good USA stuff… maybe $2500 worth.

someone send me a website 


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DoD-DoN-Civ here and we haven't seen anything since an October 5 email regarding this. The 10/5 email gave those same timelines but also stated that the Navy's implementation guidance is not yet ready and will be sent out - no further guidance to date.
That was what our 3 prior emails have said, (paraphrasing) here are the deadline dates we are aiming for but are waiting for DoN direction before making it officially mandatory.

Email recieved tonight was very direct, here are the mandatory dates. Get it done or face discipline. No more statement regarding waiting for DoN direction. Also included multiple reference attachments that have never been included before.

I would be interested to see if you get one tomorrow or Monday. You would think this is a DoN/DoD wide directive not just a command level decision.

As for your question about what the vaccinated people are worried about, it sounds like you think that the protected are worried that the unprotected will infect them. I don't think that's the case. They're concerned that the unvaxxed will end up on a ventilator, wishing they had gotten vaxxed when they had the chance. They're not worried about themselves, they're worried the unvaxxed might end up on a ventilator.
You are so wrong on this part, LOTD,

There are very few vaxxed people I know who are worried about me, it is all about them and the "world".

I do have ONE sister (out of 8 siblings and my parents) and some friends who are vaxxed and concerned about me but even read the comments on many articles and you'll see for most people there is no "concern" for the unvaxxed.

Let's keep it civil if you have issue with a member take it to pms.

Orange was looking for a referral not a debate  on the merits of if you should or should not get the vaccine. 

Edit to add: 

La County Sheriff's dept were going to loose so many officers they pulled their mandate.
I got a little extra, but hey summer is over and we needed a little excitement :lol:  

You are so wrong on this part, LOTD,

There are very few vaxxed people I know who are worried about me, it is all about them and the "world".

I do have ONE sister (out of 8 siblings and my parents) and some friends who are vaxxed and concerned about me but even read the comments on many articles and you'll see for most people there is no "concern" for the unvaxxed.
This is so correct, all the correspondence I've seen is them wishing we would just die(my sis-in-law is one of them)...  they can eat-a-bag-o-diks

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That was what our 3 prior emails have said, (paraphrasing) here are the deadline dates we are aiming for but are waiting for DoN direction before making it officially mandatory.

Email recieved tonight was very direct, here are the mandatory dates. Get it done or face discipline. No more statement regarding waiting for DoN direction. Also included multiple reference attachments that have never been included before.

I would be interested to see if you get one tomorrow or Monday. You would think this is a DoN/DoD wide directive not just a command level decision.
That's crazy. Curious how high that email you got was sent from... sent from a uniform or an SES? DoN has absolutely nothing yet so someone somewhere in the chain is inserting their own beliefs and jumping the gun, asking to get sued or fired.

Interesting story. Link to story at the bottom.

Biden Keeps Pushing Nonexistent Worker Vaccine Mandate, A Ploy That Keeps State Attorneys General From Filing Lawsuits

October 7, 2021 | Sundance | 370 Comments

Joe Biden did it again today.  A month after the first announcement, the White House occupant claimed again a Dept of Labor rule (via OSHA) is forthcoming, yet no such process appears to be taking place.  This ploy now seems very purposeful, because without an actual policy or regulation visibly in place, state attorneys general cannot file a lawsuit or request an injunction.

As long as Biden keeps threatening a DOL worker vaccination rule sometime in the future, many employers will take action to require worker vaccination.   This seems to be the actual strategy; bolstered by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki caught off-guard last week when asked about it.

Psaki had no idea how to answer the question about any OSHA activity not taking place (link).  Obviously Psaki didn’t expect the question, but it was also obvious that no background conversation had ever taken place amid the White House communication team.

Perhaps responding to an awakening on that issue, Joe Biden gave a speech today begging people to get vaccinated and again warning that a federal vaccine mandate for all workers was coming:

TRANSCRIPT – […] The Labor Department is going to shortly issue an emergency rule — which I asked for several weeks ago, and they’re going through the process — to require all employees [employers] with more than 100 people, whether they work for the federal government or not — this is within a — in the purview of the Labor Department — to ensure their workers are fully vaccinated or face testing at least once a week.

In total, this Labor Department vaccination requirement will cover 100 million Americans, about two thirds of all the people who work in America.

These requirements work.

[…] And as the Business Roundtable and others told me when I announced the first requirement, that encouraged businesses to feel they could come in and demand the same thing of their employees.  (more)

Biden then went on to praise companies who are doing it on their own.

Others are starting to notice as this article in the Federalist notes:

[…] According to several sources, so far it appears no such mandate has been sent to the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs yet for approval. The White House, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Department of Labor haven’t released any official guidance for the alleged mandate. There is no executive order. There’s nothing but press statements.

Despite what you may have been falsely led to believe by the media fantasy projection machine, press statements have exactly zero legal authority. Read more

Link to story.
You are so wrong on this part, LOTD,

There are very few vaxxed people I know who are worried about me, it is all about them and the "world".

I do have ONE sister (out of 8 siblings and my parents) and some friends who are vaxxed and concerned about me but even read the comments on many articles and you'll see for most people there is no "concern" for the unvaxxed.
I worded that post very precisely. I was responding to his post about vaxxed and unvaxxed, no one else. HIS POST sounded like that, and that's what I took from it. If he meant something else, well, read his post and see what you think. I was not speaking for anyone else.

What ANY other vaxxed person thinks is impossible to tell unless they tell you. That would be an assumption on your part. The same thing goes for why people don't want to get vaxxed. There are a lot of different reasons and nobody should assume what it is.

MY PERSONAL reason for wanting anyone to get vaxxed is to protect them, but if they don't want to, that is their choice and nobody should force them.

Keep in mind there are a lot of different groups here. Those who are vaxxed, those who don't want to get vaxxed, those who can'yt get vaxxed, those who want to force people to get vaxxed, etc etc. Just because someone is vaxxed does not lump them in with the gov't entities threatening people to get vaxxed.

Unvaxed are the 1930’s German Jews of today.  
C'mon, don't you think you're being a little hysterical? They're giving people a choice. Get vaxxed, or provide a medical or religious reason why you don't want to. Or sue, find another job - they have plenty of choices.

IF people start getting herded onto trains headed to concentration camps, then perhaps your analogy might be accurate. If it ever comes to that, people like myself will take an active role in protecting your rights. That's as specific as I'll get in public.

I've spoken to several of my fellow 2A gun owners and the majority of them told me - if forced to turn in their guns, they would hand them over. I'm more than a little disappointed in them. The reality is the only thing keeping a tyranny at bay is our collective firepower. If people don't start taking the fight for the 2A seriously and be willing to do whatever it takes, then none of us are really safe from the gov.

That's crazy. Curious how high that email you got was sent from... sent from a uniform or an SES? DoN has absolutely nothing yet so someone somewhere in the chain is inserting their own beliefs and jumping the gun, asking to get sued or fired.
One of the attachments included with the email is a Memorandum from the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, dated Oct 07, 2021. A lot of the email body looks to have come from this memo.

Directly from the memo:

"...all DON civilian employees must be fully vaccinated by November 22, 2021..."

Unvaxed are the 1930’s German Jews of today.  

Um, no.  Vaccine hesitancy / resistance has been around as long as there have been vaccines.  Lots of history about it if you care to look it up and read about it.  Here's an article from the AMA Journal of Ethics from 2012.

Any of this sound familiar:

Two primary themes can be seen throughout vaccine opposition movements of the past and present. The first is the perception among critics that vaccines, individually and collectively, cause more harm than the diseases that they are intended to prevent . . .

A second theme in this history is the close association between the promotion of vaccines and mandatory vaccination policies intended to ensure compliance.
one more:

In the United States, the Anti-Vaccination Society of America was established in 1879, and similar groups in cities brought together like-minded members of diverse religious, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups [4, 5]. They were often joined by medical practitioners whose views were outside the mainstream of their profession

So basically vaccine history simply repeating itself . . .

Let's keep it civil if you have issue with a member take it to pms.

Orange was looking for a referral not a debate  on the merits of if you should or should not get the vaccine. 

Edit to add: 

La County Sheriff's dept were going to loose so many officers they pulled their mandate.
Isn't there a "BLOCK" action we can take here to not see certain members post anymore?


I've had several people tell me they have a valid medical reason for not getting vaccinated, and I believe them. They know their bodies better than anyone else.

However, my mom OTOH was highly suggestive. She was treated with a huge array of experimental medicines to treat rheumatoid arthritis for over 40 yrs. At first, she seemed to be plagued with most of the adverse side affects, until I started taking the huge 10 page list of side effects home with me. Suddenly, her laundry list of side effects shrunk down to 1 or 2 mild ones, nothing like it was before. It turned out her big problem was the paperwork, not the medication.

C'mon, don't you think you're being a little hysterical? They're giving people a choice. Get vaxxed, or provide a medical or religious reason why you don't want to. Or sue, find another job - they have plenty of choices.

IF people start getting herded onto trains headed to concentration camps, then perhaps your analogy might be accurate. If it ever comes to that, people like myself will take an active role in protecting your rights. That's as specific as I'll get in public.

I've spoken to several of my fellow 2A gun owners and the majority of them told me - if forced to turn in their guns, they would hand them over. I'm more than a little disappointed in them. The reality is the only thing keeping a tyranny at bay is our collective firepower. If people don't start taking the fight for the 2A seriously and be willing to do whatever it takes, then none of us are really safe from the gov.
Point 1) If they start herding, it's too late and we're effed. So I don't think he's being hysterical at all... I shouldn't have to choose between a needle and a feeding my family, working a job that I've spent over half my life at. 

Point 2) if your 2A friends are willing to cave that easily, they are pussies and shouldn't own guns in the 1st place IMHO
