Is there any Human/Civil Rights Atty's on the board?

That's your answer? You have all these figures and statistics, and that is your answer, educate myself? 
 What a joke huh? Post that level of detail and don't have the balls to back it up. 

Maybe you have 'faith' in the Government.. maybe you'll die from this shot.. here's something to help you with your mood .. either way.. I know it's 'serious' but I like to see the 'lighter side of life.'


PS. Pretend Benny is the Government.. or the vaccine.. you'll get it..

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A friend from high school is a bio-engineer with 4 PhDs.  He's a prodigy of sorts.  He worked on the Pfizer vaccine.  His wife is a molecular biologist with 3 PhDs.  She also worked on the Pfizer vaccine.

I've been in healthcare administration since my 2nd semester of college.  I've established relationships with healthcare leaders in both the private and public sector.

Surf and Dune is wrong on most of his claims/assessments.

I choose the position of "My Body, My Choice."
 I said from the start that non of us know the real truth at this point, I'm just sharing my opinion. My hope is non of our choices cause any of us harm.

Just an Observation ..........

NEVER argue with an idiot.....The people watching won't know who is who. There are guys that troll the board and :stirshit:  up on things they know will get tempers flairing and then try and sound so on the edge and smug with their comments.

Its why I can't be a moderator ....... I would just hit delete on their profiles and never think about it again...... A douche is a douche.........even on !

I love to Surf AND I love to Dune........some how those two words written together make my skin crawl  There are a few of them around here. The moderators need to assign "RESIDENT JACKAZZ" badges to their profiles that are visible to people so they don't take the bait..........It really drags the morale down with their chit head comments!

 Sorry not everyone around here agrees with you. A civilized debate, and having a mature discussion with those that don't necessarily agree with you is clearly not something you're capable of. There are thin skinned people like you on both sides of the aisle that would prefer to have a big circle jerk with similarly thin skinned people, that have no desire to hearing anyone else's  view without being offended. Stay triggered jerkoff. 


29 minutes ago, Air450 said:

Absolute genius!

"Four more people got vaccinated. That's four saved lives"

This is the shizz that pisses me off. I didn't know it was a 100% death rate. People act like if you don't get the jab, you're a deadman.

Death rate in San Diego is .01 percent as of last numbers put out.

And yeah, isn't that lovely that he can say that with honor.

 Sorry not everyone around here agrees with you. A civilized debate, and having a mature discussion with those that don't necessarily agree with you is clearly not something you're capable of. There are thin skinned people like you on both sides of the aisle that would prefer to have a big circle jerk with similarly thin skinned people, that have no desire to hearing anyone else's  view without being offended. Stay triggered jerkoff. 
I do have a desire to hear both sides. I myself am vacinated and it was the right choice for me.....However I 100% respect the rights and reasons that other have for not doing it. I don't spew crap at them and act high and mighty in my replies.

Its when some Douche Bag like yourself comes on here holier than thou spouting the upside of empty planes and all the azzwipe things you say just to piss people off.........just like you did to me in the Brawley steak tread with your gormet USDA beef and garnished whatever in your backyard oasis.

You truely think your chit dont stink !!!! Its incredible........All you do is TROLL the board and argue with smart azz replies to everyone........

Please don't confuse the art of a good debate with being a total DOUCHE!!! 

Remember Cupcake.............Jesus Loves you.....Everyone else thinks your an AZZHOLE!!!!

G F Y S !!!!! 



I do have a desire to hear both sides. I myself am vacinated and it was the right choice for me.....However I 100% respect the rights and reasons that other have for not doing it. I don't spew crap at them and act high and mighty in my replies.

Its when some Douche Bag like yourself comes on here holier than thou spouting the upside of empty planes and all the azzwipe things you say just to piss people off.........just like you did to me in the Brawley steak tread with your gormet USDA beef and garnished whatever in your backyard oasis.

You truely think your chit dont stink !!!! Its incredible........All you do is TROLL the board and argue with smart azz replies to everyone........

Please don't confuse the art of a good debate with being a total DOUCHE!!! 

Remember Cupcake.............Jesus Loves you.....Everyone else thinks your an AZZHOLE!!!!

G F Y S !!!!! 


That might be the gayest post I've ever read in the 15 years I've been on here. Sorry man, forgot its 2021.

That might be the gayest post I've ever read in the 15 years I've been on here. Sorry man, forgot its 2021.
I am glad you have such great "Gaydar"  You Go Girl......You are WINNING!!!!!!


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Question for any of the other Government employees here on Specifically the DoD ones. Some word was supposed to come down today concerning  the mass firing. I had heard nothing by the time I punched out and my wife is having surgery on Monday. I’ll be off until the 18th. Any chance that any of you heard anything? Thanks for a serious reply if you did.

Let's keep it civil if you have issue with a member take it to pms.

Orange was looking for a referral not a debate  on the merits of if you should or should not get the vaccine. 

Edit to add: 

La County Sheriff's dept were going to loose so many officers they pulled their mandate.

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Question for any of the other Government employees here on Specifically the DoD ones. Some word was supposed to come down today concerning  the mass firing. I had heard nothing by the time I punched out and my wife is having surgery on Monday. I’ll be off until the 18th. Any chance that any of you heard anything? Thanks for a serious reply if you did.
Wife is DoD....nothing yet.

Take the vaccine I don’t take the vaccine I can tell you is that

I don’t know

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… and I just bought more t-shirts had 4 white long sleeves… all destroyed 

got short and longs on order 


